Popup error - impossible to diagnose

Sync Blizzards' Armory data with WoWRoster (addon depreciated no longer works see ApiSync)

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Popup error - impossible to diagnose

Postby Keviel » Mon Feb 04, 2008 6:45 am

I've upgraded Roster to 1625, then ArmorySync to 361.

I cleared cache under Roster.

I had to create a cache dir under ArmorySync, since it suddenly started getting errors that it couldn't find the file \roster\addons\armorysync\cache\uniqueidentifieryaddayadda - all the files were downloaded, as usual, to the roster\cache - but it suddenly stopped looking there. Creating the cache directory under armorysync however fixed that, so no biggie. I probably just missed the change on that.


Whenever I do an update - if I do "per character", it stalls for a little while, then I get an empty popup with an exclamation mark. No error, no nothing. The PHP errors indicate nothing wrong. It just stops with a useless error box.

I tried "per page" instead, in which case it manages to parse a couple of items on average - and then I get the same popup with nothing in it.

Turning off AJAX, I get a completely blank page, when I hit update - no nothing of any kind.

It seems to be some java-stuff that's failing, but I can't figure out exactly what's causing it. I'm not all too keen on the prospect of starting from scratch again, albeit of course it can become necessary, if nobody has any good ideas. This was all working fine just a week ago.

Thanks in advance. - attached is a screenshot of the amazing error text
error documentation 4.jpg
error documentation 4.jpg (5.82 KiB) Viewed 842 times
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Popup error - impossible to diagnose

Postby poetter » Mon Feb 04, 2008 8:58 am

What are your versions? php,mysql,...
Did you try Firefox?
Does it happen after about 30secs?
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Popup error - impossible to diagnose

Postby Keviel » Mon Feb 04, 2008 5:17 pm

Sorry, forgot those "minor" details, since I'm used to having it in my signature >.<

It's running on:

PHP: 5.2.1
MySQL: 5.0.27
Apache: 2.0.52

I run in Firefox per standard - never touch IE unless somebody forces it down my throat.

30 seconds sounds about right. - It feels shorter during "per character" though - about 10-15 seconds.
Last edited by Keviel on Mon Feb 04, 2008 5:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
PHP: 5.2.1 / MySQL: 5.0.27 / Apache: 2.0.52
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Re: Popup error - impossible to diagnose

Postby Keviel » Mon Feb 04, 2008 5:31 pm

Tried IE for the sake of argument. It crashed IE with a kernel32 error in iexplore.exe at the exact same point. About 5-10 seconds after pressing update.

(by the way - this is a single character update I'm attempting)
PHP: 5.2.1 / MySQL: 5.0.27 / Apache: 2.0.52
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Popup error - impossible to diagnose

Postby Keviel » Tue Feb 05, 2008 5:29 pm

Any ideas? I can change the admin password and PM it to you, if you want, for testing purposes.
PHP: 5.2.1 / MySQL: 5.0.27 / Apache: 2.0.52
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Popup error - impossible to diagnose

Postby Keviel » Mon Feb 11, 2008 7:31 pm

Fixed. Uninstalled the addon, deleted all files from the server relating to it - and reuploaded the latest trunk. And pouf, it works. Apparently some files or database entries were not what they should've been, and were blocking. Incident closed.
PHP: 5.2.1 / MySQL: 5.0.27 / Apache: 2.0.52
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Popup error - impossible to diagnose

Postby Keviel » Mon Feb 11, 2008 7:39 pm

I said that too early. It did work - but after a while it came up again. After roughly 20 or so updates, it failed again with the same nonsensical error. I tried again, it did 5 more users - and the same error. Now it does it again with every one. Need to figure out what's going on. *scratch*
PHP: 5.2.1 / MySQL: 5.0.27 / Apache: 2.0.52
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Popup error - impossible to diagnose

Postby Keviel » Mon Feb 11, 2008 7:40 pm

Hmmm, emptied the jobqueue and job tables, and it runs again for a few users... What the...
PHP: 5.2.1 / MySQL: 5.0.27 / Apache: 2.0.52
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Popup error - impossible to diagnose

Postby Keviel » Mon Feb 11, 2008 9:10 pm

Right - did an uninstall from the addon manager, then installed again - and it runs again for a while. Whenever it fails, I can reinstall the addon, and it works. I might have to dump the database when it fails, then reinstall ArmorySync, dump the database, and then cross reference the two. Meh. Not sure what's going on here at all.
PHP: 5.2.1 / MySQL: 5.0.27 / Apache: 2.0.52
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Popup error - impossible to diagnose

Postby poetter » Sun Feb 17, 2008 3:10 am

What is your guild, server and region. may be this has something to do with localization. I can reproduce this problem.
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