Some one tried to Config Reset [1377] ?

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Some one tried to Config Reset [1377] ?

Postby tuigii » Mon Oct 08, 2007 9:08 am

By using the Admin => Config Reset function ?

It blew me a SQL error in the face.....

I'll make a SQL backup, and I'll detail some more afterwards...
(I'll put up a backup roster - start it up - fill it with some chars... and try arround).

Anyway, nothing wrong with deleting the tables, uploading the install.php - deleting the conf.php - that will do just fine for a reset :wink:

[edit] Even an empty roster - without any addon's installed gives the same error.

Here is "The error":
Code: Select all
Database Error
1062: Duplicate entry '4' for key 1
INSERT INTO `XXrostertest_config` VALUES (4, 'version', '', 'display', 'master')
File: lib/dbal/mysql.php
Line: 203
Backtrace (most recent call last):
Line: 236
Function Called: backtrace
Line: 203
Function Called: die_quietly
1062: Duplicate entry '4' for key 1
Database Error
INSERT INTO `XXrostertest_config` VALUES (4, 'version', '', 'display', 'master')
Line: 42
Function Called: query
INSERT INTO `XXrostertest_config` VALUES (4, 'version', '', 'display', 'master')
Line: 96
Function Called: require_once
Line: 67
Function Called: require
Last edited by tuigii on Mon Oct 08, 2007 4:53 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Some one tried to Config Reset [1377] ?

Postby tuigii » Tue Oct 09, 2007 1:47 am

Ok - I found it.

Open admin/roster_reset.php - goto line 28
Code: Select all
    $query "TRUNCATE `roster_config`;"

THis just does the trick:
Code: Select all
    $query "TRUNCATE  ".$roster->db->prefix ."_config;"

Now, the main roster config file is being truncated, and only that one.

But, things aren't done yet.
A couple of line later on, the mysql_data.sql file is being read and parsed.
And fed with to SQL, line by line afterwards.
The entire file is being treaded.
But the last two chapters are also being fed to SQL:
Code: Select all
### Menu table entries
### Menu Button entries
Or, if the INSERT's would work out (they don't :wink: ) the menu settings and menu button settings would be wiped out.
That's no good.

[hacking mode on]
Filtring out
$roster->db->prefix."menu" and $roster->db->prefix."menu_button"
Modfied function function parse_sql(&$roster, $sql, $delim)
Code: Select all
function parse_sql(&$roster$sql$delim)
 if ( 
$sql == '' )
'Could not obtain SQL structure/data');
$retval     = array();
$statements explode($delim$sql);

$linecount count($statements);
 for ( 
$i 0$i $linecount$i++ )
  if ( (
$i != $linecount 1) || (strlen($statements[$i]) > 0) )
$statements[$i] = trim($statements[$i]);
   if ((
strpos($statements[$i], $roster->db->prefix."menu")===false// new
&& (strpos($statements[$i], $roster->db->prefix."menu_button")===false)) // new
// new
$statements[$i] = str_replace("\r\n"''$statements[$i]) . "\n";

// Remove 2 or more spaces
$statements[$i] = preg_replace('#\s{2,}#'' '$statements[$i]);
$retval[] = trim($statements[$i]);
// new


Change also the calling part :
Code: Select all
    $sql parse_sql($roster,$sql';'); 

Anyway, you get the picture.... :wink:

Config Reset works now with this kinds of workarounds.
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Re: Some one tried to Config Reset [1377] ?

Postby tuigii » Tue Oct 09, 2007 2:14 pm

More cleaner work arround
Uses an array with table(s) to include in the reset process.
admin/config_reset.php - be carefull with it - it WILL reset your roster settings.
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Some one tried to Config Reset [1377] ?

Postby zanix » Wed Nov 21, 2007 2:27 am

Fixed svn[1447]
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