Should we activate our forums "Karma" options?

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Should we activate our forums "Karma" options?

Total votes : 16

Should we activate our forums "Karma" options?

Postby Anaxent » Mon Jan 28, 2008 6:36 am

We current developers here at have been pondering on an idea which will help in developing our community and provide a better means in recruiting new developers for Our forums has an option called "Karma" which works on a point system and allows others here in the community to add or take away points based on the performance seen with in the forums. So now that that has been said and we are a community full of many great minds which may not all think a like i would like to propose a vote on this idea to get a better understanding on how everyone here in the community feels.

Should we activate our forums "Karma" options?
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Should we activate our forums "Karma" options?

Postby MattM » Mon Jan 28, 2008 10:05 am

I think this will help all of the over thinkers (including myself).
Last edited by MattM on Mon Jan 28, 2008 10:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Should we activate our forums "Karma" options?

Postby Teta68 » Mon Jan 28, 2008 3:39 pm

Sounds like a good idea... let the people decide who their heroes are instead of the media... wait, is this the right forum?

Lucky it isn't active yet, could have lost some points with this post ;)

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Should we activate our forums "Karma" options?

Postby Diska » Mon Jan 28, 2008 5:50 pm

The idea is nice, but personally I can never be bothered with using systems like that. By regularly reading a forum I form my own ideas about people and that usually works well enough for me.
I can imagine the system would be helpful to less frequent visitors of the site.

I'm not quite certain how this would aid recruiting new developers though. Would you guys hope that this system would help you spot potential developers, or do you intend to use it as a measurement of someone's capabilities?
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Should we activate our forums "Karma" options?

Postby zanix » Tue Jan 29, 2008 12:12 am

I guess it really would be a measure of someone's presense here
How much people apreciate them

This certainly wouldn't be (and isn't) the only way we pick developers
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Should we activate our forums "Karma" options?

Postby MattM » Tue Jan 29, 2008 5:21 am

It's true, the "points" in a system like this can't be used to measure.... anything.

It's all about perception.

However, It could be a good change.
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Re: Should we activate our forums "Karma" options?

Postby Gaxme » Fri Feb 01, 2008 3:45 am

I agree that it's only useful...if it is used. I've never activated it on a forum I run, but it seems like it could have some utility.

I'd be game for it. I tend to err on the side of a lot of reading and only really chiming in when I feel I can contribute seriously. Most times the rest of you beat me easily to the punch. =)

Still, if it's useful for the more active here, then it's useful overall.
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