Item Parser

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Re: ArmorySync Users MUST READ THIS!

Postby Keviel » Sun Oct 21, 2007 8:36 am

No clue whether this will help devs any - I know nothing whatsoever about PHP sadly, so I can't point at it directly, and thus don't know whether you've noticed this yourselves either.

The Itemparser problem relates to line breaks.

Testing things out, I compared uploads in the database made via Armorysynch and those via CharacterProfile. Some things stuck out immediately, so I just tested out what would happen if I just deleted the linebreak on the record, in the tooltip field.

Suddenly, the parse worked on that item. - I then tried putting in a <br> into the record, which gave the same error in the parsing. Funnily enough I tried just making a simple linebreak (no double linebreak)

The item was Romulo's Poison Vial

---- this one works ----
Romulo's Poison Vial
Requires Level 70
Equip: Improves hit rating by 35
Equip: Your melee and ranged attacks have a chance to inject poison into your target dealing 222 to 332 Nature damage.

---- this one doesn't ----

Romulo's Poison Vial
Requires Level 70
Equip: Improves hit rating by 35
Equip: Your melee and ranged attacks have a chance to inject poison into your target dealing 222 to 332 Nature damage.

Karazhan drop.

---- this one doesn't ----

Romulo's Poison Vial
Requires Level 70
Equip: Improves hit rating by 35
Equip: Your melee and ranged attacks have a chance to inject poison into your target dealing 222 to 332 Nature damage.
Karazhan drop.


I'm not at all sure why this. I'm merely giving my observations, hoping that it might help.

Thank you for the work done so far in any case :-)

Even when it parses without any errors, the icon's still buggered, referring to a pixel.gif rather than the inv_poison_mindnumbing.jpg (which is correctly put in the record)
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ArmorySync Users MUST READ THIS!

Postby zanix » Mon Oct 22, 2007 10:22 am

I'm looking at the tooltips generated via armorysync and they are off in many places as compared to CP

There are line breaks like this
Code: Select all
Head<br /> Leather

Where it should be
Code: Select all
Head Leather

This is just one example

One or more of the following need to be done
The parser needs to know if the tooltip is from the armory and act acordingly
ArmorySync needs to perform some amount of tooltip cleaning somehow (what version of the tip do we get? html or xml?)
Roster just needs to get its tooltip data from the armory and not CP (to be honest I would rather deal with CP than armory, at least for now)

These all don't need to be all done, but some of these will
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Re: ArmorySync Users MUST READ THIS!

Postby Keviel » Mon Oct 22, 2007 6:14 pm

Hmmm, I'm just comparing two items - there are some line breaks in both, at the same places really.


CP Import
Libram of Truth
Relic Libram
Requires Level 52
Equip: Increases the armor from your Devotion Aura by 110.

Amory Import
Libram of Truth
Relic Libram
Requires Level 52
Equip: Increases the armor from your Devotion Aura by 110.

Source: Blackrock Depths
Boss: Magmus
Drop Rate: Low (15% - 24%)

- if I remove everything below the last Equip line, it works. Source, Boss, and Drop Rate are not parsed.

CP Import with sockets
Bladed Shoulderpads of the Merciless
Shoulder Leather
273 Armor
+30 Stamina
+15 Critical Strike Rating and +20 Attack Power
+8 Hit Rating
+10 Attack Power and +4 Hit Rating
Socket Bonus: +3 Hit Rating
Durability 70 / 70
Requires Level 70
Equip: Improves hit rating by 13.
Equip: Improves critical strike rating by 21.
Equip: Increases attack power by 58.
<Shift Right Click to Socket>

Armory Import with sockets
Bladed Shoulderpads of the Merciless
Shoulders Leather
273 Armor
+30 Stamina
+26 Attack Power
+8 Critical Strike Rating
+8 Critical Strike Rating
Socket Bonus: +3 Hit Rating
Durability: 68 / 70
Requires Level 70
Equip: Improves hit rating by 13
Equip: Improves critical strike rating by 21
Equip: Increases attack power by 58.

