e107 Wrap

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e107 Wrap

Postby Kilmarac » Tue Oct 09, 2007 10:03 am

Ok, so in frustration that the existing one didnt seem to be working, I sat and did a little modding myself. Im actually pretty proud that I even accomplished this, but hey. Works I guess.

Ok, the mods were pretty simple.

1) I modified index.php > e107index.php I changed the includes to e107_header.tpl , e107_footer.tpl and e107memberslist.php

2) e107_header.tpl -> Removed the <A href><img></a> section to remove the HUGE wowroster logo. (dont worry, credits are still in the footer)

3) e107_footer.tpl -> (not sure if I needed to do this or not) removed the Mysql parse information

4) e107memberslist.php -> Commented out include_once (ROSTER_LIB.'menu.php'); to remove the big menu at the top of the screen.

Then I did my index config in the roster admin to remove unneccessary columns, and used the e107 wrap previously mentioned to wrap it into e107.

Result: A nice clean simple roster list sorted by level. and all the sort links work as well.

The only two problems I have is 1) The java mousovers dont seem to work. 2) I have no idea how to make the MOTD wrap after a certain number of chatacters. If anyone can point to a way to fix this, Id appreciate it.

I am attaching my modified files for anyone who wants to use them. You can view my handi work at http://www.dreadspeartribe.org
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e107 Wrap

Postby zanix » Tue Oct 09, 2007 11:24 am

You can remove the logo via RosterCP in Configure Main Roster-> Display Config
Clear "URL for header logo" to remove the logo

The sql window will be able to be removed when Roster 2.0 final is released, for the beta, its forced on so we can debug on any roster if needed
This and the error displays will be defaulted off as well
The settings are Configure Main Roster->Main Settings "Debug Mode" and "SQL Window"

An easy way to "comment" out or hide the menu is to do the following
Open lib/menu.php
Code: Select all
   function makeMenu( $sections )

Add After
Code: Select all

This will keep menu from outputting anything

There could be many reasons the tooltips do not work anymore
It's possible the path to the javascript might be wrong or missing when you edited the header file
The footer outputs 99% of the overlib strings, you might have removed the line that sets them to a template variable

MOTD in image mode wraps now, update your build of Roster 2.0
You can also set this to text mode as well, which will wrap too
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e107 Wrap

Postby zanix » Tue Oct 09, 2007 11:33 am

I just looked at your site more closely and realized that you are using Roster 1.7.3


Removing the logo is the same as above
Display Config "URL for header logo"

To remove the sql window is the same as well
Main Settings "SQL Window"

To hide the menu, just clear the file, but leave the empty file there

The tooltips are the same issue, 1.7.3 doesn't use templates but there is something that outputs them in footer.php

MOTD in 1.7.3 does not wrap in image mode
Try changing it to text mode, its not a pretty as text mode or the wrapping image mode in 2.0, but it works
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e107 Wrap

Postby PleegWat » Tue Oct 09, 2007 12:23 pm

Yeah, looks like you cut out the tooltip echo in the footer. You'll have to put it back in.
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Re: e107 Wrap

Postby Kilmarac » Tue Oct 09, 2007 11:57 pm

I must be blind as a bat. I went through the config menu several times and totally missed those options. Ill go look again, but then, the other aspect was that I didnt want to eliminate the menu from the regular pages if you look at them directly.

Ill look again tonight, and probably pull the 2.0 beta and upload that to see what I can play with.

LOL my impression of myself has gone down a few pegs. LOL :-P
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