The data for it is however not yet complete. The format has changed, and I haven't transformed it for the non-english locales yet. Also, more importantly, it doesn't hold any TBC data, and I'm not sure where to get it reliably.
From anyone interested, I'd like to have key definitions for the TBC keys, and translated definitions for the original keys. A instruction on what data in what format is expected and a set of example key definitions is in addons/keys/locale/install_enUS.php. The fields map to the database as described in the file header.
If you don't feel like manually entering and experimenting with it in the database, or you can't get it to work, I'll accept key definitions in this thread, and will add them manually.
Feature show:
- Accepts key progress with parallel subchains
- Accepts Item (with quantity), Quest, Reputation, Skill, and Money as key stage requirements.
- Accepts multiple types of requirements mixed in one chain.
This would be an example (english) key definition for the epic flying mount accomplishment:
- Code: Select all
$inst_keys['A']['Mount'] = array(
'G|Money|1000||1', // 1000 gold
'G|Money|2000||1', // 2000 gold
'G|Money|3000||1', // 3000 gold
'G|Money|4000||1', // 4000 gold
'G|Money|5000||1', // 5000 gold
'S|Riding|300||1', // 'Epic Flying' riding skill
'ability_mount_gryphon_01' // Icon
$inst_keys['H']['Mount'] = array(
'G|Money|1000||1', // 1000 gold
'G|Money|2000||1', // 2000 gold
'G|Money|3000||1', // 3000 gold
'G|Money|4000||1', // 4000 gold
'G|Money|5000||1', // 5000 gold
'S|Riding|300||1', // 'Epic Flying' riding skill
'ability_mount_wyvern_01' // Icon