Is there a way to have the Lastest Loot addon show up on my main home page? I'm using the EZportal:
Like have it show up on one of the sides?
Thumann wrote:I made a test installation.. and yeah.. it can be done as you can se..
Latest Loots block
;> thanks Zeryl for guidance..
Thumann wrote:I made a test installation.. and yeah.. it can be done as you can se..
Latest Loots block
;> thanks Zeryl for guidance..
Thumann wrote:hey
i'm moving to a new place atm..
i'll relase the stuff when i settle down..
hope it's okay
Thumann wrote:There.. added to the downloads section..
now quit bugging me! :-p
Thumann wrote:Like .. before the text?
If so.. yes.. it can be done..
Carissma wrote:Thumann wrote:There.. added to the downloads section..
now quit bugging me! :-p
Thanks so much. But is there a way for the item icons to show up also?
Oh, one more thing. How do we get it to show more than than 5 loots?
".$eqdkp_prefix."items order by item_date desc limit 5")
".$eqdkp_prefix."items order by item_date desc limit 10")
Thumann wrote:Like .. before the text?
If so.. yes.. it can be done..
// Add the icon to the name.
$item_icon_link = $item_stats->getItemIconLink($name);
if (!empty($item_icon_link))
$decorated_name = "<img class='smallitemicon' src='" . $item_icon_link . "'> " . $decorated_name;
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