Guildless players change in behaviour or FAD?

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Guildless players change in behaviour or FAD?

Postby Vlorn » Thu Dec 20, 2007 3:39 am

It seemed in previous releases that players that left the guild were placed in the "guildless" guild and basically hidden from view. As of the latest release memberlist is now automatically deleting these users from the roster completely.

1. Is there any harm other than database bloat in keeping these users in the guildless area, hidden from view?

2. If there isn't , is it possible to add a switch to the memberlist addon to prevent the users from being deleted?

My current mod uses this information for historical purposes, and it would be much easier to keep the information rather than to try and parse both the members table and the memberlog looking for the user.

Another reason to potentially keep this information is for use in player tracking. In the beginning of this year we had a player borrow a whole bunch of gold from the guild, switch servers and change his toon's name. Using the pre-BC reputation values stored in Roster (they hardly change after a player hits 70, and act as a "player fingerprint") and the wowArmory, I was able to track the player down and make his life a little more difficult on his new server. (OK OK maybe I had a little too much free time on my hands :) )

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Guildless players change in behaviour or FAD?

Postby zanix » Thu Dec 20, 2007 4:51 am

There is a switch in RosterCP

Enforce Upload Rules
This switch will apply the upload rules set for each lua upload
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Guildless players change in behaviour or FAD?

Postby Vlorn » Thu Dec 20, 2007 4:57 am

What exactly does the "enforce Upload Rules" switch do? I don't want to disable needed functions in other addons.

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Guildless players change in behaviour or FAD?

Postby zanix » Thu Dec 20, 2007 5:37 am

This enforces the Upload Rules that are set in RosterCP
So when this is active, any member or guild not matching the rules will be deleted
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Guildless players change in behaviour or FAD?

Postby PleegWat » Thu Dec 20, 2007 4:07 pm

The 'enforce upload rules' option has been available as a button in the data manager for at least a couple of weeks. Recently, it was added as an option to clean up after data uploads, defaulting after all uploads.

The main intention of the guildless algorithm is for cases as you describe, so if moves (mass or not) occur between your guilds and you want to keep member history information (like pvplog data) you want to be turning this option off and manage stale data manually from the data manager.
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Re: Guildless players change in behaviour or FAD?

Postby Wyren » Thu Dec 20, 2007 5:57 pm

I have Enforce Upload Rules set to All LUA Updates, and still have shitloads of unguilded people in the roster. I want to get rid of them and only have my guild members there, but how?
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Re: Guildless players change in behaviour or FAD?

Postby Wyren » Thu Dec 20, 2007 6:05 pm

Wyren wrote:I have Enforce Upload Rules set to All LUA Updates, and still have shitloads of unguilded people in the roster. I want to get rid of them and only have my guild members there, but how?

Right, the Data Manager is dangerous! I selected "Guildless-A" and "Delete Guild" and it wiped every char from the db...

Edit: Or did it? My menu still says 70: 37 (+0 Alts) etc, but I can't view anything, getting "No guild data" errors... (
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Guildless players change in behaviour or FAD?

Postby PleegWat » Thu Dec 20, 2007 7:08 pm

Ew, I'll implement a special case for that right away.

The guildless- guilds are special. If you delete a guild, it'll remove all of the characters from that guild, put them in the guildless guild for that realm, then delete the guild. If you do that to a guildless guild, bad stuff will happen.
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Guildless players change in behaviour or FAD?

Postby PleegWat » Thu Dec 20, 2007 7:52 pm

OK, I've changed the behaviour. Emtpy guilds (guildless or otherwise) are automatically deleted. The delete guild button no longer works for guildless guilds, it will throw an error.

I've also fixed the warning on the delete guild button - it only removed and still only removes the guild, not the members. The members are set guildless. This is one reason deleting the guildless guild creates problems.

The reason the site suddenly seems empty is that the anchor marking the currently viewed guild wasn't reset. So roster is still set to view the guild you just deleted.

All of this is fixed for SVN 1553.
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Re: Guildless players change in behaviour or FAD?

Postby Wyren » Thu Dec 20, 2007 8:10 pm

PleegWat wrote:OK, I've changed the behaviour. Emtpy guilds (guildless or otherwise) are automatically deleted. The delete guild button no longer works for guildless guilds, it will throw an error.

I've also fixed the warning on the delete guild button - it only removed and still only removes the guild, not the members. The members are set guildless. This is one reason deleting the guildless guild creates problems.

The reason the site suddenly seems empty is that the anchor marking the currently viewed guild wasn't reset. So roster is still set to view the guild you just deleted.

All of this is fixed for SVN 1553.
Weird thing is that if I access I get the "No Guild Data" error, but if I then search for a char in my guild, I can then access the guild as normal... When the url doesn't say anything after the TLD/, shouldn't it just display the guild then?

(oh, and the guild vault suddenly works :) )
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Guildless players change in behaviour or FAD?

Postby PleegWat » Thu Dec 20, 2007 8:35 pm

Accessing the default guild goes via its name@server. Most other pages don't use the guild table, so once you've got a guild ID in the anchor they may very well work.

Try reuploading your data to regenerate the guild data. If that doesn't work, you may have to reinstall.
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Re: Guildless players change in behaviour or FAD?

Postby Vlorn » Fri Dec 21, 2007 3:42 am

Just to be completely clear....

The ONLY effect of setting the Enforce Rules option in the control panel to NEVER is that users that leave the guild will not be deleted.

I don't think an addon should ever change a setting in the main program so my addon will pop a message everytime an update is run and the setting of enforce_rules is not NEVER.

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Re: Guildless players change in behaviour or FAD?

Postby Wyren » Fri Dec 28, 2007 4:24 pm

PleegWat wrote:Accessing the default guild goes via its name@server. Most other pages don't use the guild table, so once you've got a guild ID in the anchor they may very well work.

Try reuploading your data to regenerate the guild data. If that doesn't work, you may have to reinstall.
Not sure I understand what you mean with "Accessing the default guild goes via its name@server." here, as when I just access I get an error saying
Could not find guild: '' for server ''
, but shouldn't a access to the base roster url display the guild with id 1? I've deleted all unguilded players from the db (they ha guild_id=0), and I can still access my guild if I search for a character and then use the guild info links.
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Guildless players change in behaviour or FAD?

Postby PleegWat » Fri Dec 28, 2007 5:34 pm

Internal workings gibberish. Don't mind it.

You need to set a default guild in roster config.
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Re: Guildless players change in behaviour or FAD?

Postby Wyren » Fri Dec 28, 2007 8:02 pm

PleegWat wrote:You need to set a default guild in roster config.
Sorry if this is a stupid question, but where do I set a default guild in the roster config? I can't find anywhere to define guilds apart from the upload rules and the naming of the web-page (Roster CP -> Defaults Config)
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