Seemed to work fine, but when meddling with some settings I ran into this:
- I tried to change the show website url to off while setting the custom text to enabled with some text:
- Code: Select all
UPDATE `roster_addons_siggen_config` SET `clear_dir` = '0/', `text_sitename_disp` = '0', `text_custom_disp` = '1', `text_custom_loc_y` = '79', `text_custom_text` = '', `text_custom_font_name` = 'TEMPSITC.TTF', `text_custom_font_size` = '9', `text_custom_font_color` = '##FF990' WHERE `config_id` = 'signature'
File: lib/dbal/mysql.php
Line: 207
Backtrace (most recent call last):
Line: 240
Function Called: backtrace
Line: 207
Function Called: die_quietly
1054: Unknown column 'clear_dir' in 'field list'
Database Error
UPDATE `roster_addons_siggen_config` SET `clear_dir` = '0/', `text_sitename_disp` = '0', `text_custom_disp` = '1', `text_custom_loc_y` = '79', `text_custom_text` = '', `text_custom_font_name` = 'TEMPSITC.TTF', `text_custom_font_size` = '9', `text_custom_font_color` = '##FF990' WHERE `config_id` = 'signature'
Line: 707
Function Called: query
UPDATE `roster_addons_siggen_config` SET `clear_dir` = '0/', `text_sitename_disp` = '0', `text_custom_disp` = '1', `text_custom_loc_y` = '79', `text_custom_text` = '', `text_custom_font_name` = 'TEMPSITC.TTF', `text_custom_font_size` = '9', `text_custom_font_color` = '##FF990' WHERE `config_id` = 'signature'
Line: 158
Function Called: processData
Array ( [sc_op] => process [main_image_size_w] => 400 [main_image_size_h] => 85 [image_dir] => img/ [char_dir] => character/default/ [class_dir] => class/rounded/ [backg_dir] => background/defaultsig/ [user_dir] => members/ [pvplogo_dir] => pvp/default/ [frame_dir] => frame/ [level_dir] => level/ [border_dir] => border/ [font_dir] => fonts/ [link_type] => default [image_order] => char:frames:border:lvl:pvp:class [default_message] => SigGen Works [etag_cache] => 1 [image_type] => png [image_quality] => 85 [gif_dither] => 1 [save_images] => 1 [save_only_mode] => 0 [save_images_dir] => %ssig/ [save_images_format] => png [save_prefix] => [save_suffix] => [trigger] => 1 [guild_trigger] => 0 [clear_dir] => 0 [uniup_compat] => 1 [backg_disp] => 1 [backg_fill] => 0 [backg_fill_color] => #000000 [outside_border_image] => sig-black.png [frames_image] => default.png [backg_default_image] => default.png [backg_force_default] => 0 [backg_data_table] => players [backg_data] => race [backg_translate] => 1 [backg_search_1] => Night Elf [backg_file_1] => darnassus.png [backg_search_2] => Human [backg_file_2] => stormwind.png [backg_search_3] => Gnome [backg_file_3] => ironforge.png [backg_search_4] => Dwarf [backg_file_4] => ironforge.png [backg_search_5] => Orc [backg_file_5] => orgrimmar.png [backg_search_6] => Troll [backg_file_6] => orgrimmar.png [backg_search_7] => Tauren [backg_file_7] => thunderbluff.png [backg_search_8] => Undead [backg_file_8] => undercity.png [backg_search_9] => Draenei [backg_file_9] => exodar.png [backg_search_10] => Blood Elf [backg_file_10] => silvermoon.png [backg_search_11] => [backg_file_11] => [backg_search_12] => [backg_file_12] => [expbar_disp] => 1 [expbar_disp_bdr] => 0 [expbar_disp_inside] => 1 [expbar_max_disp] => 1 [expbar_max_level] => 70 [expbar_max_hidden] => 1 [expbar_loc_x] => 25 [expbar_loc_y] => 73 [expbar_length] => 100 [expbar_height] => 7 [expbar_disp_text] => 1 [expbar_string_before] => [ [expbar_string_after] => ] [expbar_max_string] => Max XP [expbar_color_border] => #000000 [expbar_color_inside] => #FFFFFF [expbar_color_bar] => #0B9BFF [expbar_color_maxbar] => #0B9BFF [expbar_trans_border] => 0 [expbar_trans_inside] => 80 [expbar_trans_bar] => 20 [expbar_trans_maxbar] => 0 [expbar_font_name] => VERANDA.TTF [expbar_font_color] => #000000 [expbar_font_size] => 6 [expbar_text_shadow] => [expbar_align] => center [expbar_align_max] => center [lvl_disp] => 1 [lvl_image] => yellow.png [lvl_loc_x] => 2 [lvl_loc_y] => 60 [lvl_text_loc_x] => 11 [lvl_text_loc_y] => 15 [lvl_font_name] => GREY.TTF [lvl_font_color] => #FFCC66 [lvl_font_size] => 9 [lvl_text_shadow] => [skills_disp_primary] => 1 [skills_disp_secondary] => 1 [skills_disp_mount] => 1 [skills_disp_desc] => 1 [skills_disp_level] => 1 [skills_disp_levelmax] => 0 [skills_desc_loc_x] => 285 [skills_desc_loc_y] => 12 [skills_level_loc_x] => 393 [skills_level_loc_y] => 12 [skills_desc_length] => 14 [skills_desc_length_mount] => 22 [skills_align_desc] => left [skills_align_level] => right [skills_desc_linespace] => 8 [skills_level_linespace] => 8 [skills_gap] => 2 [skills_font_name] => VERANDA.TTF [skills_font_color] => #9900CC [skills_font_size] => 7 [skills_shadow] => #330033 [charlogo_disp] => 1 [charlogo_default_image] => default-alliance.png [charlogo_loc_x] => 0 [charlogo_loc_y] => 0 [class_img_disp] => 1 [class_img_loc_x] => 90 [class_img_loc_y] => 3 [pvplogo_disp] => 0 [pvplogo_loc_x] => 98 [pvplogo_loc_y] => 38 [text_name_disp] => 1 [text_name_loc_x] => 204 [text_name_loc_y] => 42 [text_name_align] => center [text_name_font_name] => GREY.TTF [text_name_font_size] => 22 [text_name_font_color] => #0066FF [text_name_shadow] => #000000 [text_class_disp] => 1 [text_class_loc_x] => 124 [text_class_loc_y] => 38 [text_class_align] => right [text_class_font_name] => GREY.TTF [text_class_font_size] => 8 [text_class_font_color] => #99FF33 [text_class_shadow] => #000000 [text_honor_disp] => 0 [text_honor_loc_x] => 126 [text_honor_loc_y] => 68 [text_honor_align] => right [text_honor_font_name] => GREY.TTF [text_honor_font_size] => 8 [text_honor_font_color] => #99FF33 [text_honor_shadow] => #000000 [text_guildname_disp] => 1 [text_guildname_loc_x] => 204 [text_guildname_loc_y] => 64 [text_guildname_align] => center [text_guildname_font_name] => OLDENGL.TTF [text_guildname_font_size] => 18 [text_guildname_font_color] => #990000 [text_guildname_shadow] => #000000 [text_guildtitle_disp] => 1 [text_guildtitle_loc_x] => 128 [text_guildtitle_loc_y] => 18 [text_guildtitle_align] => left [text_guildtitle_font_name] => GREY.TTF [text_guildtitle_font_size] => 9 [text_guildtitle_font_color] => #FF9900 [text_guildtitle_shadow] => #000000 [text_servername_disp] => 1 [text_servername_loc_x] => 204 [text_servername_loc_y] => 79 [text_servername_align] => center [text_servername_font_name] => GREY.TTF [text_servername_font_size] => 9 [text_servername_font_color] => #00FFFF [text_servername_shadow] => #000000 [text_sitename_disp] => 0 [text_sitename_loc_x] => 394 [text_sitename_loc_y] => 79 [text_sitename_align] => right [text_sitename_remove] => 1 [text_sitename_font_name] => TEMPSITC.TTF [text_sitename_font_size] => 9 [text_sitename_font_color] => #FF9900 [text_sitename_shadow] => #000000 [text_custom_disp] => 1 [text_custom_loc_x] => 394 [text_custom_loc_y] => 79 [text_custom_text] => [text_custom_align] => right [text_custom_font_name] => TEMPSITC.TTF [text_custom_font_size] => 9 [text_custom_font_color] => ##FF990 [text_custom_shadow] => #000000 [text_spec_disp] => 1 [text_spec_loc_x] => 124 [text_spec_loc_y] => 48 [text_spec_align] => right [text_spec_font_name] => GREY.TTF [text_spec_font_size] => 8 [text_spec_font_color] => #FF6600 [text_spec_shadow] => #000000 [text_talpoints_disp] => 1 [text_talpoints_loc_x] => 124 [text_talpoints_loc_y] => 58 [text_talpoints_align] => right [text_talpoints_font_name] => GREY.TTF [text_talpoints_font_size] => 7 [text_talpoints_font_color] => #FF0000 [text_talpoints_shadow] => #000000 )
