Trouble seeing wowroster on my website

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Trouble seeing wowroster on my website

Postby LexDivinia » Thu Oct 11, 2007 2:10 pm

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Re: Trouble seeing wowroster on my website

Postby tuigii » Thu Oct 11, 2007 3:05 pm

Please mention your CMS type / version and what type of roster you use (version 1.7.3 - thats for sure).

I figured out already that even going to doesn't yield the roster neither very well. Looks like it can't find it's own style sheets.
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Re: Trouble seeing wowroster on my website

Postby Gator81 » Thu Oct 11, 2007 4:06 pm

well it looks like your using roster 7.6.4 and you trying to work with phbb3.

If your starting you may be able to try and redo from scratch...delete the database, and you folder....then reset it and do it again and see if it is any different. other then that....for me it looks like for some reason a theme could be an issue. since you loading in its own frame.
You should be alble to load the roster without anything else if you so desire...just goto www.url/webroster/index.php and see if it loaded.

If you have more probs, i am sure there are better people for greater info but for a quick answer it would be something to try.
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Re: Trouble seeing wowroster on my website

Postby LexDivinia » Thu Oct 11, 2007 9:19 pm

Okay, I forgot to preface this with "I am a total newb."

Will be happy to mention CMS type / version... but first, what is CMS?

well it looks like your using roster 7.6.4 and you trying to work with phbb3.

If your starting you may be able to try and redo from scratch...delete the database, and you folder....then reset it and do it again and see if it is any different.

Reset what?
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Re: Trouble seeing wowroster on my website

Postby tuigii » Fri Oct 12, 2007 2:58 am

LexDivinia wrote:Okay, I forgot to preface this with "I am a total newb."

Will be happy to mention CMS type / version... but first, what is CMS?

Especially for Nbees (and the rest of the planet): Seeing a new word ? No problem ! Two solution:
Take the Britannica and have a look (careful, they are heavy), or
Google it :wink:

CMS = Content Management System - like the WoWRoster and surely every Guild Forum that is out there on the Internet.
Joomla, PHP2, PHP3, e107, PHPNUKE (the one you are using) etc etc are all examples.

Reset what?

"Re-install" (I think)
Last edited by tuigii on Fri Oct 12, 2007 3:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Trouble seeing wowroster on my website

Postby LexDivinia » Fri Oct 12, 2007 4:03 am

tuigii wrote:Especially for Nbees (and the rest of the planet): Seeing a new word ? No problem ! Two solution:
Take the Britannica and have a look (careful, they are heavy), or
Google it :wink:

CMS = Content Management System - like the WoWRoster and surely every Guild Forum that is out there on the Internet.
Joomla, PHP2, PHP3, e107, PHPNUKE (the one you are using) etc etc are all examples.

Reset what?

"Re-install" (I think)

Thanks, you are right, I do tend to look things up, but I was in halfdeadbrain mode this morning. This is the third forum I am posting in to resolve multiple issues... futurenuke, phpraider, wowroster...
But in the past 2 weeks I have learned a lot... LOL

Question: does the wowroster need to have its own database???

I will attempt the re-install when I get home from work today.

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Trouble seeing wowroster on my website

Postby zanix » Fri Oct 12, 2007 5:44 am

It's always best to use a separate database for each web app you use but you can install roster into an already existing database
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Re: Trouble seeing wowroster on my website

Postby tuigii » Fri Oct 12, 2007 5:58 am

LexDivinia wrote:Question: does the wowroster need to have its own database???

Many webhosters give you just one database.
That why you are asked to enter a prefix when you install a CMS like PHPNUKE, WoWRoster or whatever item that uses SQL tables.
Understand that a SQL database can have unlimited tables, so when you install PHPNUKE, you enter a prefix like "PHPNUKE_".
All tables used by PHPNUKE will then be called something like:
..... etc.
For WowRoster, he same story is valid here, give it a prefix like roster_ and you wind up with tables named:
.... etc.

