SigGen 0.3.0 Beta Days

A signature and avatar generator addon

Moderator: zanix

SigGen [v0.3.0] Beta 3

Postby zanix » Thu Nov 29, 2007 11:49 am

Open siggen/inc/install.def.php

Code: Select all
class siggen

Code: Select all
class siggenInstall

I'll re-pack the zip file with the change
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SigGen [v0.3.0.320]

Postby zanix » Thu Nov 29, 2007 2:52 pm

Changes 0.3.0b3 =>
  • Now using $roster->anchor instead of member=
  • SigGen display on char page now shows the url with the image extension when SEO mode is enabled in Roster
  • Added config to show different kinds of links on SigGen display page (default, force seo, saved)
  • SigGen now saves images based on member id, this is to resolve the accent problem
  • Fixed "The install definition file for siggen did not contain a correct installation class"
  • Added clear saved directory setting, this will clear the save directory on a guild auto-save
  • Removed av.php and sig.php, these are legacy files and are no longer needed
Last edited by zanix on Thu Nov 29, 2007 2:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SigGen [v0.3.0.320]

Postby flooz » Fri Nov 30, 2007 12:35 am

Perfect.. that's what it needed... Looks good!!
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Re: SigGen [v0.3.0.320]

Postby tuigii » Fri Nov 30, 2007 4:41 am

file install.def.php
Line 283
[long : 4490 character ^^]
- look for the first image_order - the opening apostrohe is missing on position 330.

SQL isn't happy about it.

I'll redownload the ZIP - but I'm pretty sure about it.
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Re: SigGen [v0.3.0.320]

Postby tuigii » Fri Nov 30, 2007 6:15 am

Also, there something buggy in the link generation when going into the admin 'Config' mode.

When I enter the SiGen Config, my URL show

and when I select a name like Nowwhat in the preview box, it shows a link like this :
index.php?p=util-siggen-signature&a=g:1&member=Nowwhat@EU-Khaz Modan

which should be
index.php?p=util-siggen-signature&a=c:58&member=Nowwhat@EU-Khaz Modan
to make it work = having an image been shown.

A simple URL like this will not work anymore Modan

because siggen.php needs $roster->atype == 'char' being set, otherwise SQL error garanteed. There should be a valid &a=c:xx in the URL, where xx is the member number.

This rocks :
what does really takes care of "accented" letter problems :wink:
Last edited by tuigii on Fri Nov 30, 2007 6:50 am, edited 2 times in total.
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SigGen [v0.3.0.320]

Postby zanix » Fri Nov 30, 2007 10:59 am

Oops, I forgot to change the image preview
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Re: SigGen [v0.3.0.320]

Postby tuigii » Fri Nov 30, 2007 11:08 am

After an explanation 'about how the Roster Anchor works', I found a way to make the preview in SigGen Config work :

if( $name_test != '' )
list($name, $realm) = explode('@',$name_test);
$name_test_url = $name . '@' . urlencode($realm);
$roster->atype = 'char'; // The dirty part
$preview_image = '
<td class="sc_row_right2" colspan="2"><img src="'.makelink('util-'.$addon['basename'].'-'.$config_name.'&amp;a=c:'.$name_test_url.'&amp;saveonly=0&amp;etag=0').'" alt="'.$name_test.' '.$config_name.' image" /></td>

$functions->setMessage('Link to preview image:<br />
[ '.makelink('util-'.$addon['basename'].'-'.$config_name.'&a=c:'.$name_test_url,false,true).' ]');

This becomes :
Code: Select all
if( $name_test != '' )
$name$realm) = explode('@',$name_test);
$name_test_url $name '@' urlencode($realm);
$roster->atype 'char';
$preview_image '
        <td class="sc_row_right2" colspan="2"><img src="'
.makelink('util-'.$addon['basename'].'-'.$config_name.'&amp;a=c:'.$name_test_url.'&amp;saveonly=0&amp;etag=0').'" alt="'.$name_test.' '.$config_name.' image" /></td>

$functions->setMessage('Link to preview image:<br />
    [ '
.makelink('util-'.$addon['basename'].'-'.$config_name.'&a=c:'.$name_test_url,false,true).' ]');

Dirty hack ?

