What would be the best approach to upload multiple characters data form multiple accounts?
I dualbox and would like to figure out a way of having UU upload multiple accounts worth of data.
Firstly i have a wow install that acts as the mast install. It does all the updates required. then i have a further 2 copies that gets synced form the master all the time. Those 2 copies are the ones i use to play from.
I was thinking of having uu keep its attention fixed on the master install at all times, and then i write another lil program what monitors the other copies for changes to the characterprofile.lua. It then combines all the copies into one and drops it where UU is looking for it.
Would this be viable? I intend going to 5-boxing once i get this dualboxing sorted out. I only ever use one account on a particular copy.
PS ( all the instances run off the same PC )