Working fine, but "x-y" inverted

Displays the Guild vault introduced in WoW 2.3

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Working fine, but "x-y" inverted

Postby fjouanny » Thu Jan 31, 2008 7:29 pm

Hi there,
Just finishing to install GuildVault, last version (

After resolving some problems with the refresh of the CP.lua file (conflicting with another mod but I don't know wich of them...), I have a strange problem: My bank is displayed horizontaly instead of verticaly
See screen shot "ingame" and "With GuildVault".

I'm French, and using the french in my roster.
Any suggestions ?

Thanks a lot
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Working fine, but "x-y" inverted

Postby Nefuh » Thu Jan 31, 2008 9:42 pm

Yeah the sorting of the tab is not 100% like ingame. My intention was to be shown primarily the contents of the guildbank. But all Items in the tab should be displayed.

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Working fine, but "x-y" inverted

Postby fjouanny » Fri Feb 01, 2008 5:42 pm

OK understand, but do you think it could be possible to swap the order. I don't think that it could be very difficult for you as a developper, couldn't it ?
Because at this time, it's the add-on I need to see the "real" bank of the Guild (the vault) and not the items of each bank of each player.
It will be very nice from you if you can ...

Thanks a lot !

[Edit] Isn't it in the ingame.php, ingame_single.php, ingame_single_nojava.php, and sorted.php files that it could something to invert ?
Last edited by fjouanny on Fri Feb 01, 2008 7:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Working fine, but "x-y" inverted

Postby Nefuh » Sat Feb 02, 2008 4:50 am

The problem is that all routines at the moment just go output the content of an array (unsorted).

I will take a loot if it is easy possible to solve this, so the items will be display at the place where they are ingame.

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Working fine, but "x-y" inverted

Postby zanix » Sat Feb 02, 2008 7:07 am

The guild vault included with Roster 2.0 Beta has the order correct
I did have to change how the icons were outputted
Instead of left to right, I had to make it go top to bottom, which needed some css tweaks
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Working fine, but "x-y" inverted

Postby Nefuh » Mon Feb 04, 2008 3:33 am

Hey Zanix, thanks for info but if have gone another way ;)

I made 2 loops. One for rows (1-7) and one for the colum (get value from first loop as start and calculate end value (start value + (7 * 13)).

@fjouanny: Try the new Version 9 from my addon. Now with and ordering system for items. All info´s in the stick thread you can find here.

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Re: Working fine, but "x-y" inverted

Postby fjouanny » Mon Feb 04, 2008 3:53 pm

Nefuh, you're the best !
It works absolutely nice ! Fantastique !

May I find a little (but very little) bug:
I'm using a French Roster. In the menu window of the roster (where you can find the roster, config, stats... and Add-Ons, buttons), there is one "Métiers" (jobs in English), with accents.
Your three buttons look like this:
Nouveau Banque de la Guilde le loch
Gv Orders
New Guildbank

Well, when I click on "New Guildbank" button, "Métiers" became "Métiers" (only for this button, for the two others, it's OK.

Another suggestion:
It becomes trouble to make distinction (in French), beetwen "Banque de la Guilde" (original function of the Roster), and New Guildbank.
In fact, in french, the better words would be "Richesses de la Guilde" for the original function, I mean all the items that all the players have, and "Coffre de la Guilde" for the GuidVault Add-on.
In that case, in the menu window of the roster, we can have:
"Richesses de la Guilde" (the original one)
In the Add-On section (your add-on):
"Coffre de Guilde" instead of "New Guildbank"
"Commandes d'objets" instead of "Gv Orders" (but may be it's too long)
"Journal du Coffre" instead of "Nouveau Banque de la Guilde le loch"

Another suggestion (again):
About the Gv Order:
First, need french translation, but I can help you, if you need.
Second, it would be fine to pass an order directly from the jobs compos, because at this time of developpment of your add-on, it means that we can order only an item present in the GuildVault. It would be fine to told to everybody of the Guild that I need a specific item, and may be this function of your add-on can help us. I know that there is other add-ons that doing such job, but...

But, thanks thanks thanks a lot, it's a real great job.

Zanix, about the v2 béta, as I wrote on another post, I tried to install it, but it doesn't work, and I sent you the result. In fact, the installation is not as "neewbie one" that for the v1.73. You told me to check with my website provider, but It's quite difficult. I will wait for the final release of the v2.

Have a nice day,
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Re: Working fine, but "x-y" inverted

Postby fjouanny » Mon Feb 04, 2008 5:00 pm

Few minutes of work, and that's it.
May I suggest those new localization files ?
"localization.php" is for GuildVault
"localization_log.php" is for GuildVault_Log and need to be renamed in "Localization.php" and placed in the correct folder.
"localization_orders.php", same thing, but for GuilVault_Orders.

Can you told me how, in PHP, I can write the "à", and the "ê", and the "è". I found for the "é".

Just a little question about GV_Orders: I place an order, OK. When I consult the orders, I see the red flag and when I put the mouse on it, I have "Put the order as closed"... May be there is a misunderstood. The flag must be green (as an active or open order, still OK because it's a fresh new one), and when the flag is Red, to have "open the order".

Read you soon,

[Edit]: another little question about the accents: when I put my mouse on the items in the GuildVault windows, all the accents are... not displayed... Is there something to do ?
3 files with new French Localization
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Last edited by fjouanny on Mon Feb 04, 2008 5:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Working fine, but "x-y" inverted

Postby Nefuh » Mon Feb 04, 2008 9:05 pm

Hey fjouanny,

thanks for the nice words ;)

Many thanks for the french translation. I added this to the localisation.php in each folder, and write that you have translated it. I´m from germany and in school i only have had 1 year french and didn´t understand very much ;), so thank you for the help.

To your question for GV-Orders. When a new order where make, the icon always shows the red flag, so that you can see this order is open. The green flag should display you ok this order is done. Like a todo list where you make hooks (<- hope this is the right word) after each line that have done.

The problem with no accents could be a html failure. Can you post me your CharacterProfiler.lua so i can take a look of french tooltips and itemnames.

Generally it´s possible in the localization.php, when you need an accents to do this by HTML-Code:

Code: Select all
à    a with accent grave (Gravis)     &agrave; &#224;
á    a with accent aigu (Akut)          &aacute; &#225;
â    a with circumflex                     &acirc; &#226;
ã    a with Tilde                              &atilde; &#227;
ä    a                                            &auml; &#228;
è    e with accent grave (Gravis)     &egrave; &#232;
é    e with accent aigu (Akut)          &eacute; &#233;
ê    e with circumflex                     &ecirc; &#234;
ë    e                                            &euml; &#235;
ò    o with accent grave (Gravis)     &ograve; &#242;
ó    o with accent aigu (Akut)          &oacute; &#243;
ô    o with circumflex                      &ocirc; &#244;
õ    o with Tilde                              &otilde; &#245;
ö    o                                            &ouml; &#246;
ù    u with accent grave (Gravis)     &ugrave; &#249;
ú    u with accent aigu (Akut)          &uacute; &#250;
û    u with circumflex                     &ucirc; &#251;
ü    u                                            &uuml; &#252;                                       
ý    y with accent aigu (Akut)         &yacute; &#253;
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