Armory Sync stops prematurely

Sync Blizzards' Armory data with WoWRoster (addon depreciated no longer works see ApiSync)

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Armory Sync stops prematurely

Postby foreseit » Sun Dec 23, 2007 2:53 am

My armory Sync seems to make it to about 12-13% before stopping, and I'm not sure why. We have around 300 characters in our guild.
Last entries:
"Blueeågle TheHate US-Anetheron 21 26 18/18 49 Sat Dec 22nd, 6:36am Sat Dec 22nd, 6:36am
Adrenalin TheHate US-Anetheron Sat Dec 22nd, 6:36am ? "
The last few messages in the debug log:
"286 425.0135 inc/armorysync.class.php armorysync _getcharacterinfo Char: Blueeågle Parsed character infos OK
294 425.2324 inc/armorysync.class.php armorysync _getskillinfo Char: Blueeågle Parsed skill info OK
301 425.5311 inc/armorysync.class.php armorysync _getreputationinfo Char: Blueeågle Parsed reputation info OK
311 425.9589 inc/armorysync.class.php armorysync _getequipmentinfo Char: Blueeågle Slot: Head Parsed equipment details OK
311 426.3074 inc/armorysync.class.php armorysync _getequipmentinfo Char: Blueeågle Slot: Neck Parsed equipment details OK
311 426.6986 inc/armorysync.class.php armorysync _getequipmentinfo Char: Blueeågle Slot: Shoulder Parsed equipment details OK
311 427.0835 inc/armorysync.class.php armorysync _getequipmentinfo Char: Blueeågle Slot: Shirt Parsed equipment details OK
311 427.4425 inc/armorysync.class.php armorysync _getequipmentinfo Char: Blueeågle Slot: Chest Parsed equipment details OK
311 427.8704 inc/armorysync.class.php armorysync _getequipmentinfo Char: Blueeågle Slot: Waist Parsed equipment details OK
311 428.2321 inc/armorysync.class.php armorysync _getequipmentinfo Char: Blueeågle Slot: Legs Parsed equipment details OK
311 428.6651 inc/armorysync.class.php armorysync _getequipmentinfo Char: Blueeågle Slot: Feet Parsed equipment details OK
311 429.146 inc/armorysync.class.php armorysync _getequipmentinfo Char: Blueeågle Slot: Wrist Parsed equipment details OK
311 429.4974 inc/armorysync.class.php armorysync _getequipmentinfo Char: Blueeågle Slot: Hands Parsed equipment details OK
311 429.851 inc/armorysync.class.php armorysync _getequipmentinfo Char: Blueeågle Slot: Finger0 Parsed equipment details OK
311 430.2384 inc/armorysync.class.php armorysync _getequipmentinfo Char: Blueeågle Slot: Finger1 Parsed equipment details OK
311 430.6306 inc/armorysync.class.php armorysync _getequipmentinfo Char: Blueeågle Slot: Trinket0 Parsed equipment details OK
311 430.9802 inc/armorysync.class.php armorysync _getequipmentinfo Char: Blueeågle Slot: Trinket1 Parsed equipment details OK
311 431.3674 inc/armorysync.class.php armorysync _getequipmentinfo Char: Blueeågle Slot: Back Parsed equipment details OK
311 431.7605 inc/armorysync.class.php armorysync _getequipmentinfo Char: Blueeågle Slot: MainHand Parsed equipment details OK
311 432.1544 inc/armorysync.class.php armorysync _getequipmentinfo Char: Blueeågle Slot: SecondaryHand Parsed equipment details OK
311 432.5811 inc/armorysync.class.php armorysync _getequipmentinfo Char: Blueeågle Slot: Tabard Parsed equipment details OK
320 432.7755 inc/armorysync.class.php armorysync _gettalentinfo Char: Blueeågle Parsed talent info OK
224 432.7762 inc/armorysync.class.php armorysync _getrosterdata Parsed all armory data OK
977 433.1268 inc/armorysyncjob.class.php armorysync synchmemberbyid Synced armory data for Blueeågle with roster OK
67 433.1476 inc/armorysyncjobajax.class.php armorysyncjobajax _updatestatus Updated charcter job status OK
69 433.1486 inc/armorysyncjobajax.class.php armorysyncjobajax _getajaxstatus Prepared ajax status OK
33 433.1486 ajax/armorysync.php armorysyncjobajax startajaxstatusupdate Started ajax status update OK
67 434.8178 inc/armorysyncjobajax.class.php armorysyncjobajax _updatestatus Updated charcter job status OK
69 434.8187 inc/armorysyncjobajax.class.php armorysyncjobajax _getajaxstatus Prepared ajax status OK
33 434.8188 ajax/armorysync.php armorysyncjobajax startajaxstatusupdate Started ajax status update OK"
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Armory Sync stops prematurely