But the Preview is back again ^^
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SigGen [v0.3.0.320]

Postby zanix » Fri Nov 30, 2007 12:33 pm

When I changed to use the anchor variable, I forgot to check something
Members with no data uploaded, it causes an error in Roster saying that member is not found

I'm going to have to switch it back to member=
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SigGen [v0.3.0.320]

Postby wildlord » Fri Nov 30, 2007 5:08 pm

hi all.

Install a new siggen give an erron with database.
This error stop the installation of tables and siggen not works.
I check it and I found it into "install.def.php":

Into line 288 find
Code: Select all
and replace with
Code: Select all
( a little ` is missing :))

Great work with this addon ;) cya.
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SigGen [v0.3.0.320]

Postby Bedevere » Sat Dec 01, 2007 4:14 am

On the installer script for v0.3.0.320 you forgot a quote. Amazing how 1 character messes it all up. Its on the first insert line.

It is at "`link_type`, image_order`, `default_message`,"

This is the incorrect line:
Code: Select all
      $installer->add_query("INSERT INTO `" . $installer->table('config') . "` (`config_id`, `db_ver`, `trigger`, `guild_trigger`, `clear_dir`, `main_image_size_w`, `main_image_size_h`, `image_dir`, `char_dir`, `class_dir`, `backg_dir`, `user_dir`, `pvplogo_dir`, `frame_dir`, `level_dir`, `border_dir`, `font_dir`, `link_type`, image_order`, `default_message`, `save_images`, `save_only_mode`, `uniup_compat`, `save_prefix`, `save_suffix`, `save_images_dir`, `save_images_format`, `etag_cache`, `image_type`, `image_quality`, `gif_dither`, `backg_disp`, `backg_fill`, `backg_fill_color`, `backg_default_image`, `backg_force_default`, `backg_data_table`, `backg_data`, `backg_translate`, `backg_search_1`, `backg_search_2`, `backg_search_3`, `backg_search_4`, `backg_search_5`, `backg_search_6`, `backg_search_7`, `backg_search_8`, `backg_search_9`, `backg_search_10`, `backg_search_11`, `backg_search_12`, `backg_file_1`, `backg_file_2`, `backg_file_3`, `backg_file_4`, `backg_file_5`, `backg_file_6`, `backg_file_7`, `backg_file_8`, `backg_file_9`, `backg_file_10`, `backg_file_11`, `backg_file_12`, `font_fullpath`, `outside_border_image`, `frames_image`, `charlogo_disp`, `charlogo_default_image`, `charlogo_loc_x`, `charlogo_loc_y`, `class_img_disp`, `class_img_loc_x`, `class_img_loc_y`, `pvplogo_disp`, `pvplogo_loc_x`, `pvplogo_loc_y`, `lvl_disp`, `lvl_font_name`, `lvl_font_color`, `lvl_font_size`, `lvl_text_shadow`, `lvl_loc_x`, `lvl_loc_y`, `lvl_text_loc_x`, `lvl_text_loc_y`, `lvl_image`, `expbar_disp`, `expbar_disp_bdr`, `expbar_disp_inside`, `expbar_max_disp`, `expbar_max_level`, `expbar_max_hidden`, `expbar_disp_text`, `expbar_string_before`, `expbar_string_after`, `expbar_max_string`, `expbar_loc_x`, `expbar_loc_y`, `expbar_length`, `expbar_height`, `expbar_color_border`, `expbar_color_bar`, `expbar_color_inside`, `expbar_color_maxbar`, `expbar_trans_border`, `expbar_trans_bar`, `expbar_trans_inside`, `expbar_trans_maxbar`, `expbar_font_name`, `expbar_font_color`, `expbar_font_size`, `expbar_text_shadow`, `expbar_align`, `expbar_align_max`, `skills_disp_primary`, `skills_disp_secondary`, `skills_disp_mount`, `skills_disp_desc`, `skills_disp_level`, `skills_disp_levelmax`, `skills_desc_loc_x`, `skills_desc_loc_y`, `skills_level_loc_x`, `skills_level_loc_y`, `skills_desc_length`, `skills_desc_length_mount`, `skills_align_desc`, `skills_align_level`, `skills_desc_linespace`, `skills_level_linespace`, `skills_gap`, `skills_shadow`, `skills_font_name`, `skills_font_color`, `skills_font_size