UniUploader Addon Limit?

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UniUploader Addon Limit?

Postby TankGirl » Wed Oct 24, 2007 9:28 pm

Is there some limit to the maximum viewab;e addons ing uniuploader?
I ask this because our guild has nearly 60 addons and modules in Uniadmin now. Uniuploader lists them all perfectly, but recently we had a request the Fubar (Ace2) could be added to the list for updating.
In added the 27 some Fubar modules and core, Uniuploader greys out the Show Addons button. On deletion of the Fubar addons, the button and list return.

So something in adding the Fubar modules is blocking the list in Uniuploader.
Uniuploader has some limit to how many addons can be viewed, some serverside setting is blocking Uniuploader from viewing that many addons, or there is some compatibility issue with Fubar.

Any ideas?
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UniUploader Addon Limit?

Postby zanix » Thu Oct 25, 2007 12:53 am

UniAdmin has nothing limiting how many addons are listed
Try using jUniUploader to view the addon list from UA
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Re: UniUploader Addon Limit?

Postby TankGirl » Thu Oct 25, 2007 8:46 am

Juniuploar does the same thing after adding the fubar addons and modules.
these are listing in the uniadmin, but the uploader will not sync to addons after so many.
I just greys out tha show addons button.
juniuploader wont show addons after this apparent limit either.

I have no clue why with 55 odd addons and modules it works fine, but adding fubar stuff stops the addons in the unploaders, I can then delete the extra addons, and tadah, addons show again.

There is some limitation somewhere, some threshold or some issue with fubar.

btw i use wowace to add the Fubar stuff, i have no issues with anything else i get from wowace.
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UniUploader Addon Limit?

Postby zanix » Thu Oct 25, 2007 9:35 am

Weird, can I get a link to your UniAdmin install?
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Re: UniUploader Addon Limit?

Postby TankGirl » Thu Oct 25, 2007 9:51 am

I think i found the issue and it's surprising.
I've gotten in a total of 78 addons in, that will load in uniuploader.
I had to one by one test each fubar addon/module after getting them from wowace.
I found that it has to be some addon compatibility issue.
When I add Fubar_DPS it kills the addon listing in the uploaders.
I can take it out, and even put in several more addons and I get a list back.
I don't know what others may do this, but it's definitely not a maximum limit or server issue, as I can add a large amount of extra addons.
I did however notice that in the version notes for Fubar_DPS has some strange characters, I dunno if this could throw off Uniuploader and Juniuploader or not.

I'm just going to avoid addons that behave this way in the future, so this is really a non issue for me anymore, but may be with still looking into as to why these addons seem to mess up the addons lists in the uploaders.
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UniUploader Addon Limit?

Postby zanix » Thu Oct 25, 2007 10:10 am

Thanks for telling me what addon is messing this up

Its because of the homepage url for this addon, it has an & (ampersand) in it
Code: Select all

The xml output doesn't convert this properly and causes UU and jUU to choke on it

You can fix this by editing the addon in the addon details page and just clear the homepage box
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Re: UniUploader Addon Limit?

Postby swampy » Sun Oct 28, 2007 1:08 am

If you want to change the server code, the fix here should help I think, TankGirl
<br /><a href="http://www.argentdawnexiles.org" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="http://www.argentdawnexiles.org" ><img src="http://www.argentdawnexiles.org/wowroster/sig/Jakob.png" style="border:0;" alt="" /></a><br />
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Re: UniUploader Addon Limit?

Postby TankGirl » Mon Nov 05, 2007 6:59 am

well I can change it in the datatbase, and watch for this in the future.
I doubt I'll re-download that particular addon, but I'm glad the problem was figured out.
Just so everyone else can see what's going on.
Now we all can watch for this and correct it, and it's now something to think about in future patches of uniadmin/uniuploader.

Great work Zanix!
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UniUploader Addon Limit?

Postby MattM » Tue Nov 06, 2007 9:10 am

Good call Zanix.
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