esES update for v1.9.9.1634 and a error

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esES update for v1.9.9.1634 and a error

Postby maqjav » Fri Feb 08, 2008 12:12 am


I see that now you are using SVN, but i haven't access for update the spanish translations, so here is the RAR file with all them :).

It has a error with the gems in the spanish locale, when it says
"Required at least 1 red gems" (for example).

Here is the URL. ... nfo&a=c:47

I tried to fix it in the esES.php file, but it doesn't work, i think because it says...

"Requiere al menos 1 gema roja(s)", look the (s).
eses v1.9.9.1634.rar
esES updates
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esES update for v1.9.9.1634 and a error

Postby zanix » Fri Feb 08, 2008 12:26 am

Thanks for the update

We have been using SVN for quite some time now, somewhere around the last 2 years
There is just no public write access, only read access
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