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Looking for some BETA Testers for Joomla component!

Postby Nefuh » Wed Jan 23, 2008 11:32 pm

Ok thanks for the info i will look at the queries, fix it and upload new version as sone as possible.

Edit: I looked at the queries but they are all original from roster. So when there´s a problem with UTF8 this problem should also appear when you installed the standalone roster version.

Last edited by Nefuh on Thu Jan 24, 2008 1:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Problems with links inside component

Postby Lyco » Thu Jan 24, 2008 12:20 am

Only a few of the links are working properly showing up with index.php?option=com_wowroster&Itemid=&p=(whatever WoWRoster page) the rest are showing up with index.php?option=&Itemid=&p=(whatever Roster Page) this causes Joomla to shoot me back to my home page.
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Re: Problems with links inside component

Postby Nefuh » Thu Jan 24, 2008 12:43 am

Seems to be that sometime the variable $option and $itemid are clear.

I changed the cmslink.lib.php:

changed option=$option to option=com_wowroster
insert 3 lines on top, to get the itemid from the url, when the $itemid variable isn´t set or is clear.

Try this new file and give please feedback if it fixed your problem.

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Re: Problems with links inside component

Postby Trefynwed » Thu Jan 24, 2008 8:56 am

I just got home and tried to upload my guild info and I am getting loads more SQL syntax errors.

My webhost is running MySQL version 4.0.27 and it appears the charset handling wasn't added until 4.1... I went thru every file in the com_wowroster zipped package and removed every reference to DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 and then reinstalled it. I was getting that other error with the links, so I updated cmslink with the fixed file you posted and that went away, then once I tried to uploading my characterprofiler.lua this is what I got:

Code: Select all
Backtrace (most recent call last):

    * lib/functions.lib.php
          o Line: 240
          o Function Called: backtrace
    * lib/dbal/mysql.php
          o Line: 207
          o Function Called: die_quietly
          o Arguments:
                + 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'SELECT DISTINCT `guild_id` FROM `jos_roster_members` )' at line
                + Database Error
                + /homepages/26/d192794543/htdocs/hellshadow/components/com_wowroster/lib/dbal/mysql.php
                + 207
                + DELETE FROM `jos_roster_guild` WHERE `guild_id` NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT `guild_id` FROM `jos_roster_members` );
    * lib/update.lib.php
          o Line: 2372
          o Function Called: query
          o Arguments:
                + DELETE FROM `jos_roster_guild` WHERE `guild_id` NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT `guild_id` FROM `jos_roster_members` );
    * lib/update.lib.php
          o Line: 2846
          o Function Called: deleteemptyguilds

Last edited by Trefynwed on Thu Jan 24, 2008 1:35 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Problems with links inside component

Postby Lyco » Thu Jan 24, 2008 1:25 pm

well it fixed the links but now i cant use armory sync to update character profiles.
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Re: Looking for some BETA Testers for Joomla component!

Postby Trefynwed » Thu Jan 24, 2008 1:41 pm

Nefuh wrote:Edit: I looked at the queries but they are all original from roster. So when there´s a problem with UTF8 this problem should also appear when you installed the standalone roster version.


My previous install of the stand alone was quite old and out of date... I installed it almost a year ago, so much may have changed between then and now... but it appears in looking at the requirements for 1.7 it needs MySQL 4.1.x which I don't have... guess it's time to pester the webhost to update me.
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Re: Looking for some BETA Testers for Joomla component!

Postby Slyver » Thu Jan 24, 2008 10:28 pm

Ok just a couple thoughts/questions if I may.

1. It looks to me like it is not really a bridge but just the roster beta program re-written as a whole new component for Joomla. If this is the case then will we not have to update it and change the code to add the jos component everytime there is a new service release?

2. The sizing needs a little work. As you can see by your demo site the roster size increase the margin on the right side which means that it doesn't make for a fluid transition of the site. In my case It even bunched the icons together and overlapped them to try and fit.

3. The utf=8 problem happened to me as well which was an easy fix by just removing it from the install file and repackaging the component into a zip.

4. When I first access the roster it gives me an error when I try to login. I am in the process of uploading the new lib file now to see if that fixes the admin issue.

5. Will the add-ons work or will they need to be modified as well to reflect the jos_ extension for the MySQL server?

Thanks and I will keep you posted on any other developments or changes.
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Looking for some BETA Testers for Joomla component!

Postby Slyver » Thu Jan 24, 2008 10:35 pm

Just installed the new cmslink file and I can't login to the administrator panel.

