Explorer error retrieving XML data

Sync Blizzards' Armory data with WoWRoster (addon depreciated no longer works see ApiSync)

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Explorer error retrieving XML data

Postby MortyRS » Fri Dec 07, 2007 5:52 pm

I have a 1500 install with a fresh 287 installation (with the class armorysyncInstall modification).

When I try to synchronize the guilds characters I get the following error :

There was a problem retrieving the XML data :
Internal Server error

Synchronizing the memberlist works fine.
Adding a character and synchronizing with the armory (under the utilities tab), when I fill in one member of my guild, gives the following error :

Internet Explorer cannot download 1 from www.(mysite).com.
Internet Explorer was not able to open this Internet site. The requested site is either unavailable or cannot be found. Please try again later.

With Ajax off, I get the same errors.

Is this a firewall problem? Or did I forget some important setting?

Thanks for your help.
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Explorer error retrieving XML data

Postby thewolfhound » Thu Dec 13, 2007 11:29 pm

I get the same. Just installed Roster 2 and armorysync so I don't know what to turn on and cut & paste to help look at info.

Basically, if I update, I can update 1 character, then it appears to hang and die (usually displays the above error message).

If I restart, it will complete the character from the previous attempt and then hang on the next one.

So basically, it updates one character at a time.
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Re: Explorer error retrieving XML data

Postby Caelin » Tue Dec 18, 2007 6:31 am

I am getting the same thing. Can update one character at a time then errors out. But if I start over it updates the character it errored out on and then errors out again on the second character.
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Explorer error retrieving XML data

Postby cwpc » Wed Dec 19, 2007 2:47 am

having the same problem with 1540 and the latest Armory Synch
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Explorer error retrieving XML data

Postby EthanHuntMKD » Wed Dec 19, 2007 9:43 am

Same problem, same settings. Any answers?
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Explorer error retrieving XML data

Postby poetter » Wed Dec 19, 2007 12:47 pm

Alright, what about some infos?

What's your webservers os?
Which webserver do you use?
Which php version do you use?

Same error with Firefox?

What's your region, server, guild and char name?
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Explorer error retrieving XML data

Postby cwpc » Thu Dec 20, 2007 1:35 am

OS Linux
Server Software Apache/1.3.33 (Unix)
MySQL Version 5.0.45-log

PHP Version 4.4.7
PHP API Type cgi
safe_mode Off
open_basedir Off
allow_url_fopen On
file_uploads On
upload_max_filesize 20M

db_version 6
db_prefix roster_
debug_mode On
roster_lang enUS
img_url img/
interface_url img/
img_suffix jpg
use_update_triggers On
rs_mode On

i cant use firefox on this PC (work PC - it wont even open- not even the portable version)

Region is US, Server is Haomarush, My character is Steakknife
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Explorer error retrieving XML data

Postby poetter » Thu Dec 20, 2007 1:54 am


i tried it out and found something. The character existents check does not have retrys yet. So adding your char, got me a time out error. After i tried a second time it was working. So a few more questions?

Did you make it to the sync screen(The one with the questions marks)?
Are you using single page updates(If not, do so)?
Have you set your "Armory Fetch timeout"(If not, set it to 4)?
Have you set your "Reload wait time"(If not, set it to 2)?

I still have no idea what is causing the error above, but i guess that an exceed of the max_execution_time in Apache 1 is throwing a 500 error. Anyone here using Apache 1 that can check that?

What exactly was the behavior of the error? Did it break after a time(max_execution_time), or did it break at once?
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Explorer error retrieving XML data

Postby cwpc » Thu Dec 20, 2007 2:17 am

i make it to the synch screen, it sometimes will complete a few then it just stops responding - sometimes it throws up the error

i was set to per character updates - i am trying per page on a secondary guild in my roster now. the other 2 settings are set at what you have suggested
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Re: Explorer error retrieving XML data

Postby poetter » Thu Dec 20, 2007 2:51 am

Just to explain the update setting.

AS has to fetch charinfo, skillinfo, talentinfo, reputationinfo and up to 19 iteminfo + itemtooltip. That are 42 fetches from armory for every character.

As the armory is very slow and unstable recently some of these pages just are not delivered. You can check that manually with your browser. Go through all this pages and see whats happening. My browser (FF) has a good chance to just freeze on minimum one of this pages.

The same is happening to AS. So lets assume you use character update and have set a fetch timeout of 5 and a max_execution_time in php.ini of 30. AS fetches all this 42 pages in one step and if more than 6 pages time out you exceed your max_execution_time. This might throw the 500 error with Apache 1.

To shift around this, i build in page update. AS fetches one page, then does a reload. If it fails it will retry up to two times. This takes a maximum time of your fetch_timeout setting, which should be far away from your php.ini's max_exectution_time. To be honest i forgot to implement retries in two methods.

So what does all that mean:

- I every case set "fetch_timeout" to 4 and "reload_wait_time" to 2.

Are you able to edit your php.ini ?

- Yes
--> Set max_execution_time very high. f.e mine is set to 300.
--> Set "Armory Fetch method" to what you want. Character Update should be quicker altogether.

- No
--> Set "Armory Fetch method" to page update.
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Explorer error retrieving XML data

Postby cwpc » Thu Dec 20, 2007 3:11 am

i have no acess to php.ini so i am trying it again with ajax off (working so far) using page updates. but with a 300 + member guild - just trying to populate the guild data is gonna take some time.

If i know how to use the SVN i would update to 1549 and try the new version - since i dont ill wait for another update pack from xanix
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Explorer error retrieving XML data

Postby poetter » Thu Dec 20, 2007 3:20 am

There is no difference in fetching the pages. last build just fixes item tooltip parsing.

And yes, synchronizing a whole guild will take some time, thx blizzard.
Last edited by poetter on Thu Dec 20, 2007 3:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Explorer error retrieving XML data

Postby cwpc » Thu Dec 20, 2007 3:28 am

my 300+ member guild fails at the same member at the first task, so it just keeps reloading the page over and over, never advancing
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Explorer error retrieving XML data

Postby poetter » Thu Dec 20, 2007 3:31 am

Try to break the reload with the stop button and post every debug info and error notices.
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Explorer error retrieving XML data

Postby Keviel » Thu Dec 20, 2007 9:58 pm

I have somewhat the same problem with mine actually - updated to earliest SVNs last night and decided to give it a go. The tooltip parsing is SWEET, however I'm having PSYCHOTIC slow downloads now. Talking 1-2 minutes per character if I use the per page, and occasionally also getting told that it used up the 16 MB PHP memory - and sometimes also stops at random characters and never moves on, regardless of timeout settings - Not using the per page, it goes pretty fast despite the 30 second setting in php.ini, but suddenly it just stops at a given character (if I retry 20 minutes later, when it's still at the same character, often that character's data will be immediately parsed, as if it was downloaded, but never processed, and moves onto the next one, where it breaks again)

The guild has around 102 members. (which also is odd - if I do an update of the guild, it says 102 members updated. Try to update the characters, I'm told it has 104 characters to run through. Haven't bothered yet to find out which characters are in excess)

Server: Argent Dawn
Region: EU
Site: k eepers.g ame-dev.o rg/roster
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