Keys addon: Accepting translations and extra definitions.

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Keys addon: Accepting translations and extra definitions.

Postby PleegWat » Fri Jan 25, 2008 10:45 pm

The keys addon has been rewritten last week shortly before the server downtime. It's received more changes today, and the data format is once again stable now.

The data for it is however not yet complete. The format has changed, and I haven't transformed it for the non-english locales yet. Also, more importantly, it doesn't hold any TBC data, and I'm not sure where to get it reliably.

From anyone interested, I'd like to have key definitions for the TBC keys, and translated definitions for the original keys. A instruction on what data in what format is expected and a set of example key definitions is in addons/keys/locale/install_enUS.php. The fields map to the database as described in the file header.

If you don't feel like manually entering and experimenting with it in the database, or you can't get it to work, I'll accept key definitions in this thread, and will add them manually.

Feature show:
- Accepts key progress with parallel subchains
- Accepts Item (with quantity), Quest, Reputation, Skill, and Money as key stage requirements.
- Accepts multiple types of requirements mixed in one chain.

This would be an example (english) key definition for the epic flying mount accomplishment:

Code: Select all

['A']['Mount'] = array(
'G|Money|1000||1'// 1000 gold
'G|Money|2000||1'// 2000 gold
'G|Money|3000||1'// 3000 gold
'G|Money|4000||1'// 4000 gold
'G|Money|5000||1'// 5000 gold
'S|Riding|300||1'// 'Epic Flying' riding skill
'ability_mount_gryphon_01' // Icon
$inst_keys['H']['Mount'] = array(
'G|Money|1000||1'// 1000 gold
'G|Money|2000||1'// 2000 gold
'G|Money|3000||1'// 3000 gold
'G|Money|4000||1'// 4000 gold
'G|Money|5000||1'// 5000 gold
'S|Riding|300||1'// 'Epic Flying' riding skill
'ability_mount_wyvern_01' // Icon
Last edited by PleegWat on Sat Jan 26, 2008 12:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Keys addon: Accepting translations and extra definitions.

Postby Diska » Sat Jan 26, 2008 3:25 am

I can't get the new version to work, it doesn't give any errors but doesn't list any keys either.
I installed the Keys addon today, I had no previous installs.

Link to my roster: ... keys&a=g:1
Running on Debian Etch with PHP 5.2

I would expect to see results from the characters Diska and Elwick, those 2 are the only ones updated using CP and both have pretty much all pre-tbc keys (and since Diska is a rogue with maxed lockpicking I would expect a lot of lockpicking icons)
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Keys addon: Accepting translations and extra definitions.

Postby zanix » Sat Jan 26, 2008 3:42 am

The keys addon now gathers data on CP upload to reduce the loading time on the page view

Re-upload your CP file
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Keys addon: Accepting translations and extra definitions.

Postby PleegWat » Sat Jan 26, 2008 5:00 am

There was a logic error in the upload SQL. Fixed in latest SVN.

Also, the very first commit which had this didn't contain any key data (me forgetting to add the file). If you aren't seeing any columns in the keys display, reinstall the addon.
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Keys addon: Accepting translations and extra definitions.

Postby Diska » Sat Jan 26, 2008 7:59 am

Been poking around just a little bit and made these definitions

Regulare shadowlabs, Auchindoun heroic key and Karazhan. These should apply for both Alliance as Horde.

Code: Select all
        'SL' => array(
                'In|Shadow Labyrinth Key|1||1',
        'AuchH' => array(
                'R|Lower City|6||1',
                'In|Auchenai Key|1||1',
        'Karazhan' => array(
                'Q|Arcane Disturbances|1|(|1',
                'Q|Restless Activity|1|)|1',
                'Q|Contact from Dalaran|1||1',
                'Q|Entry Into Karazhan|1||1',
                'In|Second Key Fragment|1|()|1',
                'In|Third Key Fragment|1|()|1',
                'Q|The Master\\\'s Touch|1||1',
                'Q|Return to Khadgar|1||1',
                'In|The Master\\\'s Key|1||1',

I wasn't quite sure how to use the flow field...the Karazhan quest line starts with 2 quests which you get at the same time. When you finished both you get the 3rd quest.
Also, almost at the end you get a quest named "The Second and Third Fragments" which consists out of 2 items you should get. I copied your code for LBRS and replaced the Quest requirement with 2 Inventory requirements.


The Karazhan key could theoretically be detected even more accurate. Since there is no way to get rep with the Violet Eye other than doing this questline and going into Karazhan after that you can know exactly at which step someone is, even if they abandoned the quest by checking the exact rep value.
Right now that's not possible because you can only work with neutral, friendly, honored etc. I doubt it's worth changing the system over though, although I suspect something similar would be possible for the BT attunement.
Last edited by Diska on Sat Jan 26, 2008 8:22 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Keys addon: Accepting translations and extra definitions.

Postby PleegWat » Sat Jan 26, 2008 9:01 pm

We're not really expecting people to jump out halfway the chain anyway. Checking exact rep values would require either more complicated checking code (and storing amount of rep rather than levels) or two value columns. I'll give the former a thought, it may turn out to be quite doable.

On the flow: First two kara quest should get () both, since they're parallel.
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Keys addon: Accepting translations and extra definitions.

Postby Subxero » Sat Jan 26, 2008 9:59 pm

A key like that will be possible ? Its not fisical key ..
First part its a reputation check if don't have the reputation then check the quest part with 2 loot items ...

Caverns of Time: Hyjal Summit
1. Upon reaching level 70, talk to Soridormi, the consort of Nozdormu in the Caverns of Time. She will give you a quest named "The Vials of Eternity".
2. Slay Lady Vashj, the last boss in Serpentshrine Cavern, and loot [Vashj's Vial Remnant].
3. Slay Kael'thas, the last boss in Tempest Keep: The Eye, and loot [Kael's Vial Remnant].
4. Return to Soridormi in Caverns of Time.

