Ok. I have done at least 30 Roster Installations including both 1.7.3 and 2.0. I have had and seen Armory Synch work, and not work. I have also spent many hours correcting, reinstalling, and experimenting different things.
I am baffled for this one.
I tried with both AJAX on and off.
I checked a different site, with the last version of Armory Synch on it, and it is still working. Here is the Debug info:
ArmorySync Debugging Infos
Line Time File Class Function Info Status
421 0.0021 inc/armorysyncjob.class.php armorysyncjob _checkauth Checked authentication OK
137 0.0022 inc/armorysyncjob.class.php armorysyncjob _checkenv Checking environment OK
143 0.0023 inc/armorysyncjob.class.php armorysyncjob _isrequiredrosterversion Check required Roster version OK
148 0.0023 inc/armorysyncjob.class.php armorysyncjob _isrequiredarmorysyncversion Check required ArmorySync version OK
221 0.017 inc/armorysyncjob.class.php armorysyncjob _prepareupdate Prepared character update job OK
222 0.0367 inc/armorysyncjob.class.php armorysyncjob _updatestatus Updated charcter job status OK
223 0.0521 inc/armorysyncjob.class.php armorysyncjob _showstatus Printed status window OK
225 0.0523 inc/armorysyncjob.class.php armorysyncjob _link Printed reload java code OK
172 0.0524 inc/armorysyncjob.class.php armorysyncjob _startsyncing Finnished sync job OK
397 6.4475 inc/armorysyncjob.class.php armorysyncjobajax _checkauth Checked authentication OK
52 6.4476 inc/armorysyncjobajax.class.php armorysyncjobajax _checkenv Checking environment OK
129 6.6653 inc/armorysync.class.php armorysync _getcharacterinfo Parsed character infos Failed
68 6.6654 inc/armorysync.class.php armorysync _getrosterdata Parsed all armory data Failed
972 6.6655 inc/armorysyncjob.class.php armorysync synchmemberbyid Synced armory data Khazmon with roster Failed
67 6.6727 inc/armorysyncjobajax.class.php armorysyncjobajax _updatestatus Updated charcter job status OK
69 6.6736 inc/armorysyncjobajax.class.php armorysyncjobajax _getajaxstatus Prepared ajax status OK
33 6.6737 ajax/armorysync.php armorysyncjobajax startajaxstatusupdate Started ajax status update OK
397 9.6499 inc/armorysyncjob.class.php armorysyncjobajax _checkauth Checked authentication OK
52 9.65 inc/armorysyncjobajax.class.php armorysyncjobajax _checkenv Checking environment OK
67 9.6692 inc/armorysyncjobajax.class.php armorysyncjobajax _updatestatus Updated charcter job status OK
69 9.6699 inc/armorysyncjobajax.class.php armorysyncjobajax _getajaxstatus Prepared ajax status OK
33 9.67 ajax/armorysync.php armorysyncjobajax startajaxstatusupdate Started ajax status update OK
397 12.5259 inc/armorysyncjob.class.php armorysyncjobajax _checkauth Checked authentication OK
52 12.526 inc/armorysyncjobajax.class.php armorysyncjobajax _checkenv Checking environment OK
129 12.6401 inc/armorysync.class.php armorysync _getcharacterinfo Parsed character infos Failed
68 12.6402 inc/armorysync.class.php armorysync _getrosterdata Parsed all armory data Failed
972 12.6403 inc/armorysyncjob.class.php armorysync synchmemberbyid Synced armory data Nary with roster Failed
67 12.6475 inc/armorysyncjobajax.class.php armorysyncjobajax _updatestatus Updated charcter job status OK