Reputation [v2.0.2.0002] for WoWRoster 2.0.2

List faction reputation for members

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Re: Reputation [v1.9.9.1569] for Roster Beta 2

Postby tuigii » Tue Jan 22, 2008 11:30 pm

Subxero wrote:At enUS get out one 'a' from 'Include all langauages'

Yup, thanks.
Subxero wrote:And try these translations ;)

Credits to WowACE team with Babble-Faction 2.2 I only get a macro to format the data to one array ;) I used the same macro to next major version with MadeBy... It will learn to translate every recipe-skill-data to same locale ;)
File :

Saw the file : :D : That's the one.

Me back to the drawing table, taking down this last issue.

I'll get back when the "all languages" => show ONE language is done.
Last edited by tuigii on Tue Jan 22, 2008 11:31 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: FactReputation [v1.9.9.1485] for Roster Beta 2

Postby tuigii » Thu Jan 24, 2008 5:37 am

Wyren wrote:Would it be possible to just parse the foreign factions and translate them to the roster language and display everyone in that language? Unless this is something Roster itself should/could do on update.

Go here to toy with it, switch to your Roster language, and select a faction in your language :D
Note that this roster is for a French Guild : but you could see all faction names in English, German or Spanish if you want to.
Players with different locales are all grouped up, as it should be.

I have now a table with all factions and standings in 4 languages.
enUS and frFR is ok (I have both type of players at my disposal).

deDE and esES might be a mess - but, all depends on the right translation of the faction names.

Please, if you're German or Spanish, open the included ZIP file, and see if you can correct as much as possible.
And send your corrected part back to me.
That would really help me.

If you want to have a list of all faction names in your Guild, use this :
Code: Select all
SELECT distinct( faction, p.clientLocale FROM roster_reputation r, roster_players p WHERE r.member_id = p.member_id AND p.guild_id = 1 ORDER BY

Needless to say that roster_ is the prifix here.

This addon will be finished one day ^^
Last edited by tuigii on Mon Jan 28, 2008 4:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: FactReputation [v1.9.9.1485] for Roster Beta 2

Postby Subxero » Thu Jan 24, 2008 5:54 am

There are errors on fr translation ?

Complete enUS and esES from a working roster
Code: Select all
faction esES
Ala Abisal
Bahía del Botín
Bajo Arrabal
Bastión Fauces de Madera
Bastión de los Fauces de Madera
Bucaneros Velasangre
Centauro del clan Gelkis
Centauro del clan Magram
Cima del Trueno
Ciudad de Lunargenta
Clan Lobo Gélido
Círculo Cenarion
El Alba Argenta
El Consorcio
El Ojo Violeta
Escoltas Grito de Guerra
Expedición Cenarion
Feria de la Luna Negra
Guardia del cielo Sha'tari
Hermandad del torio
Juramorte Lengua de ceniza
La Escama de las Arenas
La Hermandad
Linaje de Nozdormu
Los Aldor
Los Arúspices
Los Mag'har
Los Rapiñadores
Los Sha'tar
Srs. del Agua de Hydraxis
Tribu Zandalar
Trols Lanza Negra
Vigilantes del Tiempo
Vista Eterna
Last edited by Subxero on Fri Jan 25, 2008 8:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: FactReputation [v1.9.9.1485] for Roster Beta 2

Postby Wyren » Thu Jan 24, 2008 2:35 pm

tuigii wrote:
Wyren wrote:Would it be possible to just parse the foreign factions and translate them to the roster language and display everyone in that language? Unless this is something Roster itself should/could do on update.

Go here to toy with it, switch to your Roster language, and select a faction in your language :D
Note that this roster is for a French Guild : but you could see all faction names in English, German or Spanish if you want to.
Players with different locales are all grouped up, as it should be.

This addon will be finished one day ^^

Tested your roster and it looks like the translation for the various factions work (for french and english atleast). Only thing is that if I select Roster language to be English, then select a faction, it switches back to french when displaying the faction list.

Keep up the good work!
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Re: FactReputation [v1.9.9.1485] for Roster Beta 2

Postby tuigii » Thu Jan 24, 2008 8:42 pm

Subxero wrote:There are errors on fr translation ?