Then you don't have any quest or key .. but gets reputation with "The Scale of the Sands"... then if you have more than "neutral 0/3000" you are attunement..
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Re: Keys addon: Accepting translations and extra definitions

Postby Subxero » Sun Jan 27, 2008 4:29 pm

zanix wrote:The keys addon now gathers data on CP upload to reduce the loading time on the page view

Re-upload your CP file

Two suggestions:
-Can be added a key data mimer on roster control panel ? a form to get data from uploaded member information to key addon without wait to member uploads again CP file, "a refill option".

-Add a key control panel to see what keys are configured and can be add/edit/delete options. With a option to export you can get more keys from users without language knowledge.
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Keys addon: Accepting translations and extra definitions.

Postby zanix » Sun Jan 27, 2008 4:55 pm

I think both are planned, PleegWat is working on this
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Keys addon: Accepting translations and extra definitions.

Postby Diska » Sun Jan 27, 2008 7:48 pm

Some more definitions:

These are Alliance specific, Shattered Halls and Hellfire Citadel Heroic:

Code: Select all
        'SH' => array(
                'In|Primed Key Mold|1||1',
                'Q|Entry Into the Citadel|1||1',
                'Q|Grand Master Dumphry|1||1',
                'Q|Dumphry\\\'s Request|1||1',
                'Q|Hotter than Hell|1||1',
                'In|Shattered Halls Key|1||1',
        'HCH' => array(
                'R|Honor Hold|6||1',
                'In|Flamewrought Key|1||1',

Horde specific, Shattered Halls, Hellfire Citadel Heroic:

Code: Select all
        'SH' => array(
                'In|Primed Key Mold|1||1',
                'Q|Entry Into the Citadel|1||1',
                'Q|Grand Master Rohok|1||1',
                'Q|Rohok\\\'s Request|1||1',
                'Q|Hotter than Hell|1||1',
                'In|Shattered Halls Key|1||1',
        'HCH' => array(
                'In|Flamewrought Key|1||1',

These are for both, Coilfang Heroic, Keepers of Time Heroic and Tempest Keep Heroic:

Code: Select all
        'CoilH' => array(
                'R|Cenarion Expedition|6||1',
                'In|Reservoir Key|1||1',
        'KoTH' => array(
                'R|Keepers of Time|6||1',
                'In|Key of Time|1||1',
        'TempestH' => array(
                'R|The Sha\\\'tar|6||1',
                'In|Warpforged Key|1||1',
Last edited by Diska on Sun Jan 27, 2008 7:57 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Keys addon: Accepting translations and extra definitions

Postby Diska » Sun Jan 27, 2008 9:18 pm

Subxero wrote:A key like that will be possible ? Its not fisical key ..
First part its a reputation check if don't have the reputation then check the quest part with 2 loot items ...

Caverns of Time: Hyjal Summit
1. Upon reaching level 70, talk to Soridormi, the consort of Nozdormu in the Caverns of Time. She will give you a quest named "The Vials of Eternity".
2. Slay Lady Vashj, the last boss in Serpentshrine Cavern, and loot [Vashj's Vial Remnant].
3. Slay Kael'thas, the last boss in Tempest Keep: The Eye, and loot [Kael's Vial Remnant].
4. Return to Soridormi in Caverns of Time.

Then you don't have any quest or key .. but gets reputation with "The Scale of the Sands"... then if you have more than "neutral 0/3000" you are attunement..

My chars have got 0/3000 rep with "The Scale of the Sands" but I haven't killed Vashj or Kael'thas yet, so I'm afraid it won't work for this one.
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Re: Keys addon: Accepting translations and extra definitions

Postby Theophilius » Sun Jan 27, 2008 10:12 pm

It's said "more than", isn't it ? ;)

You need to kill Vashj and Kael so the question is "is killing Vashj or Kael give you reputation ?"
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Keys addon: Accepting translations and extra definitions.

Postby Diska » Sun Jan 27, 2008 10:25 pm

ah, completely right, my bad. I don't think killing Vashj or Kael gives rep, but completing the vial quest probably does.
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Keys addon: Accepting translations and extra definitions.

Postby Subxero » Mon Jan 28, 2008 1:12 am

If you complete the quest: YOU ARE ATTUNEMENT! then you have the "key " ...
Vashj or Kael don't give reputation.. only inside the dungeon.

The problem is:
MEMBER A: its lvl 68 don't have the quest and not reputation
MEMBER B: its lvl 70 don't have the quest don't have reputation, then its not attunement.
MEMBER C: its lvl 70 have the quest, then its not attunement, but have a progress!
MEMBER D: its lvl 70 don't have the quest but have reputation!, then its the only with attunement!

If you filter only by "quest" only shows MEMBER C
If you filter by reputation only shows MEMBER D

And i want see D and C members. The people with attunement and the people with the quest to get the attunement.
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Keys addon: Accepting translations and extra definitions.

Postby PleegWat » Mon Jan 28, 2008 2:52 am

You can put the quest as the second-last requirement, and the reputation as the last one. Then the reputation acts like the key (which is possible cause we now specify the icon separately). However, until I rewrite the reputation handler to support actual rep values, you can either detect rep level >= neutral (which is invalid) or >= friendly (which leaves a gap until the member gathers that much reputation.
You'd get this definition:

Code: Select all
Q|The vials of Eternity|1||
In|Vash's Vial Remnant|1|()|
In|Kael's Vial Remnant|1|()|
R|The Scale of the Sands|Neutral+1||

Note the reputation notation is not final and does not currently work. It's a definite candidate though.
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