Revenge of the spelling monkey

Posts from previous Beta sessions

Revenge of the spelling monkey

Postby Keviel » Mon Nov 26, 2007 10:49 pm

Here's just some spelling corrections :-)


line 85: (probalby -> probably)
$this->message = "No infos for ". $this->memberName. "<br>Character has probably not been updated for a while";


line 24: (aynchronize -> synchronize)
$lang['async_button5'] = 'ArmorySync Memberlist for a new guild|Add a new guild and synchronize<br />the memberlist with Blizzard\'s Armory';

line 28: (inconsistent capitalization - ArmorySync -> armorysync)
$lang['admin']['armorysync_ranks'] = 'Ranks|Configure guild ranks for armorysync';

line 55-59: (ia -> is)
$lang['admin']['armorysync_char_update_access'] = 'Char Update Access Level|Who is able to do character updates';
$lang['admin']['armorysync_guild_update_access'] = 'Guild Update Access Level|Who is able to do guild updates';
$lang['admin']['armorysync_guild_memberlist_update_access'] = 'Guild Memberlist Update Access Level|Who is able to do guild memberlist updates';
$lang['admin']['armorysync_realm_update_access'] = 'Realm Update Access Level|Who is able to do realm updates';
$lang['admin']['armorysync_guild_add_access'] = 'Guild Add Access Level|Who is able to add new guilds';

line 176: (Charakter -> Character)
$lang['armorysync_charadd'] = "Adding Character and synchronize<br />with the Armory.";

line 178: (charakter -> character | meberlist -> memberlist)
$lang['armorysync_add_helpText'] = "Spell the character / guild and the server names exactly how they are listed on the Armory.<br />Region is EU for European and US for American/Oceanic.<br />First, ArmorySync will check if the guild exists in the Armory.<br />Next, a synchronization of the memberlist will be done.";

line 186: (Spezial -> Special)
$lang['armorysync_credits'] = 'Thanks to <a target="_blank" href="">tuigii</a>, <a target="_blank" href="">zanix</a>, <a target="_blank" href="">ds</a> and <a target="_blank" href="">Subxero</a> for testing, translating and supporting.<br />Special thanks to <a target="_blank" href="">kristoff22</a> for the original code of ArmorySync and <a target="_blank" href="">Pugro</a> for his changes to it.';

line 189: (Your -> You're | Blizzards -> Blizzard's)
$lang['start_message'] = "You're about to start ArmorySync for %s %s.<br /><br />By this all data for %s will be overwritten<br />with details from Blizzard's Armory. This can only be undone<br />by uploading a current CharacterProfiler.lua.<br /><br />Do you want to start this process yet";

That's all I just fell over - haven't had much time to check other files. Just went hunting for the spelling errors I saw first off, and tried to find whatever I could in the same files.

The changed files are also available here - there are NO changes made apart from the above mentioned spelling corrections.
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Last edited by Keviel on Mon Nov 26, 2007 11:15 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Revenge of the spelling monkey

Postby Keviel » Mon Nov 26, 2007 10:59 pm

I was half asleep when I started this... Anybody care to move it to the ArmorySync section instead? Hardly belongs under Roster...
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Revenge of the spelling monkey

Postby PleegWat » Tue Nov 27, 2007 12:36 am

if this is indeed armorysync code, you can also check it into the addon svn yourself. Unless poetter prefers to keep that to his own use only, of course, but he doesn't strike me as the type for that.
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Revenge of the spelling monkey

Postby Keviel » Tue Nov 27, 2007 12:52 am

well, I'm no dev - I know nada about PHP really - I'm just a spelling monkey ^^ - and as such, I wouldn't know how to add it to the SVN, given that I honestly haven't bothered looking at how, when I'm no dev :-)
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