Its the new Key addon multilingual ?
Because at first time was english, later was added spanish and english goes out .. and today its only french ... the other installers are overwrited by last language, not merged.
-Can be a option to data-mine the information from current roster data at CP ?
-Because don't show any key that i have ?
I renamed french&spanish installers and install only in english and upload a CharacterProfiler.lua from a english char.. and only show reputations.. any item/key its detected

(the old key addon (renamed) and key_BC still working getting information from DB)
On cp upload shows..
"InstanceKeys - Keycache cleaned - 0 gold stages activated - -1 item stages activated - 1 quest stages activated - 5 reputation stages activated - 0 skill stages activated"
But .lua have all keys! and olds addons still showing all keys well.
Subxero - Priest 70 Holy - Asphelt Knight Officer - Zul'jin Horde.