Using IE7 or Firefox.
Right now, when I do a complete character list update, only a 'Guild memberlist' is being performed - using the first char line to show the number of chars in the Guild.
Individual chars update is ok
GuildMemberlist is ok.
[edit] : Shoot, Ajax is still on, putting it off and ... all goes well. [Ajax = on = no more errors - but point 1) happens)
I thought that :
[quote=poetter]Till the devs fix addon ajax support, it is turned off by default.[/quote]
$installer->add_config("'1250', 'armorysync_use_ajax', '0', 'radio{On^1|Off^0', 'armorysync_conf'");

Goto : and have a look at the ArmorySync buttons - they are empty.
Have a look at the source code of the page : these 2 buttons do NOT use my URL to access, but the internal web hosters URL.
After walking through the menus, the button will show up.
I've seen this the ast couple of versions.
French frFR.php part translated:
- Code: Select all
$lang['month_to_en'] = array(
"janvier" => "January",
"février" => "February",
"mars" => "March",
"avril" => "April",
"mai" => "May",
"juin" => "June",
"juillet" => "July",
"août" => "August",
"septembre" => "September",
"octobre" => "October",
"novembre" => "November",
"décembre" => "December"
$lang['roster_deprecated'] = "WoWRoster obsolète";
$lang['roster_deprecated_message'] = "<br />Vous utilisez <b>WoWRoster</b><br /><br />Version: <strong style="color:red;" >%s</strong><br /><br />Pour utiliser <b>ArmorySync</b> Version <strong style="color:yellow;" >%s</strong><br />vous avez besoin au moins <b>WoWRoster</b><br /><br />Version <strong style="color:green;" >%s</strong><br /><br />Veuillez mettre à jour <b>WoWRoster</b><br /> ";
$lang['armorysync_not_upgraded'] = "ArmorySync n'est pas été mise à jour";
$lang['armorysync_not_upgraded_message'] = "<br />Vous avez actuèllement <b>ArmorySync</b><br /><br />Version: <strong style="color:green;" >%s</strong><br /><br />Maintenant on est à <b>ArmorySync</b><br /><br />Version <strong style="color:red;" >%s</strong><br /><br />enregistré avec <b>WoWRoster</b>.<br /><br />Veuillez aller à la <b>WoWRoster</b> configuration<br />et mettez à jour votre <b>ArmorySync</b><br /> ";
And a tip : Every time, I forget to change the protected name 'banker' to 'banquier' (our localized GuildTitle for the group of bankers in our Guild)
Of cours, they all live in IF - and are level 1 :-)
So, they get ejected : no more banks after sync.
(I own half of these 'banquiers', so a simple CP.lua upload will correct this - but, right now, I'm testing in a TGV somewhere between Paris and Bordeaux, and haven't WoW installed on this pc ;-) )
Or, these settings ARE normally avaliable elsewhere.
If addon "GuildBank" is installed then
If "Banker Search Field" is set to "GuildTitle" then
Init your "Protected Guild Title" to "Guildbank"->"Banker Search Field"
The second if is needed, because only GuildTitles are used by ArmorySync to discrimate protected chars.
This could be more generic, like an expression. I.e. our bankers are all called PapyMetal, PapyBank, PapyWeapons, PapyBlackmoney, etc. You could search for Papy% in Chars names, Officier notes, or Public notes (whatever is selected in the addon "Guildbank") - but this a feature in feature request :-)
Do this in the setup, no hassle with commas will be needed - it will be the initial value in this field - and all will be working 'from lift-off'.
In the case of an initial entire roster setup, and the addon ArmorySync is setup up before the addon "GuildBank" (it doesn't find it), pop a warning box that one should comme back to set the "ArmorySync"->"Protected Guild Title" before suing it.
If !not
echo "this is one hell of an addon"
/* have to admit, I just love the code structure */