Reputation [v2.0.2.0002] for WoWRoster 2.0.2

List faction reputation for members

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Reputation [v2.0.2.0002] for WoWRoster 2.0.2

Postby tuigii » Sun Oct 07, 2007 9:47 am

This addon lists for a faction all members of a Guild that are related to it.
The list is being sorted from exalted to hated.

Current version:

v2.0.2.0002 is only compatible with Roster 2.0.2

Current Documentation (english only)
WIKI NOT UPDATED FOR v2.0.2.0002 – but still valid.

Look here for future updates, changes, bug fixes, etc...

CHANGE LOG: Initial release 10.07.07
Latest release 07.02.09 (

07.02.09 - v2.0.2.0002

  • Important Changes
    • Ported to Roster 2.0
    • Bumped the version number to
    • Changed the Addon name to FactReputation, because there is already a class named reputation in use in the Beta 2 Roster.
    • Limits factions listed to Guild level - thanks to Samadhi & Theophilius.
    • More bugs squashed, thanks to ntex.
    • After Forums/viewtopic/p=29398.html#29398 , change name install class to FactReputationInstall - Note that at least roster Beta v1.9.9.1485 is needed for this to run.
    • Upped to v1.9.9.1485 - renamed install class to reputationInstall. - The install folder name is also called 'reputation' now, as before.
    • The Addon is now strictly guild related - one can only select reputations from the list that have been taken from the members from that Guild. Thanks, foreseit for the input about this matter.
    • Nailed down a single quote issue (try Ogri'la as a action), ntex proposed a work-around)
    • Finally made this addon compatible with the "Alternative URL" mode, thanks to pleegwat who showed me the light.
    • Started to make a new section that shows reputation per faction en a wide column. This isn't finished yet, I'm working on it :grin:
  • Languages present
    • English Present
    • French Present
    • Spanish Present (thanks to Subxero - some translations are needed)
    • German Present – but need some more translations
  • Needs to be done - but nearly there...
    • Finishing the per-faction view - a huge horizontal based list with all reputations, and vertically listed the Guild members concerned.
All faction names are hard-coded, so your Guild members could be English, Spanish, German, and French - and updating the roster in their own language.
Reputations will be shown using the rosters default language.
But non native Guild members can use the Reputation addon also, their language will be used.

Try throwing a 'German Faction URL' on a French Roster like this: ... Konsortium
will work out very well.

See it here in action: demonstration
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FactReputation [v2.0.0.0] for Beta 2

Postby Samadhi » Sun Oct 07, 2007 11:48 pm

Nice. :)

Unfortunately, the addon is pulling information from *all* guilds, rather than isolating it by guild, despite being in the guild context.
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Re: FactReputation [v2.0.0.0] for Beta 2

Postby Theophilius » Mon Oct 08, 2007 1:00 am

You can modify the index.php in guild directory like this :

Line 58

Replace :
"WHERE r.member_id = m.member_id";

By :

"WHERE r.member_id = m.member_id AND guild_id = '".$roster->data['guild_id']."'";

Hope this doesn't introduce security issue, I'm not a php specialist.
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Re: FactReputation [v2.0.0.0] for Beta 2

Postby tuigii » Mon Oct 08, 2007 5:12 am

Samadhi wrote:...
Unfortunately, the addon is pulling information from *all* guilds, rather than isolating it by guild, despite being in the guild context.

Theophilius wrote:
"WHERE r.member_id = m.member_id AND guild_id = '".$roster->data['guild_id']."'";

your both right.
This addon works on a guild level - So I limit it to selection to the current guild, as Theophilius proposed.
Version is there :wink:
Last edited by tuigii on Mon Oct 08, 2007 5:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: FactReputation [v2.0.0.0] for Beta 2

Postby tuigii » Mon Oct 08, 2007 4:13 pm

Listing factions when multiple languages are present in a Guild:


When the initial list with factions (names) is being taken from the reputation database, all possible language combinations are possible.
So “The Aldor” and “L’Aldor” as a faction name will be in the list separately (but these are same faction names in English and French).

The actual version of this addon shows all players/members that belong to the corresponding faction name in its own language.
What we have at our disposal, is the $lang variable, which is the roster’s native language.
Every player (in the player table) has a clientLocale field in its record, which can be used to indicate the player’s native language. This one can be different from the roster’s language.
We need this clientLocale field to translate:
reputation::faction to localized(reputation::faction)
reputation::name to localized(reputation::name)
reputation::Standing to localized(reputation::Standing)

The last is already present in the global roster localisation.
The first (simple list) and second (long list) have to be listed entirely in every addon language localisation file.

I’ll have a look if there is a way to subtract these faction-names pairs from
When done, all (faction) names will be listed in the roster’s native language – foreign language players will have their faction-name-standing being translated and inserted in the reputation table.