The prefix will also take care of the problem called 'data base table name clash' - if you install other stuff like uniadmin (prefix : uniadmin_ :wink: ) the table names created will always be unique and easy to recognise when you do SQL maintenance with the help of i.e. phpmyadmin.

Btw : using just one database has one big advantage: if you run separate database you also have to deal with the admin and user rights for every database (Using SQL like GRANT DATABASE TABLE MyDatabase ......).
This would just complicate stuff unneeded for many people).
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Trouble seeing wowroster on my website

Postby LexDivinia » Sat Oct 13, 2007 12:33 pm

I got it working... and it is hot!

Now I need to research getting rid of double scroll bars. :P

Snakes On A Tabard Roster

Why is it better to use separate databases? I ask from a learning stand point. :)
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Re: Trouble seeing wowroster on my website

Postby tuigii » Sat Oct 13, 2007 1:52 pm

LexDivinia wrote:Now I need to research getting rid of double scroll bars. :P

Well, looking at the source code of your forum & Roster page, your working with an IFrame:
Code: Select all
  <td><iframe SRC="" width="100%" height="4800"
framespacing=0 frameborder=no border=0 scrolling=auto></iframe></td>

Somehow 'scrolling=auto'. This must be modified somewhere.
But keep in mind that no scrolling bars wil disable a part of your Roster: because how would you be able to see it afterwards ?

LexDivinia wrote:Why is it better to use separate databases? I ask from a learning stand point. :)

Learning point ?
Go install something like WAMP on your own PC. Then you'll be having a '20 click ready' own web server, SQL server, PHP5 - everything to admin you own 'web server site' to play with. Only visible on your PC. Really safe.

Then you dive into the SQL server setup - and set up a database for your forum, one for your roster, and while you're at it, one for uniadmin.
I.e., name them forum, roster & uniadmin.
True is, for each of them, you could leave the prefix to an empty string (not filling in this parameter) and every setup (forum, roster and uniadmin) will be using their OWN database.
You'll have to set up user and password for each database in SQL, and supply these when asked to in the installers.

With other words: you gona stay a serious part of your live here: "What is this MySQL thing all about".

Don't take your web server for granted neither: what Apache is really al about, you gona know very soon.
Same thing for this famous addon to apache : the extension called PHP5.

Final result: you'll be a webmaster, no time to visit Blizzard anymore.

Without any jokes: true is, when you keep a local copy of your site at your place, then you could try out stuff safely. When all is ok, you copy the set up to the live site.
In the beginning, you site isn't very important your guild, but after a while, I would imagine the reaction of my guild members when I bring the site down just because I made a stupid errors (and you'll make them, also).

Voila, this is the for-word to the answer on your question "Learning point ?".
You (and I) would be really tuff ones when you are willing to read (write) the real answer :wink:

Please, take some time to backup – and do so before every major modification on your site.
Do so, or take a good live assurance.
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Re: Trouble seeing wowroster on my website

Postby Gator81 » Sat Oct 13, 2007 4:56 pm

I have not really look at the site, but I know I was a very big headache trying to get the dynamic iframe working with the beta. With alot of help you may go here and read the last post where I posted what is working for me. Good luck :)
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Re: Trouble seeing wowroster on my website

Postby LexDivinia » Sat Oct 13, 2007 11:03 pm

tuigii wrote:In the beginning, you site isn't very important your guild, but after a while, I would imagine the reaction of my guild members when I bring the site down just because I made a stupid errors (and you'll make them, also).

Please, take some time to backup – and do so before every major modification on your site.
Do so, or take a good live assurance.

This is actually what brought me to this point in the first place. My original site and raid sign up .. disappeared .. thanks to me. :cry: I was attempting an upgrade and hit Fresh Intall instead. Lucky me... I would still be using Frontpage if I hadn't.

But my guild has suffered through my mistake for the past two weeks and in the process, I have learned a lot.
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