Factions like "Hurlevent" => "Stormwind" were missing.
I added about 8 lines everywhere.

Subxero wrote:Complete enUS and esES from a working roster

Thanks, I'll integrate/check that - and send you the addon over, so you could test it in your own roster.


First of all, let comment the enUS list.
These :
-> Darnassus
-> Exodar
-> Gnomeregan Exiles
-> Honor Hold
-> Ironforge
-> Kurenai
-> Silverwing Sentinels
-> Stormpike Guard
-> Storwind
-> The League of Arathor
-> Undercity

Were missing in YOUR enUS list.

Source : on the bottom of the page.

I do have English players (note : on an EU WoW server !!), so it rather easy to take / check all faction names.
This is what I have :

/* 1 Other */"Argent Dawn" => "Argent Dawn",
/* 2 Outland */ "Ashtongue Deathsworn" => "Ashtongue Deathsworn",
/* 3 Other */ "Bloodsail Buccaneers" => "Bloodsail Buccaneers",
/* 4 Steamwheedle Cartel */ "Booty Bay" => "Booty Bay",
/* 5 Other */ "Brood of Nozdormu" => "Brood of Nozdormu",
/* 6 Other */ "Cenarion Circle" => "Cenarion Circle",
/* 7 Outland */ "Cenarion Expedition" => "Cenarion Expedition",
/* 8 Other */ "Darkmoon Faire" => "Darkmoon Faire",
/* 9 Horde */ "Darkspear Trolls" => "Darkspear Trolls",
/* 10 Alliance */ "Darnassus" => "Darnassus",

/* 11 Steamwheedle Cartel */ "Everlook" => "Everlook",
/* 12 Alliance */ "Exodar" => "Exodar",
/* 13 Horde */ "Frostwolf Clan" => "Frostwolf Clan", /* Battlegrounds */
/* 14 Steamwheedle Cartel */ "Gadgetzan" => "Gadgetzan",
/* 15 Other */ "Gelkis Clan Centaur" => "Gelkis Clan Centaur",
/* 16 Alliance */ "Gnomeregan Exiles" => "Gnomeregan Exiles",
/* 17 Outland */ "Honor Hold" => "Honor Hold",
/* 18 Other */ "Hydraxian Waterlords" => "Hydraxian Waterlords",
/* 19 Alliance */ "Ironforge" => "Ironforge",
/* 20 Other */ "Keepers of Time" => "Keepers of Time",

/* 21 Outland */ "Kurenai" => "Kurenai",
/* 22 Shattrath City */ "Lower City" => "Lower City",
/* 23 Other */ "Magram Clan Centaur" => "Magram Clan Centaur",
/* 24 Outland */ "Netherwing" => "Netherwing",
/* 25 Outland */ "Ogri'la" => "Ogri'la",
/* 26 Horde */ "Orgrimmar" => "Orgrimmar",
/* 27 Steamwheedle Cartel */ "Ratchet" => "Ratchet",
/* 28 Other */ "Ravenholdt" => "Ravenholdt",
/* 29 Shattrath City */ "Sha'tari Skyguard" => "Sha'tari Skyguard",
/* 30 Other */ "Shen'dralar" => "Shen'dralar",

/* 31 Alliance */ "Silverwing Sentinels" => "Silverwing Sentinels", /* Battlegrounds */
/* 32 Horde */ "Silvermoon City" -> "Silvermoon City",
/* 33 Outland */ "Sporeggar" => "Sporeggar",
/* 34 Alliance Forces */ "Stormpike Guard" => "Stormpike Guard", /* Battlegrounds */
/* 35 Alliance */ "Stormwind" => "Stormwind",
/* 36 Other */ "Syndicat" => "Syndicat",
/* 37 Shattrath City */ "The Aldor" => "The Aldor",
/* 38 Outland */ "The Consortium" => "The Consortium",
/* 39 Horde */ "The Defilers" => "The Defilers", /* Battlegrounds */
/* 40 Horde */ "The Mag'har" => "The Mag'har",