I already understood that there is no intelligent solution to subtract all the needed information from CP.lua files. This means that is addon has to be maintained manually – because Blizard can decide every day to introduce a new faction somewhere..
My main question is: is it the best way to declare all faction-name pairs in the frFR-enUS,esES& deDE addon files, or is there any other possible solution that I didn’t thought about ?

For starters: ... index.html ... index.html ... index.html ... index.html
These lists aren’t 100 % copies….. great ! :?
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FactReputation [v2.0.0.1] for Beta 2

Postby daddelkopp » Mon Oct 08, 2007 8:10 pm

I use the roster in Joomla as IFrame (poor solution, Iknow :) ). When I select a faction, I lost the Iframe. That means, the roster is not longer shown in Joomla. It is standalone. This addon is the first I see this behavior.

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FactReputation [v2.0.0.5] for Beta 2

Postby tuigii » Tue Oct 09, 2007 3:00 am

I believe you .... and so I started to read the Wiki about how to become "addon compliant'.
I state : : "Any output needed, just print or echo it
Roster uses php's output buffering to capture all print or echo commands
Then it echos the output where needed "

Anyway, I threw out any direct html formatting, using uniquely the print statement.
This one, v2.0.0.5 works for me : does it work for you ? (only guild/index.php changed)

If you say it's ok, I'll place it in the upper post.
Updated v2.0.0.5 version (contain patch for daddelkopp) - works still for other).
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Re: FactReputation [v2.0.0.1] for Beta 2

Postby daddelkopp » Tue Oct 09, 2007 10:25 pm

First: Thanks for your work :D But I must tell you that it didn't work for me. The same behavior as before.

I uninstall the old one, delete whole directory from server, upload new und install.
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Re: FactReputation [v2.0.0.1] for Beta 2

Postby tuigii » Wed Oct 10, 2007 7:03 am

Up and try the v2.0.0.5 version in upper post.
(Gotta do something for my favorite beta tester :wink: )
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Re: FactReputation [v2.0.0.1] for Beta 2

Postby daddelkopp » Wed Oct 10, 2007 2:20 pm

Error with The modul [guild] was not found. :( when I select a faction.

Missing a file?
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Re: FactReputation [v2.0.0.1] for Beta 2

Postby tuigii » Wed Oct 10, 2007 7:19 pm

daddelkopp wrote:Error with The modul [guild] was not found. :( when I select a faction.
Missing a file?

Noop, there is only one file : guild/index.php
(and the 4 language files in the locale/ folder + the install.def.php file in the inc/ folder)

But we're getting closer because the addon Aldor / Seher (in your roster) has the same behaviour... (select an item/profession from the list and bingo).

The nasty part: I based my code on this addon :-(

I'll keep on trying - I know now that it has something to do with the link, inserted in the select list made by makelink().... I could try a hard-coded version (and loosing my inscription for a "WoWRoster V2 compliant Addon" but who cares, we're in Beta land :wink: ).
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FactReputation [v2.0.0.1] for Beta 2

Postby daddelkopp » Wed Oct 10, 2007 8:20 pm

I will do my best to help you to optimize the code :)
At monday I'm on vacation for 1 week. So, don't think I lost interest :)

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Re: FactReputation [v2.0.0.1] for Beta 2

Postby ntex » Tue Oct 30, 2007 1:36 am

I found two bugs :)

There is an issue with Ogri'la on SQL statement and makes some sense, since this faction have an apostrophe ' so for sure it ends prematurely the SQL statement on the code.

The other bug it's after u browse other factions if u re-select "Select a faction" it gives an error that can't find a file:

"The requested URL /modules/roster/roster/none was not found on this server."
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Re: FactReputation [v2.0.0.1] for Beta 2

Postby tuigii » Tue Oct 30, 2007 7:40 am

ntex wrote:I found two bugs :)

What ??? [ :lol: ]

ntex wrote:There is an issue with Ogri'la on SQL statement and makes some sense, since this faction have an apostrophe ' so for sure it ends prematurely the SQL statement on the code.

Yep, saw the one, it a cousin of Shen'draler, I think.
I'm 'neutral = 0 / 3000 with them - so I really don't know.

But what really interest you (and me) is : Go overhere : ... on&guild=1
and I can tell you that these are working (on my server tm).
Between you and I, only the database could be different : is yours interclassement uft8_unicode_ci ?

ntex wrote:The other bug it's after u browse other factions if u re-select "Select a faction" it gives an error that can't find a file:
"The requested URL /modules/roster/roster/none was not found on this server."

I acknowledge - didn't saw that before....
Needed half on hour to find out that I should met the services of a function called stripslashes(), and that should "love and care" makelink(...).

Anyway, test drive with the link mentionned above , and if you say ok, i'll up it, ok ?

Btw : Thanks :wink:
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Re: FactReputation [v2.0.0.6] for Beta 2

Postby tuigii » Thu Nov 01, 2007 7:23 am

Upped version of the Roster Addon "FactReputation" (for Roster Beta 2).
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