`, `text_name_disp`, `text_name_loc_x`, `text_name_loc_y`, `text_name_align`, `text_name_shadow`, `text_name_font_name`, `text_name_font_color`, `text_name_font_size`, `text_honor_disp`, `text_honor_loc_x`, `text_honor_loc_y`, `text_honor_align`, `text_honor_shadow`, `text_honor_font_name`, `text_honor_font_color`, `text_honor_font_size`, `text_class_disp`, `text_class_loc_x`, `text_class_loc_y`, `text_class_align`, `text_class_shadow`, `text_class_font_name`, `text_class_font_color`, `text_class_font_size`, `text_guildname_disp`, `text_guildname_loc_x`, `text_guildname_loc_y`, `text_guildname_align`, `text_guildname_shadow`, `text_guildname_font_name`, `text_guildname_font_color`, `text_guildname_font_size`, `text_guildtitle_disp`, `text_guildtitle_loc_x`, `text_guildtitle_loc_y`, `text_guildtitle_align`, `text_guildtitle_shadow`, `text_guildtitle_font_name`, `text_guildtitle_font_color`, `text_guildtitle_font_size`, `text_servername_disp`, `text_servername_loc_x`, `text_servername_loc_y`, `text_servername_align`, `text_servername_shadow`, `text_servername_font_name`, `text_servername_font_color`, `text_servername_font_size`, `text_sitename_disp`, `text_sitename_remove`, `text_sitename_loc_x`, `text_sitename_loc_y`, `text_sitename_align`, `text_sitename_shadow`, `text_sitename_font_name`, `text_sitename_font_color`, `text_sitename_font_size`, `text_spec_disp`, `text_spec_loc_x`, `text_spec_loc_y`, `text_spec_align`, `text_spec_shadow`, `text_spec_font_name`, `text_spec_font_color`, `text_spec_font_size`, `text_talpoints_disp`, `text_talpoints_loc_x`, `text_talpoints_loc_y`, `text_talpoints_align`, `text_talpoints_shadow`, `text_talpoints_font_name`, `text_talpoints_font_color`, `text_talpoints_font_size`, `text_custom_disp`, `text_custom_loc_x`, `text_custom_loc_y`, `text_custom_text`, `text_custom_align`, `text_custom_shadow`, `text_custom_font_name`, `text_custom_font_color`, `text_custom_font_size`)"
         . " VALUES ('avatar', '1.6', 0, 0, 0, 100, 85, 'img/', 'character/default/', 'class/square/', 'background/defaultava/', 'members/', 'pvp/default/', 'frame/', 'level/', 'border/', 'fonts/', 'default', 'char:frames:border:class:lvl:pvp', 'SigGen Works', 0, 0, 0, '', '', '%sava/', 'png', 1, 'png', 85, 1, 1, 0, '#000000', 'default.png', 0, 'players', 'race', 1, 'Night Elf', 'Human', 'Gnome', 'Dwarf', 'Orc', 'Troll', 'Tauren', 'Undead', 'Draenei', 'Blood Elf', '', '', 'darnassus.png', 'stormwind.png', 'ironforge.png', 'ironforge.png', 'orgrimmar.png', 'orgrimmar.png', 'thunderbluff.png', 'undercity.png', 'exodar.png', 'silvermoon.png', '', '', 1, 'av-black.png', 'av-default.png', 1, 'default-alliance.png', 0, 0, 1, 65, 51, 0, 3, 25, 1, 'GREY.TTF', '#FF9900', 11, '#000000', 77, 68, 11, 15, '', 1, 0, 1, 1, 70, 1, 0, '[', ']', 'Max XP', 2, 79, 62, 3, '#000000', '#0B9BFF', '#FFFFFF', '#0B9BFF', 0, 20, 80, 0, 'VERANDA.TTF', '#FFFFFF', 6, '#000000', 'center', 'center', 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 3, 48, 65, 48, 10, 20, 'left', 'right', 7, 7, 2, '#000000', 'VERANDA.TTF', '#FF9900', 6, 1, 3, 22, 'left', '#000000', 'GREY.TTF', '#FFFF66', 14, 0, 3, 53, 'left', '#000000', 'GREY.TTF', '#99FF33', 7, 0, 97, 35, 'right', '#000000', 'VERANDA.TTF', '#99FF33', 7, 1, 3, 71, 'left', '#000000', 'GREY.TTF', '#0066FF', 8, 1, 12, 8, 'left', '#000000', 'VERANDA.TTF', '#FFCC66', 6, 1, 3, 78, 'left', '#000000', 'VERANDA.TTF', '#99FF33', 6, 0, 1, 50, 82, 'center', '#000000', 'VERANDA.TTF', '#FFFFFF', 6, 1, 3, 32, 'left', '#000000', 'GREY.TTF', '#FF6600', 7, 1, 97, 32, 'right', '#000000', 'GREY.TTF', '#CCFF33', 6, 0, 3, 84, 'Custom Text', 'left', '#000000', 'VERANDA.TTF', '#FFFFFF', 6);");