Source: Chest Drop

(the two items aren't from the same char obviously - hence the difference in gems)

Why does CP import it as Shoulder, when Armory imports it as Shoulders? Something screwy around here. Also, there's not supposed to be a linebreak in between Shoulder Leather (or Head Leather in your example) - but there's a tab in there. Even in the database.

I prefer to be able to use both, since CP doesn't require you to have Armorysync working, while Armorysync makes it possible to have data on even the lazy-bones that don't care to do the work themselves. (which as a guild leader I'm interested in keeping nevertheless)

However, the "Source" part in the tooltip is unique to Armory, so a checkup that looks for that part, and parses accordingly, is technically possible I suppose (?) - but sounds a bit... Well, over the top somehow. As for which it uses - HTML or XML, I have no clue. My -guess- would be XML, but don't ask me to substantiate my assumptions >.<

Thanks for the answers so far Zanix :-) I'm new to the community, but so far am very impressed with the work put into it.
Last edited by Keviel on Mon Oct 22, 2007 6:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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ArmorySync Users MUST READ THIS!

Postby zanix » Tue Oct 23, 2007 12:19 am

The source, drop rate, boss stuff is easily parsed out by adding strings to the tooltip_junk string in the locale files

The parts that confuse the parser are the inconsistencies
Shoulder <=> Shoulders
Line break in the "BodyLocation ArmorType" line
The tab is fine in this line as well, Roster can handle it
Durability ##/## <=> Durability: ##/## (notice the : ?)

It's just these small things that mess with the parser

With DS being so busy lately, this might not get completely fixed until he gets un-busy
I'm trying my best on my local test Roster to get some of this fixed, but it keeps, well, not wanting to work
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ArmorySync Users MUST READ THIS!

Postby Keviel » Tue Oct 23, 2007 12:25 am

With your permission, I'll ask one of my friends, who does PHP parsing for a living, and have her take a look at the item.php. She's part of my guild, so ;-)

Thanks for your efforts!
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ArmorySync Users MUST READ THIS!

Postby zanix » Tue Oct 23, 2007 12:27 am

Sure, any help is appreciated
We should start a new post about this though

I will be splitting this topic into a new one
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Item Parser

Postby PleegWat » Tue Oct 23, 2007 5:26 pm

3) isn't all that hard, but we don't want people to do that.

Next time I see DS on irc I'll tell him to move it to the footer. It's his debugging.
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Item Parser

Postby zanix » Thu Oct 25, 2007 9:25 am

I have split the flame posts out
Please continue the conversation peacefully
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Item Parser

Postby Keviel » Mon Oct 29, 2007 7:17 pm

After SVN 1418 everything looks a lot better. The bugs having been moved to the bottom makes it still usable despite parse errors. Also, the tooltips are working again, even with the extra data, which was an issue before.

Parsing errors are the same, but now the Armory-imported data is usable at least.
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Item Parser

Postby zanix » Tue Oct 30, 2007 12:13 am

It's the best of both sides
We get debug, but it isn't splattered all over the page

We all win :D

Now DS needs to come back from his break and work with poetter to fix this issue!
Last edited by zanix on Tue Oct 30, 2007 12:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Item Parser

Postby Keviel » Tue Oct 30, 2007 4:03 pm

I don't think my PHP friend will be of much use for once - she started spouting profanity at the prospect of looking through three and a half ton of php-files to find differences between the imports, of which she'd had her hands in none ^^ (not that she wouldn't do it anyway, but I'd probably have to render services for a few years to come in return)

- Her pragmatic question was which of the parsers that needed to be fixed though; the one that parses the data from CP/Armory -> database, or the one that parses the data from the database to the view. Technically speaking, it's better to have uniform data in the database, but as the data given from both systems are so different, and generally it's nice to have the more data the better, and Armory does give more data for the items than CP; it might be more prudent to make the view-parser capable of parsing inconsistencies in the database - kinda messy though... No, strike "kinda".

Looking forward to saying hello to DS when he gets back ^^
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