Postby Malak » Sun Dec 23, 2007 10:42 pm

Mine also starts and stops at like 20%. It just not doing anything and eventually giving a XML error.

Last lines :

977 147.8426 inc/armorysyncjob.class.php ArmorySync synchMemberByID Synced armory data for Kalamia with roster Failed
67 147.8463 inc/armorysyncjobajax.class.php ArmorySyncJob _updateStatus Updated charcter job status OK
69 147.8469 inc/armorysyncjobajax.class.php ArmorySyncJobAjax _getAjaxStatus Prepared ajax status OK
33 147.8469 ajax/armorysync.php ArmorySyncJobAjax startAjaxStatusUpdate Started ajax status update OK
67 150.6978 inc/armorysyncjobajax.class.php ArmorySyncJob _updateStatus Updated charcter job status OK
69 150.6983 inc/armorysyncjobajax.class.php ArmorySyncJobAjax _getAjaxStatus Prepared ajax status OK
33 150.6983 ajax/armorysync.php ArmorySyncJobAjax startAjaxStatusUpdate Started ajax status update OK

"There is an error retrieving XML data : UNKNOWN"
Last edited by Malak on Mon Dec 24, 2007 2:19 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Armory Sync stops prematurely

Postby zanix » Mon Dec 24, 2007 2:28 am

I came across this problem as well
Using FireBug in FireFox, the XMl response is
<br />

<b>Fatal error</b>: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in <b>/var/www/roster/roster/trunk

/addons/armorysync/inc/armorysyncbase.class.php</b> on line <b>31</b><br />

And there is a js error
req.responseXML has no properties
loadAjaxResult(XMLHttpRequest)mainjs.js (line 434)
onreadystatechange()mainjs.js (line 405)
[Break on this error] response = req.responseXML.documentElement;

Line 38
Code: Select all
$tmp = debug_backtrace();

Then I turn debug off, then the xml response is
<br />

<b>Fatal error</b>: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in <b>/var/www/roster/roster/trunk

/addons/armorysync/inc/armorysync.class.php</b> on line <b>760</b><br />

Looks like this is failing
Code: Select all
$this->_debug( 1, false, 'Char: '. $this->memberName. ' Parsed character infos',  'Failed' );

So, it seems this error happens because the debug is taking too long
At least on my server anyway

I'll turn up my script time limit and post again

Also poeter, you can also, at any time, get the contents of the current roster error log using
Code: Select all
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Re: Armory Sync stops prematurely

Postby poetter » Mon Dec 24, 2007 12:03 pm

Hi all,

these problem might have come from an continues 500 download error in combination with a while loop. I used accidental a continue in stat of a break to get out of the while loops. Sorry. That's fixed in the latest build svn[345].

But that brings me to another problem. When the Armory is in maintenance you get a defined xml return with some content saying it is a 500 bug. This is different from normal timeouts. As this is a regular xml content it is stored in the cache an will stay there for the next three hours. I had this twice but both times i deleted the cache before i could analyze the content. So if someone has the problem, that an update of a character will fail on all infos continuously, i would be very interested in the XML content, so we can teach armory.class.php to not put it in the cache and throw an error instead.