This is the fixed one
Code: Select all
      $installer->add_query("INSERT INTO `" . $installer->table('config') . "` (`config_id`, `db_ver`, `trigger`, `guild_trigger`, `clear_dir`, `main_image_size_w`, `main_image_size_h`, `image_dir`, `char_dir`, `class_dir`, `backg_dir`, `user_dir`, `pvplogo_dir`, `frame_dir`, `level_dir`, `border_dir`, `font_dir`, `link_type`, `image_order`, `default_message`, `save_images`, `save_only_mode`, `uniup_compat`, `save_prefix`, `save_suffix`, `save_images_dir`, `save_images_format`, `etag_cache`, `image_type`, `image_quality`, `gif_dither`, `backg_disp`, `backg_fill`, `backg_fill_color`, `backg_default_image`, `backg_force_default`, `backg_data_table`, `backg_data`, `backg_translate`, `backg_search_1`, `backg_search_2`, `backg_search_3`, `backg_search_4`, `backg_search_5`, `backg_search_6`, `backg_search_7`, `backg_search_8`, `backg_search_9`, `backg_search_10`, `backg_search_11`, `backg_search_12`, `backg_file_1`, `backg_file_2`, `backg_file_3`, `backg_file_4`, `backg_file_5`, `backg_file_6`, `backg_file_7`, `backg_file_8`, `backg_file_9`, `backg_file_10`, `backg_file_11`, `backg_file_12`, `font_fullpath`, `outside_border_image`, `frames_image`, `charlogo_disp`, `charlogo_default_image`, `charlogo_loc_x`, `charlogo_loc_y`, `class_img_disp`, `class_img_loc_x`, `class_img_loc_y`, `pvplogo_disp`, `pvplogo_loc_x`, `pvplogo_loc_y`, `lvl_disp`, `lvl_font_name`, `lvl_font_color`, `lvl_font_size`, `lvl_text_shadow`, `lvl_loc_x`, `lvl_loc_y`, `lvl_text_loc_x`, `lvl_text_loc_y`, `lvl_image`, `expbar_disp`, `expbar_disp_bdr`, `expbar_disp_inside`, `expbar_max_disp`, `expbar_max_level`, `expbar_max_hidden`, `expbar_disp_text`, `expbar_string_before`, `expbar_string_after`, `expbar_max_string`, `expbar_loc_x`, `expbar_loc_y`, `expbar_length`, `expbar_height`, `expbar_color_border`, `expbar_color_bar`, `expbar_color_inside`, `expbar_color_maxbar`, `expbar_trans_border`, `expbar_trans_bar`, `expbar_trans_inside`, `expbar_trans_maxbar`, `expbar_font_name`, `expbar_font_color`, `expbar_font_size`, `expbar_text_shadow`, `expbar_align`, `expbar_align_max`, `skills_disp_primary`, `skills_disp_secondary`, `skills_disp_mount`, `skills_disp_desc`, `skills_disp_level`, `skills_disp_levelmax`, `skills_desc_loc_x`, `skills_desc_loc_y`, `skills_level_loc_x`, `skills_level_loc_y`, `skills_desc_length`, `skills_desc_length_mount`, `skills_align_desc`, `skills_align_level`, `skills_desc_linespace`, `skills_level_linespace`, `skills_gap`, `skills_shadow`, `skills_font_name`, `skills_font_color`, `skills_font_size`, `text_name_disp`, `text_name_loc_x`, `text_name_loc_y`, `text_name_align`, `text_name_shadow`, `text_name_font_name`, `text_name_font_color`, `text_name_font_size`, `text_honor_disp`, `text_honor_loc_x`, `text_honor_loc_y`, `text_honor_align`, `text_honor_shadow`, `text_honor_font_name`, `text_honor_font_color`, `text_honor_font_size`, `text_class_disp`, `text_class_loc_x`, `text_class_loc_y`, `text_class_align`, `text_class_shadow`, `text_class_font_name`, `text_class_font_color`, `text_class_font_size`, `text_guildname_disp`, `text_guildname_loc_x`, `text_guildname_loc_y`, `text_guildname_align`, `text_guildname_shadow`, `text_guildname_font_name`, `text_guildname_font_color`, `text_guildname_font_size`, `text_guildtitle_disp`, `text_guildtitle_loc_x`, `text_guildtitle_loc_y`, `text_guildtitle_align`, `text_guildtitle_shadow`, `text_guildtitle_font_name`, `text_guildtitle_font_color`, `text_guildtitle_font_size`, `text_servername_disp`, `text_servername_loc_x`, `text_servername_loc_y`, `text_servername_align`, `text_servername_shadow`, `text_servername_font_name`, `text_servername_font_color`, `text_servername_font_size`, `text_sitename_disp`, `text_sitename_remove`, `text_sitename_loc_x`, `text_sitename_loc_y`, `text_sitename_align`, `text_sitename_shadow`, `text_sitename_font_name`, `text_sitename_font_color`, `text_sitename_font_size`, `text_spec_disp`, `text_spec_loc_x`, `text_spec_loc_y`, `text_spec_align`, `text_spec_shadow`, `text_spec_font_name`, `text_spec_font_color`, `text_spec_font_size`, `text_talpoints_disp`, `text_talpoints_loc_x`, `text_talpoints_loc_y`, `text_talpoints_align`, `text_talpoints_shadow`, `text_talpoints_font_name`, `text_talpoints_font_color`, `text_talpoints_font_size`, `text_custom_disp`, `text_custom_loc_x`, `text_custom_loc_y`, `text_custom_text`, `text_custom_align`, `text_custom_shadow`, `text_custom_font_name`, `text_custom_font_color`, `text_custom_font_size`)"
         . " VALUES ('avatar', '1.6', 0, 0, 0, 100, 85, 'img/', 'character/default/', 'class/square/', 'background/defaultava/', 'members/', 'pvp/default/', 'frame/', 'level/', 'border/', 'fonts/', 'default', 'char:frames:border:class:lvl:pvp', 'SigGen Works', 0, 0, 0, '', '', '%sava/', 'png', 1, 'png', 85, 1, 1, 0, '#000000', 'default.png', 0, 'players', 'race', 1, 'Night Elf', 'Human', 'Gnome', 'Dwarf', 'Orc', 'Troll', 'Tauren', 'Undead', 'Draenei', 'Blood Elf', '', '', 'darnassus.png', 'stormwind.png', 'ironforge.png', 'ironforge.png', 'orgrimmar.png', 'orgrimmar.png', 'thunderbluff.png', 'undercity.png', 'exodar.png', 'silvermoon.png', '', '', 1, 'av-black.png', 'av-default.png', 1, 'default-alliance.png', 0, 0, 1, 65, 51, 0, 3, 25, 1, 'GREY.TTF', '#FF9900', 11, '#000000', 77, 68, 11, 15, '', 1, 0, 1, 1, 70, 1, 0, '[', ']', 'Max XP', 2, 79, 62, 3, '#000000', '#0B9BFF', '#FFFFFF', '#0B9BFF', 0, 20, 80, 0, 'VERANDA.TTF', '#FFFFFF', 6, '#000000', 'center', 'center', 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 3, 48, 65, 48, 10, 20, 'left', 'right', 7, 7, 2, '#000000', 'VERANDA.TTF', '#FF9900', 6, 1, 3, 22, 'left', '#000000', 'GREY.TTF', '#FFFF66', 14, 0, 3, 53, 'left', '#000000', 'GREY.TTF', '#99FF33', 7, 0, 97, 35, 'right', '#000000', 'VERANDA.TTF', '#99FF33', 7, 1, 3, 71, 'left', '#000000', 'GREY.TTF', '#0066FF', 8, 1, 12, 8, 'left', '#000000', 'VERANDA.TTF', '#FFCC66', 6, 1, 3, 78, 'left', '#000000', 'VERANDA.TTF', '#99FF33', 6, 0, 1, 50, 82, 'center', '#000000', 'VERANDA.TTF', '#FFFFFF', 6, 1, 3, 32, 'left', '#000000', 'GREY.TTF', '#FF6600', 7, 1, 97, 32, 'right', '#000000', 'GREY.TTF', '#CCFF33', 6, 0, 3, 84, 'Custom Text', 'left', '#000000', 'VERANDA.TTF', '#FFFFFF', 6);");

