Blowing out a lot of php errors :
inc/update_hook.php - line 79 was
- Code: Select all
$this->insert_item( $item,$data['Locale'] );
- Code: Select all
$this->insert_item( $item,$roster->config['locale'] );
Same thing goes for line 94.
Line 174 was
- Code: Select all
global $roster, $locale, $wordings;
- Code: Select all
global $roster, $wordings;
These changes did it for me, the import went ok.
When showing the Vault, I saw :
- Code: Select all
PHP Errors
Notice line 1333: Undefined variable: armor_set
This is a nasty one.
A SQL line like this (in lib/item.php) was generated:
- Code: Select all
SELECT `item_name`, `item_parent` FROM `XXroster_items` WHERE `member_id` = '0' AND `item_name` IN ('Mantelet de sectateur du crépuscule', 'Capuche de sectateur du crépuscule', 'Robe de sectateur du crépuscule')
When a "Mantelet de sectateur du crépuscule" was found as an item in the Vault.
Nice to see is the `member_id` = '0' which doen't makes any sens here.
The Vault doesn't belong to a member/player. It Guild-wide.
So, no matches are found. The search, when `member_id` = '0' is true, should be limited to the "Vault Tabx arrays".
But, this a a table that is or isn't present, depends if the Vault Addon is there.
So, maybe the vault items should stay in the items table - marked with a special member_id like '9999999' or -1 (a never existing member in a Guild) so we can see the Guild as a special member-item-owner.
item_parrent becomes then Tab1, Tab2, .... Tab8.
(We shall not forget that right have to be copied alos : like players that can 'see' tabs IG, should be hidden also in the Roster.....[my deer, we will need auth soooooon

] - can arrange this with some admin settings in the mean time)
I saw the deposit/witgdraw log info in my CP.lua - will imagine some code arround it ^^