Array ( [config_id] => signature [db_ver] => 1.7 [trigger] => 1 [guild_trigger] => 0 [cleardir] => 0 [main_image_size_w] => 400 [main_image_size_h] => 85 [image_dir] => img/ [char_dir] => character/default/ [class_dir] => class/rounded/ [backg_dir] => background/defaultsig/ [user_dir] => members/ [pvplogo_dir] => pvp/default/ [frame_dir] => frame/ [level_dir] => level/ [border_dir] => border/ [font_dir] => fonts/ [link_type] => default [image_order] => char:frames:border:lvl:pvp:class [default_message] => SigGen Works [save_images] => 1 [save_only_mode] => 0 [uniup_compat] => 1 [save_prefix] => [save_suffix] => [save_images_dir] => %ssig/ [save_images_format] => png [etag_cache] => 1 [image_type] => png [image_quality] => 85 [gif_dither] => 1 [backg_disp] => 1 [backg_fill] => 0 [backg_fill_color] => #000000 [backg_default_image] => default.png [backg_force_default] => 0 [backg_data_table] => players [backg_data] => race [backg_translate] => 1 [backg_search_1] => Night Elf [backg_search_2] => Human [backg_search_3] => Gnome [backg_search_4] => Dwarf [backg_search_5] => Orc [backg_search_6] => Troll [backg_search_7] => Tauren [backg_search_8] => Undead [backg_search_9] => Draenei [backg_search_10] => Blood Elf [backg_search_11] => [backg_search_12] => [backg_file_1] => darnassus.png [backg_file_2] => stormwind.png [backg_file_3] => ironforge.png [backg_file_4] => ironforge.png [backg_file_5] => orgrimmar.png [backg_file_6] => orgrimmar.png [backg_file_7] => thunderbluff.png [backg_file_8] => undercity.png [backg_file_9] => exodar.png [backg_file_10] => silvermoon.png [backg_file_11] => [backg_file_12] => [font_fullpath] => 1 [outside_border_image] => sig-black.png [frames_image] => default.png [charlogo_disp] => 1 [charlogo_default_image] => default-alliance.png [charlogo_loc_x] => 0 [charlogo_loc_y] => 0 [class_img_disp] => 1 [class_img_loc_x] => 90 [class_img_loc_y] => 3 [pvplogo_disp] => 0 [pvplogo_loc_x] => 98 [pvplogo_loc_y] => 38 [lvl_disp] => 1 [lvl_font_name] => GREY.TTF [lvl_font_color] => #FFCC66 [lvl_font_size] => 9 [lvl_text_shadow] => [lvl_loc_x] => 2 [lvl_loc_y] => 60 [lvl_text_loc_x] => 11 [lvl_text_loc_y] => 15 [lvl_image] => yellow.png [expbar_disp] => 1 [expbar_disp_bdr] => 0 [expbar_disp_inside] => 1 [expbar_max_disp] => 1 [expbar_max_level] => 70 [expbar_max_hidden] => 1 [expbar_disp_text] => 1 [expbar_string_before] => [ [expbar_string_after] => ] [expbar_max_string] => Max XP [expbar_loc_x] => 25 [expbar_loc_y] => 73 [expbar_length] => 100 [expbar_height] => 7 [expbar_color_border] => #000000 [expbar_color_bar] => #0B9BFF [expbar_color_inside] => #FFFFFF [expbar_color_maxbar] => #0B9BFF [expbar_trans_border] => 0 [expbar_trans_bar] => 20 [expbar_trans_inside] => 80 [expbar_trans_maxbar] => 0 [expbar_font_name] => VERANDA.TTF [expbar_font_color] => #000000 [expbar_font_size] => 6 [expbar_text_shadow] => [expbar_align] => center [expbar_align_max] => center [skills_disp_primary] => 1 [skills_disp_secondary] => 1 [skills_disp_mount] => 1 [skills_disp_desc] => 1 [skills_disp_level] => 1 [skills_disp_levelmax] => 0 [skills_desc_loc_x] => 285 [skills_desc_loc_y] => 12 [skills_level_loc_x] => 393 [skills_level_loc_y] => 12 [skills_desc_length] => 14 [skills_desc_length_mount] => 22 [skills_align_desc] => left [skills_align_level] => right [skills_desc_linespace] => 8 [skills_level_linespace] => 8 [skills_gap] => 2 [skills_shadow] => #330033 [skills_font_name] => VERANDA.TTF [skills_font_color] => #9900CC [skills_font_size] => 7 [text_name_disp] => 1 [text_name_loc_x] => 204 [text_name_loc_y] => 42 [text_name_align] => center [text_name_shadow] => #000000 [text_name_font_name] => GREY.TTF [text_name_font_color] => #0066FF [text_name_font_size] => 22 [text_honor_disp] => 0 [text_honor_loc_x] => 126 [text_honor_loc_y] => 68 [text_honor_align] => right [text_honor_shadow] => #000000 [text_honor_font_name] => GREY.TTF [text_honor_font_color] => #99FF33 [text_honor_font_size] => 8 [text_class_disp] => 1 [text_class_loc_x] => 124 [text_class_loc_y] => 38 [text_class_align] => right [text_class_shadow] => #000000 [text_class_font_name] => GREY.TTF [text_class_font_color] => #99FF33 [text_class_font_size] => 8 [text_guildname_disp] => 1 [text_guildname_loc_x] => 204 [text_guildname_loc_y] => 64 [text_guildname_align] => center [text_guildname_shadow] => #000000 [text_guildname_font_name] => OLDENGL.TTF [text_guildname_font_color] => #990000 [text_guildname_font_size] => 18 [text_guildtitle_disp] => 1 [text_guildtitle_loc_x] => 128 [text_guildtitle_loc_y] => 18 [text_guildtitle_align] => left [text_guildtitle_shadow] => #000000 [text_guildtitle_font_name] => GREY.TTF [text_guildtitle_font_color] => #FF9900 [text_guildtitle_font_size] => 9 [text_servername_disp] => 1 [text_servername_loc_x] => 204 [text_servername_loc_y] => 79 [text_servername_align] => center [text_servername_shadow] => #000000 [text_servername_font_name] => GREY.TTF [text_servername_font_color] => #00FFFF [text_servername_font_size] => 9 [text_sitename_disp] => 1 [text_sitename_remove] => 1 [text_sitename_loc_x] => 394 [text_sitename_loc_y] => 79 [text_sitename_align] => right [text_sitename_shadow] => #000000 [text_sitename_font_name] => TEMPSITC.TTF [text_sitename_font_color] => #FF9900 [text_sitename_font_size] => 9 [text_spec_disp] => 1 [text_spec_loc_x] => 124 [text_spec_loc_y] => 48 [text_spec_align] => right [text_spec_shadow] => #000000 [text_spec_font_name] => GREY.TTF [text_spec_font_color] => #FF6600 [text_spec_font_size] => 8 [text_talpoints_disp] => 1 [text_talpoints_loc_x] => 124 [text_talpoints_loc_y] => 58 [text_talpoints_align] => right [text_talpoints_shadow] => #000000 [text_talpoints_font_name] => GREY.TTF [text_talpoints_font_color] => #FF0000 [text_talpoints_font_size] => 7 [text_custom_disp] => 0 [text_custom_loc_x] => 394 [text_custom_loc_y] => 70 [text_custom_text] => Custom Text [text_custom_align] => right [text_custom_shadow] => #000000 [text_custom_font_name] => VERANDA.TTF [text_custom_font_color] => #FFFFFF [text_custom_font_size] => 10 )
Line: 62
Function Called: include_once
Line: 118
Function Called: require_once
Line: 83
Function Called: require
After checking the database I noticed that my MySQL table looks like this:
- Code: Select all
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| cleardir | tinyint(1) | NO | | 0 | |
(skipped the other columns)
Of course a simple alter table fixed it:
- Code: Select all
mysql> alter table roster_addons_siggen_config change cleardir clear_dir tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0';
Just wanted to mention it in case someone else runs into it
