Can you suggest a hosting service?

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Can you suggest a hosting service?

Postby Zephirus79 » Tue Jan 22, 2008 9:32 pm

I am making a website for our WoW guild and I want a hosting service that has the functionality to use your roster program.

Another plus would be simple integration for things such as forums. Some kind of instant installers or something. Powweb has stuff like this but they have severe mysql problems that they dont seem to intend on fixing so I need a new hosting service. To install forums on powweb, you can just log-in and click a link. It installs the forums for you and then you just configure them.

Something like that would be ideal. Thank you for your suggestions.
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Re: Can you suggest a hosting service?

Postby tuigii » Tue Jan 22, 2008 10:30 pm

Zephirus79 wrote:... To install forums on powweb, you can just log-in and click a link. It installs the forums for you and then you just configure them.

I know, many hosters offer this 'functionallity'.
This will install a forum/CMS very well.

But don’t use them.
First off all, these offered packages aren’t the latest versions – so, you forum will tell you that newer versions are available after you installed them. You have to integrate the updates “the old fashioned way”.
But, you don't know how or what...
It's better to take the software from the dev site, and NOWHERE else.
The support is on this site, as is the wiki, as is all the info.

It's like getting a copy of Microsoft Vista from the local video shop. Don't, get it from Microsoft (just en example ;-).

WoWroster has to be installed by you. No package will be offered by your host.

“Installing” is nothing more or less then:
Download the ZIP/ARC/etc (Joomla, PhPBB3, e107, or whatever CMS ….)
De compress it locally (keep the directory structure).
Upload the entire thing with FTP to your server in a your-copy-to directory.
Open the URL (like http://www.your-url.tld/your-copy-to-directory)
And the installer WILL show up.
You enter admin/SQL/other codes.

You’re up.

This procedure is ALWAYS the same ……

You have to know how to do this, because editing files, patching, hacking, maintaining is done like this.
You better get used to it.

What you need is :
Check PHP – SQL versions and capabilities and some disk space.
Just one SQL data base will do just fine.
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Can you suggest a hosting service?

Postby MattM » Tue Jan 22, 2008 11:05 pm

for intermediate webmasters, I suggest VPSLINK

So far so good, very cheap ($8/mo.), and it's reliable. The best part IMHO is that it's a full blown VPS so I can do anything I want on it (provided I'm using one of their o/s "images").

They offer LAMP images too, so an out of the box web server with most if not all of the options you need are turned on and running within 1 minute of pressing one button in the control panel.

As far as managed roster hosting, there isn't one yet as far as I know. The Dev team has been tossing around ideas though :wink:
Last edited by MattM on Tue Jan 22, 2008 11:09 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Can you suggest a hosting service?

Postby Ulminia » Wed Jan 23, 2008 1:56 am

managed roster hosting ... one needs a webserver..
one needs a signup form
one needs to decide to charge or not ...
one needs to decide instance access(free) or wait till payment (cronjob)
have gzip and tar mods usable in php


some one signs up a script runs creates a subfolder in your servers main directory with the signupees name and the folder name ex: "...../ulminia/"

have a script that will unpackage the zip file or tar file of the roster into the users folder direct the user to that directory and have it automaticaly add a conf.php file but then you get in top database dreat6ion and user stuff and it all goes to hell lol
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Can you suggest a hosting service?

Postby Anaxent » Wed Jan 23, 2008 7:33 am

I would also suggest taking a look at our weblinks module seen here

This module was added to our site to allow others to show off there own sites as well as let us know which hosting providers work well with roster.
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