Version and environment
I am running wowroster v1.9.9.1389 (the Beta download) which I upgraded today. And ArmorySync from svn[264]. I ran svn update today to get the latest version. When I tried to then update the guild list "ArmorySync Memberlist", I was presented with an error that ArmorySync was registered with wowroster, and I needed to upgrade it. I went to the "Utilities -> Roster CP -> Functions -> Manage Addons" and saw that the square for ArmorySync was red for Installation, so clicked it, and it went green.
So. wowroster svn[1389] and ArmorySync svn[264].
Not sure if it is significant, but the underlying OS is Red Hat Linux, using apache as the web server. I have full access to change whatever is required for testing on the server, database and web server.
Problem Description
When I went to update my guild list I received the error "Error 3: No method passed". This is a repeatable error (I have received it a few times while trying to debug the issue myself). This error only occurs after I actually start the process.
The same issue occurs when trying to perform a character update.
This error appears as if it is a popup message box from Javascript, however I can find nothing in the HTML of the page (nor any of the ArmorySync source code) which would produce that error.
The debugging output is
- Code: Select all
Line Time File Class Function Info Status
435 0.0014 /usr/http/warriors/armorysync/inc/armorysyncjob.class.php ArmorySyncJob _checkAuth Checked authentication OK
136 0.0015 /usr/http/warriors/armorysync/inc/armorysyncjob.class.php ArmorySyncJob _check_env Checking environment OK
142 0.0015 /usr/http/warriors/armorysync/inc/armorysyncjob.class.php ArmorySyncJob _isRequiredRosterVersion Check required Roster version OK
147 0.0016 /usr/http/warriors/armorysync/inc/armorysyncjob.class.php ArmorySyncJob _isRequiredArmorySyncVersion Check required ArmorySync version OK
215 0.0026 /usr/http/warriors/armorysync/inc/armorysyncjob.class.php ArmorySyncJob _prepare_updateMemberlist Prepared memberlist update job OK
216 0.0135 /usr/http/warriors/armorysync/inc/armorysyncjob.class.php ArmorySyncJob _update_statusMemberlist Updated memberlist job status OK
1072 0.0155 /usr/http/warriors/armorysync/inc/armorysyncjob.class.php ArmorySyncJob _show_status Printed status window OK
217 0.0155 /usr/http/warriors/armorysync/inc/armorysyncjob.class.php ArmorySyncJob _show_statusMemberlist Printed memberlist status OK
219 0.0156 /usr/http/warriors/armorysync/inc/armorysyncjob.class.php ArmorySyncJob _link Printed reload java code OK
166 0.0157 /usr/http/warriors/armorysync/inc/armorysyncjob.class.php ArmorySyncJob _startSyncing Finnished sync job OK
OK. Did some more searching (google this time) and found where the error is being generated. In ajax.php of wowroster the following exists:
- Code: Select all
elseif( $method == '')
$status = 3;
$errmsg = 'No method passed';
This status code and error message matches what I am getting exactly.
But that is where I get lost.
Will do some more looking when I get a chance.