I opened the lua file copy/pasted into the "guild config" (on the roster config menu page) the server name, and the guild name to be sure I had no typos.
I am assuming because the lua file is created directly from the server/addon that there cannot be "typos" in there.
I don't "think" there's any password problem, first because I used a very simple one (to get set up) - second, because using this same password, I can access all the config menus.
going to the roster/update.php and uploading the lua returns this:
Parsing files
Parsed CharacterProfiler in 0.13 seconds
Could not find guild in database. Please update members first.Could not find Guild. GuildProfiler Addon not installed correctly?
going to the roster/index.php page, returns the following:
Could not find guild: 'R O L E P L A Y E R S' for server 'Kirin Tor'
You need to load your guild first and make sure you finished configuration
Click here for installation instructions
I guess part of what I'm trying to understand, is if, when the roster "runs" - it goes to some sort of WoW server or database (the actual Kirin Tor server? ) to get current guild info? If it does, I'm pretty sure this guild name is going to be a problem. (I noticed some options about "server status" - which is why I'm thinking it must retrieve some external data? - my "lua" file could not contain that...? )
However, if the script/queries/etc look solely and the sql database, then it must simply be something in my configuration/setup.
EDIT: also, I am using the roster config pages to do this "uploading" - not the uniuploader, as they 'seemed" to do the same thing? I'm not sure I entirely understand how to use the uniuploader in fact
but should I be using this first/instead?