missing table

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missing table

Postby johnec » Fri Dec 07, 2007 2:56 am

WoWRoster v1.9.9.1486
SMFSync v1.9.9.319

After adding SMFSync addon, when I try to edit the config, it tells me I'm missing a table...

1146: Table 'mysphere_wowroster.smf_membergroups' doesn't exist
SELECT * FROM `smf_membergroups` WHERE `ID_GROUP` > 3 AND `minPosts` = '-1'
File: lib/dbal/mysql.php
Line: 207
Backtrace (most recent call last):
Line: 240
Function Called: backtrace
Line: 207
Function Called: die_quietly
1146: Table 'mysphere_wowroster.smf_membergroups' doesn't exist
Database Error
SELECT * FROM `smf_membergroups` WHERE `ID_GROUP` > 3 AND `minPosts` = '-1'
Line: 30
Function Called: query
SELECT * FROM `smf_membergroups` WHERE `ID_GROUP` > 3 AND `minPosts` = '-1'
Line: 390
Function Called: getgroups
Array ( [id] => 1302 [name] => guild_suspended_group [config_type] => smf_menu_guild [value] => 0 [form_type] => function{getGroups [description] => Select a group to put suspended members in [tooltip] =>

db name: guild_suspended_group )
Line: 169
Function Called: buildblock
Line: 93
Function Called: buildconfigpage
Line: 116
Function Called: require_once
Line: 83
Function Called: require
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missing table

Postby zanix » Fri Dec 07, 2007 3:41 am

I think SMF and Roster need to be in the same database
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missing table

Postby boyo » Sat Dec 08, 2007 1:00 pm

Your right Zanix, they need to be in the same database.
I thought I had mentioned that, but I may not have.
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Re: missing table

Postby master_sage » Thu Feb 28, 2008 10:36 am

Hi ;

How would you feel abouts someone editing your Config could and sql scripts to allow for an alternate dbconnection?

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Re: missing table

Postby master_sage » Thu Feb 28, 2008 8:26 pm

Thought I would share...

If your using a version of mysql that allows View creation and you have separate databases that run on the same server you can do the following.

In your roster Database

Create View smf_members as Select * from db.smf_members

You will also need to do this for smf_membergroups

I would note that permissions is looking for a table called

smf_menu_permissions. A table that does not exist in 1.1.4
so I have not gotten this to work yet. There are a couple other permission tables but not that one

Note some hosting companies create sub databases for their users so you must include your user prefix in the create view statement for example.. Lets say your host company user name is admin2

then your smf data base is likly admin2_smf even though you only see _smf

so your create view would look like this

go to your roster db

Create view smf_members as select * from admin2_smf.smf_members

this will create a view in your roster database of the other db's table. Thus allowing our most appreciated smfsync program to function. Thanks by the way :)

For those who don't know a view is a stored select statement that acts like a table.

On A side note I have not fully tested this yet. But It appear to be working

Lastly if your db’s are on separate servers, in theory server.db.tablename should work as well, so long as the db accounts are in sync see mysql docs for more information on this one.

Let me know your thoughts
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missing table

Postby Spennig » Tue Mar 04, 2008 10:27 pm

It -works- as far as the basics, but I can't access the permissions options, since updating... I get:

Fatal error: Call to a member function getMessage() on a non-object in /home/.mariposa/awakened/www.guildawakened.net/roster2/addons/smfsync/admin/permissions.php on line 81

There's no smf_menu_permissions, as noted by the last poster. I can't recall the workaround that a friend made up for me on the last update I had.

Is there a different table it should look for?
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Re: missing table

Postby Spennig » Tue Mar 04, 2008 10:52 pm

Spennig wrote:It -works- as far as the basics, but I can't access the permissions options, since updating... I get:

Fatal error: Call to a member function getMessage() on a non-object in /home/.mariposa/awakened/www.guildawakened.net/roster2/addons/smfsync/admin/permissions.php on line 81

There's no smf_menu_permissions, as noted by the last poster. I can't recall the workaround that a friend made up for me on the last update I had.

Is there a different table it should look for?

Fixed it.

in \admin\permissions.php, I changed line 81 from:

$body = $roster_login>getMessage() . "<br />


$body = $roster->auth->getMessage() . "<br />

it goes right to the permissions information then. <3
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