I already mentioned the ajax problem in an other thread. Right now i have no idea how to catch a fatal non user error. The XML output is defaced caused by the standard php backtrace that was printed. I played a little with php error reporting. but as i can see it is only possible to catch user errors. As the most commen problem is the time_exceed or a code parsing error i have no idea how to handle this. May be there is something we can do on the javascript side?

zanix wrote:Also poeter, you can also, at any time, get the contents of the current roster error log using

Yes is know, but i wanted a seperate AS debug and errorlog just in case that once the time has come the default debugging of roster is turned off ;-)
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Armory Sync stops prematurely

Postby cmaag » Mon Dec 24, 2007 2:06 pm

Getting the following.....

You have installed ArmorySync


Right now there is ArmorySync


registered with WoWRoster.

Please go to WoWRoster configuration
and upgrade your ArmorySync

I have done a clean install with a new DB....same problem.
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Armory Sync stops prematurely

Postby poetter » Mon Dec 24, 2007 4:04 pm

Ups, sorry again. Just get the last build.

May be i should stop committing at 4 am.
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Armory Sync stops prematurely

Postby zanix » Mon Dec 24, 2007 4:31 pm

Even if debug is off, php errors are still logged
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Armory Sync stops prematurely

Postby PleegWat » Mon Dec 24, 2007 7:11 pm

Should it be putting stuff in the cache at all if the return code isn't 200?
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Armory Sync stops prematurely

Postby poetter » Mon Dec 24, 2007 7:17 pm

Well, the html return code is 200, but the xml content is saying something like an error has occurred and i think there was a 500 somewhere, too.
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Armory Sync stops prematurely

Postby Diska » Tue Dec 25, 2007 3:10 am

Those fixes worked wonders Poetter. I was having the same problems and never managed to do a complete guildscan. Problem was, I noticed these problems after I had given my server a software upgrade (Debian Etch now) so I was searching for the error at a different place :)
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Armory Sync stops prematurely

Postby foreseit » Tue Dec 25, 2007 7:35 am

yay!!! Upgrading to fixed this problem. It completed it's scan. Interestingly enough, there were a few "no info's" that have been online in the last few days (one of my alts included). But, I'll assume it was something on Blizz's end.
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Armory Sync stops prematurely

Postby Lospheris » Wed Dec 26, 2007 10:41 am

for some reason upgrading to didnt fix this for me any ideas???
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Re: Armory Sync stops prematurely

Postby besodenena » Tue Mar 18, 2008 6:00 pm

I have been having the same problem with sync not downloading all member information. I downloaded/installed the latest versions of wowroster and armorysync from the svn. When I run the memberlist update it picks up my guild perfectly and loads in the names of all the members, but when I run the character update, it will show successful on the first character on the list and then nothing else updates. I've left it running anyways for several hours and even though the status page shows nothing new, when I refresh the roster there are 4 characters updated, but it won't go past these four. I watched the sql on the bottom of the screen and it just seems to stop after updating the first character. I am running on a server with the following setup:

Operating system Linux
Linux kernel version 2.6.9-67.0.1.ELsmp
Apache version 1.3.37 (Unix)
Perl version 5.8.6 (more info)
PHP version PHP/4.4.4 (more info)
MySQL version 4.1.22-standard-log

My roster is at:

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Please let me know if you need more information.
Last edited by besodenena on Tue Mar 18, 2008 6:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Armory Sync stops prematurely

Postby poetter » Tue Mar 18, 2008 6:06 pm

What are your ArmorySync settings?
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Re: Armory Sync stops prematurely

Postby besodenena » Tue Mar 18, 2008 9:14 pm

I am attaching a screenprint of my settings. Please let me know anything else you need! :)
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