Yes, I will update it for sunwell.
Yes, the gif files are left behind, since they are generated by the php-script. Only files which are defined in the xml file are removed during uninstall. Since they do not exist during install they are not uninstalled / removed properly.
If somebody knows how to fix this, please let me know
@Mokane & synestar:
str_split is, like cucuboco already wrote, a php5 function.
To hotfix this issue, try the following:
Edit "mod_wow_boss_progress.php" in your /modules directory.
Around line 123:
- Code: Select all
list($red, $green, $blue) = str_split ($back_color, 2);
And replace this line with:
- Code: Select all
list($red, $green, $blue) = explode("\r\n", chunk_split($back_color, 2));
Around line 132:
- Code: Select all
list($red, $green, $blue) = str_split ($bar_color, 2);
And replace this line with:
- Code: Select all
list($red, $green, $blue) = explode("\r\n", chunk_split($bar_color, 2));
@those who have problems with the progress bars:
As I mentioned before:
The module uses gd_library to generate the bars.
Your php installation has to be compiled with gd so that you are able to use it (if you're on gentoo it's USE="gd" emerge php).
For other distributions it should be compiled in by default.
I hope this helps out until I've got time for a new release.
- Include bosskill dates
- Include Sunwell Plateau
- ... Your suggestions here