MembersList Main/Alt - another regex issue

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MembersList Main/Alt - another regex issue

Postby bahadur » Sat Dec 22, 2007 8:03 am


after I searched and came empty handed I feel I need to ask in a separate thread.

We are using the following in our guild.
all the alts have rank Alternative and their Public Note is written like the following:

mains name in square brackets.

What should I put in regex field? I've tried "/\[([\w]+)\]/i" but did not work...

Please advise,
PS: im sorry if this is addressed somewhere where I couldn't find. In that case I'd kindly ask to be relayed to the topic :)
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MembersList Main/Alt - another regex issue

Postby Keviel » Sat Dec 22, 2007 10:02 am

Bum bum, I guess something around \[/([\pL]+)/i\] - I haven't entirely figured out the initial / though, what it means - so it can also be like you suggested, /\[([\pL]+)/i\] - I'd put the /i before the ending bracket however, since it's not the bracket you want case-insensitive (obviously), but the name.

Looks damn odd to me though, and as I've proven several times before, my guesses for RegEx syntax tend to be a bit off, so I might've struck gold - I might not. Oh and as I'm sure you already know from previous thread, pL only works with recent versions of PHP.
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MembersList Main/Alt - another regex issue

Postby zanix » Sat Dec 22, 2007 10:33 am

That would be
Code: Select all

the \i MUST go at the end
Last edited by zanix on Sat Dec 22, 2007 10:35 am, edited 3 times in total.
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MembersList Main/Alt - another regex issue

Postby Keviel » Sat Dec 22, 2007 1:15 pm

However that would mean that the one he already has should work - it's the exact same, apart from \w instead of \pL - which as far as I know just handles the special characters(?)

And good to know about the /i - I looked it up on a regex site earlier on, and they weren't courteous enough to mention that little detail...

Also, they don't have a mention for the / to begin with - I'm lacking some proper resources as to why some tags are placed the way they are, since most of the sites with info about them seem to be really limited in useful information.

Thanks Zanix ^^
Last edited by Keviel on Sat Dec 22, 2007 1:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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MembersList Main/Alt - another regex issue

Postby zanix » Sat Dec 22, 2007 1:36 pm

It should work
Did you hit Update Relations after you changed it?
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Re: MembersList Main/Alt - another regex issue

Postby bahadur » Sat Dec 22, 2007 10:15 pm

zanix wrote:It should work
Did you hit Update Relations after you changed it?

I did click the Update Relations.. Everytime the log shows everyone as main with no alts...


I've worked it out. All this time I was assuming since I have only one guild, I should set the "main/alt relations" once and the per guild settings would follow up.
but the per guild settings for my guild were left at default regex string (the one with alt-)
I've copy/pasted the same string to there and it works.

So the question then becomes: apparently even if there is one guild, the main/alt relations in the main menu of memberslist is overrided with per guild settings. Why does it exist in the first place then? it can't be used for guildless people since we wont have their comments etc...

thanks for your help and time :)
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MembersList Main/Alt - another regex issue

Postby PleegWat » Sun Dec 23, 2007 12:52 am

The per-guild config should default at disabled. However the first implementation was flawed, and would create and always use the per-guild config once you accessed it for the first time.

Have you tried disabling the per-guild pages manually?
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Re: MembersList Main/Alt - another regex issue

Postby ikryana » Fri Jan 04, 2008 11:57 pm

zanix wrote:That would be
Code: Select all

the \i MUST go at the end

-ok, but where I the "MainCharacter", please must write an example

-must I write code myself in... (example: note officer) so that it goes?

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