Subxero wrote:There are errors on fr translation ?
Factions like "Hurlevent" => "Stormwind" were missing.
I added about 8 lines everywhere.
Subxero wrote:Complete enUS and esES from a working roster
Thanks, I'll integrate/check that - and send you the addon over, so you could test it in your own roster.
First of all, let comment the enUS list.
These :
-> Darnassus
-> Exodar
-> Gnomeregan Exiles
-> Honor Hold
-> Ironforge
-> Kurenai
-> Silverwing Sentinels
-> Stormpike Guard
-> Storwind
-> The League of Arathor
-> Undercity
Were missing in YOUR enUS list.
Source : on the bottom of the page.
I do have English players (note : on an EU WoW server !!), so it rather easy to take / check all faction names.
This is what I have :
/* 1 Other */"Argent Dawn" => "Argent Dawn",
/* 2 Outland */ "Ashtongue Deathsworn" => "Ashtongue Deathsworn",
/* 3 Other */ "Bloodsail Buccaneers" => "Bloodsail Buccaneers",
/* 4 Steamwheedle Cartel */ "Booty Bay" => "Booty Bay",
/* 5 Other */ "Brood of Nozdormu" => "Brood of Nozdormu",
/* 6 Other */ "Cenarion Circle" => "Cenarion Circle",
/* 7 Outland */ "Cenarion Expedition" => "Cenarion Expedition",
/* 8 Other */ "Darkmoon Faire" => "Darkmoon Faire",
/* 9 Horde */ "Darkspear Trolls" => "Darkspear Trolls",
/* 10 Alliance */ "Darnassus" => "Darnassus",
/* 11 Steamwheedle Cartel */ "Everlook" => "Everlook",
/* 12 Alliance */ "Exodar" => "Exodar",
/* 13 Horde */ "Frostwolf Clan" => "Frostwolf Clan", /* Battlegrounds */
/* 14 Steamwheedle Cartel */ "Gadgetzan" => "Gadgetzan",
/* 15 Other */ "Gelkis Clan Centaur" => "Gelkis Clan Centaur",
/* 16 Alliance */ "Gnomeregan Exiles" => "Gnomeregan Exiles",
/* 17 Outland */ "Honor Hold" => "Honor Hold",
/* 18 Other */ "Hydraxian Waterlords" => "Hydraxian Waterlords",
/* 19 Alliance */ "Ironforge" => "Ironforge",
/* 20 Other */ "Keepers of Time" => "Keepers of Time",
/* 21 Outland */ "Kurenai" => "Kurenai",
/* 22 Shattrath City */ "Lower City" => "Lower City",
/* 23 Other */ "Magram Clan Centaur" => "Magram Clan Centaur",
/* 24 Outland */ "Netherwing" => "Netherwing",
/* 25 Outland */ "Ogri'la" => "Ogri'la",
/* 26 Horde */ "Orgrimmar" => "Orgrimmar",
/* 27 Steamwheedle Cartel */ "Ratchet" => "Ratchet",
/* 28 Other */ "Ravenholdt" => "Ravenholdt",
/* 29 Shattrath City */ "Sha'tari Skyguard" => "Sha'tari Skyguard",
/* 30 Other */ "Shen'dralar" => "Shen'dralar",
/* 31 Alliance */ "Silverwing Sentinels" => "Silverwing Sentinels", /* Battlegrounds */
/* 32 Horde */ "Silvermoon City" -> "Silvermoon City",
/* 33 Outland */ "Sporeggar" => "Sporeggar",
/* 34 Alliance Forces */ "Stormpike Guard" => "Stormpike Guard", /* Battlegrounds */
/* 35 Alliance */ "Stormwind" => "Stormwind",
/* 36 Other */ "Syndicat" => "Syndicat",
/* 37 Shattrath City */ "The Aldor" => "The Aldor",
/* 38 Outland */ "The Consortium" => "The Consortium",
/* 39 Horde */ "The Defilers" => "The Defilers", /* Battlegrounds */
/* 40 Horde */ "The Mag'har" => "The Mag'har",
/* 41 Alliance Forces */ "The League of Arathor" => "The League of Arathor", /* Battlegrounds */
/* 42 Other */ "The Scale of the Sands" => "The Scale of the Sands",
/* 43 Shattrath City */ "The Scryers" => "The Scryers",
/* 44 Shattrath City */ "The Sha'tar" => "The Sha'tar",
/* 45 Other */ "The Violet Eye" => "The Violet Eye",
/* 46 Other */ "Thorium Brotherhood" => "Thorium Brotherhood",
/* 47 Outland */ "Thrallmar" => "Thrallmar",
/* 48 Horde */ "Thunder Bluff" => "Thunder Bluff",
/* 49 Other */ "Timbermaw Hold" => "Timbermaw Hold",
/* 50 Horde */ "Tranquillien" => "Tranquillien",
/* 51 Horde */ "Undercity" => "Undercity",
/* 52 Horde */ "Warsong Outriders" => "Warsong Outriders", /* Battlegrounds */
/* 53 Other */ "Wintersaber Trainers" => "Wintersaber Trainers",
/* 54 Other */ "Zandalar Tribe" => "Zandalar Tribe",
Any comments on this list are more then welcome.
You gave me an esES list (thanks for that) with 'only' 44 lines it it ?
What happenend to the other 10 ? Do they not exist in Spane ?
And please, I can map some of them directly to the English counterpart, but some of them ARE chinese to me