Users of US-Versions (Game) in DE

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Users of US-Versions (Game) in DE

Postby Holgiranemsi » Wed Dec 05, 2007 1:22 am

Hi folks,
we have a small problem. Already in Roster 1.7.x and now also in the beta version 1.9.x we have the same "problem". There are 2 users in our guild running the english version of WoW but all other run the german version.

So when they now upload any data a lot of stuff gets duplicated in two languages. A good example is the reputation. Where all other collect reputation for the "Blutsegelbulkaniere" those 2 are transmitting data about the "Bloodsail Buccaneers".

Does anybody have a quick solution how to convert the english data into german data while upload? Is there any script which would cause the english data to be converted into german after the upload? Any tricky solution?

Yes, I know. They would do good in using the same game version as the other but they don't.

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Users of US-Versions (Game) in DE

Postby zanix » Wed Dec 05, 2007 2:05 am

Quick? No

At least the language situation in the current Roster is much better than previous versions
There used to be many, many more problems

The solution requires a translation table for each locale, for each reputation
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Re: Users of US-Versions (Game) in DE

Postby tuigii » Wed Dec 05, 2007 3:57 am

Holgiranemsi wrote:Does anybody have a quick solution how to convert the english data into german data while upload? Is there any script which would cause the english data to be converted into german after the upload? Any tricky solution?

There is no such thing as a universal number, like the item id, by which the rep 'name' can be identified.
So, an array (4 languages wide) must be maintained with all the possible reputations.
Then an 'on the fly' translation can be done very easily.
I figured out a nearly automated setup: use the Armory to parse the 4 biggest guilds on every server for every language - and have it synced ones in a while - spitting out all know reputations. Big guilds mean: the chance will be great that I capture all reputations.

I have to admit that I put this 'solution’ on a low priority, when you talk about the reputation development :wink:
I do understand you aren’t he only one having this problem ‘problem’.
It also exists for professions, for example – even when this concerns a far more limited list of names – and that they aren’t prone to be modified every Monday morning, when Bliz decides to “changes something again”…..

zanix wrote:Yes, I know. They would do good in using the same game version as the other but they don't.

My Guild member that uses the English language is Canadien guy.
I asked him to do so (and he didn't objected) because it helps me for debugging purposes - it's always good to know the 'original' words of the Bliz software :D But : side effect is that all reps are double now.
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Users of US-Versions (Game) in DE

Postby PleegWat » Wed Dec 05, 2007 4:09 am

Between rep and professions the chances of blizz deciding to translate something differently overpatch are roughly as high.

This belongs in the patch-dependant data package we do not currently have.
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Users of US-Versions (Game) in DE

Postby Holgiranemsi » Wed Dec 05, 2007 6:23 pm

Thanks a lot for all the answers!
So we stand not alone, good to know ;-)
Its more or less a cosmetical problem not really breaking the Roster itself.
So lets wait if someone has a solution in the near or far future.
I understand even the "flexibilaty" of Blizz naming the same thing every now and then a little bit different. Keeps life spicy!
Anyway, thanks!
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