Hope it helps!

EDIT: I am a moron - I could have read the alst post.
Last edited by Bedevere on Sat Dec 01, 2007 4:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Bedevere Apprentice Apprentice
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Re: SigGen [v0.3.0.320]

Postby tuigii » Sat Dec 01, 2007 6:41 am

Bedevere wrote:EDIT: I am a moron - I could have read the alst post.


Not the last post.
The before-before-before-before-last post :D

PS : Please, edit yours again (remove the code): it blows up the format of the forum - and removes certain aspects of it... like my quote just above.

(ok, I'll leave)
Last edited by tuigii on Sat Dec 01, 2007 6:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SigGen [v0.3.0.320]

Postby Gyffes » Sun Dec 02, 2007 8:35 am

Hi i have a problem whit the siggen and roster_20b_1486

i install and have a error massage

the error message is in the file

I hope you can me help.


in the error massage is a syntc problem

`link_type`, image_order`,

lost a ` by the image_order is thats the problem??

thx for help

sorry for my bad english
siggen error.txt
(32.87 KiB) Downloaded 314 times
Last edited by Gyffes on Sun Dec 02, 2007 8:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
Greet Gyffes

Thanks for help
Was nicht passt wird passend gemacht.
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Re: SigGen [v0.3.0.320]

Postby tuigii » Sun Dec 02, 2007 9:56 am

Admin, modo - please help.
People don't see the posts in this thread anymore - because "some one" posted a >4000 char large post.

Please clean out.

Gyffes - the answer is on this page (hint : the page is very very large).

Find one of my posts above.
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SigGen [v0.3.0.320]

Postby Gyffes » Sun Dec 02, 2007 6:03 pm

Thank you again have searched and found what you have meant. The contribution yesterday night, I have probably overlooked.
Greet Gyffes

Thanks for help
Was nicht passt wird passend gemacht.
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SigGen [v0.3.0.320]

Postby fadedroses » Sun Dec 02, 2007 7:27 pm

I'm having a weird error when I try to use this. It's a current install of Roster and SigGen, and the addon management said SigGen was activated even though there are no options for it, just a disabled "Update" button.
Anyway, here's what I get..

Error result

Does this require any image packs or something I forgot?
fadedroses Apprentice Apprentice
Posts: 14
Joined: Sat May 19, 2007 12:49 pm


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