Does the original roster 2.0 need to be installed at all anywhere?
Last edited by Slyver on Thu Jan 24, 2008 10:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Looking for some BETA Testers for Joomla component!

Postby Nefuh » Thu Jan 24, 2008 10:43 pm

1. It looks to me like it is not really a bridge but just the roster beta program re-written as a whole new component for Joomla. If this is the case then will we not have to update it and change the code to add the jos component everytime there is a new service release?

Yes, it´s not complety rewritten, but some files like cmslink.lib.php and some others to work in Joomla even with the authorizing system. If it needed to rewrite the files in the final release i don´t know. If there won´t any chance on these files in the final release there should be no need to recode.

2. The sizing needs a little work. As you can see by your demo site the roster size increase the margin on the right side which means that it doesn't make for a fluid transition of the site. In my case It even bunched the icons together and overlapped them to try and fit.

You´ve right there a complication. This cames from two css files, once the file from the Joomla-Template and the Roster´s own css file. This is a problem, where i have no fix yet.

3. The utf=8 problem happened to me as well which was an easy fix by just removing it from the install file and repackaging the component into a zip.

The queries are all original taken from the roster, so i think when there´s a problem with UTF8 in the component there should already be a problem in the standalone version! The UTF8 is not inserted by me, i took only the original Queries and inserted into install.wowroster.php so that they will be run on installing the component.

4. When I first access the roster it gives me an error when I try to login. I am in the process of uploading the new lib file now to see if that fixes the admin issue.

What error will be displayed? The cmslink.lib.php is only for making links in roster, i only inserted the needed joomla options for the url. When there´s an authorize problem, look in the MySQL Table "YourJoomlaprefix_roster_account" there should be 3 lines (guid, officer, admin) if one is missing, look in install.wowroster.php at the end, and try to manually insert the missing lines.

5. Will the add-ons work or will they need to be modified as well to reflect the jos_ extension for the MySQL server?

All Addons should work normal, upload it and install it by the Addon Management in Roster Config Panel. I´ve only change the conf.php (were normally are your mysql-data is located) so , that there will be the Joomla Variables be used to get access to the database. There are no changes on Roster Mysql Routines.

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Looking for some BETA Testers for Joomla component!

Postby Nefuh » Thu Jan 24, 2008 10:47 pm

There should be no need to install the Roster 2.0 previously. The component will do the same as the normal roster installer.

The included archiv is only the normal roster, without the changed files. So that files that i needed to change in Joomla will not be overwritten.

It is possible to upload the normal roster files, without replacing any existing file and it should work.

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Re: Looking for some BETA Testers for Joomla component!

Postby Lyco » Thu Jan 24, 2008 10:52 pm

hey Nefuh all the links work thanks for the cmslink file but i tried to install armorysync and when i go to sync the characters it gets stuck on the first Character
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Re: Looking for some BETA Testers for Joomla component!

Postby Nefuh » Thu Jan 24, 2008 10:54 pm

Lyco wrote:hey Nefuh all the links work thanks for the cmslink file but i tried to install armorysync and when i go to sync the characters it gets stuck on the first Character

Hmm... i will take a look and give you feedback.

I installed ArmorySync on the Demopage, and have to turn AJAX off because with AJAX on there should be no reload to get to the next step.

With AJAX off it seems to be runnning.

Last edited by Nefuh on Thu Jan 24, 2008 11:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Looking for some BETA Testers for Joomla component!

Postby Lyco » Thu Jan 24, 2008 11:55 pm

only prob is my site uses a ajax slideshow on every page
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Looking for some BETA Testers for Joomla component!

Postby Nefuh » Fri Jan 25, 2008 12:28 am

Your slideshow is generated by Joomla.

This should even work when AJAX in ArmorySync is disabled.

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Re: Looking for some BETA Testers for Joomla component!

Postby Trefynwed » Fri Jan 25, 2008 10:01 pm

Ok, database is now updated to MySQL 5. I cleaned everything out and reinstalled wowroster. Install went fine, no errors. Updated my guild info, no errors.

The only 2 issues I have are:

1. Realm status doesn't work... it just says "WoW Server Status" where it should be. If I set it to div container instead of image it will show the server name, population, and type.

2. Even though I set it to not show the SQL window and debug mode to be off, the SQL window will not go away. If I set it to on and save it, then turn it off and save it will go away for that one page, but as soon as I change to a new page it's back.

And just as a side note, I can't tell if it's affecting anything, but on most of the configuration pages I get this in the PHP errors box:

Warning line 324: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
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