/* 41 Alliance Forces */ "The League of Arathor" => "The League of Arathor", /* Battlegrounds */
/* 42 Other */ "The Scale of the Sands" => "The Scale of the Sands",
/* 43 Shattrath City */ "The Scryers" => "The Scryers",
/* 44 Shattrath City */ "The Sha'tar" => "The Sha'tar",
/* 45 Other */ "The Violet Eye" => "The Violet Eye",
/* 46 Other */ "Thorium Brotherhood" => "Thorium Brotherhood",
/* 47 Outland */ "Thrallmar" => "Thrallmar",
/* 48 Horde */ "Thunder Bluff" => "Thunder Bluff",
/* 49 Other */ "Timbermaw Hold" => "Timbermaw Hold",
/* 50 Horde */ "Tranquillien" => "Tranquillien",

/* 51 Horde */ "Undercity" => "Undercity",
/* 52 Horde */ "Warsong Outriders" => "Warsong Outriders", /* Battlegrounds */
/* 53 Other */ "Wintersaber Trainers" => "Wintersaber Trainers",
/* 54 Other */ "Zandalar Tribe" => "Zandalar Tribe",

Any comments on this list are more then welcome.

You gave me an esES list (thanks for that) with 'only' 44 lines it it ?
What happenend to the other 10 ? Do they not exist in Spane ? :wink:

And please, I can map some of them directly to the English counterpart, but some of them ARE chinese to me :D
Last edited by tuigii on Fri Jan 25, 2008 12:40 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: FactReputation [v1.9.9.1485] for Roster Beta 2

Postby tuigii » Thu Jan 24, 2008 8:53 pm

Wyren wrote:Only thing is that if I select Roster language to be English, then select a faction, it switches back to French when displaying the faction list.


The addon itself doesn't touch any roster settings.
And it doesn't post any URL that could change this.

I can consult in French, English (Spanish and German) without the language being switched.

Using myself a French browser (all of them) on a French roster, I really can't test all possibilities.
I locked the roster in English on the admin panel, consulted it in English, or French.
Still, I didn't see any language switching.

From where to where a you consulting?
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Re: FactReputation [v1.9.9.1485] for Roster Beta 2

Postby Subxero » Fri Jan 25, 2008 7:42 am

tuigii wrote:You gave me an esES list (thanks for that) with 'only' 44 lines it it ?
What happenend to the other 10 ? Do they not exist in Spane ? :wink:

I'm Horde! the other 10 are alliance specific xD
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Reputation [v1.9.9.1569] for Roster Beta 2

Postby Subxero » Fri Jan 25, 2008 8:33 am

Okey now i think esES is complete ;) i added agrupations also.
If you need help with other faction or language .. its your friend xD

Code: Select all
"Ala Abisal" => "Netherwing",
"Bahía del Botín" => "Booty Bay",
"Bajo Arrabal" => "Lower City",
"Bastión de los Fauces de Madera" => "Timbermaw Hold",
"Bastión del Honor" => "Honor Hold",
"Bucaneros Velasangre" => "Bloodsail Buccaneers",
"Centauro del clan Gelkis" => "Gelkis Clan Centaur",
"Centauro del clan Magram" => "Magram Clan Centaur",
"Centinelas Ala de Plata" => "Silverwing Sentinels",
"Cima del Trueno" => "Thunder Bluff",
"Ciudad de Lunargenta"" => "Silvermoon City",
"Clan Lobo Gélido" => "Frostwolf Clan",
"Círculo Cenarion" => "Cenarion Circle",
"Darnassus" => "Darnassus",
"El Alba Argenta" => "Argent Dawn",
"El Consorcio" => "The Consortium",
"El Ojo Violeta" => "The Violet Eye",
"Entrañas" => "Undercity",
"Entrenadores Sable de Invierno" => "Wintersaber Trainers",
"Escoltas Grito de Guerra" => "Warsong Outriders",
"Esporaggar" => "Sporeggar",
"Exiliados de Gnomeregan" => "Gnomeregan Exiles",
"Exodar" => "Exodar",
"Expedición Cenarion" => "Cenarion Expedition",
"Feria de la Luna Negra" => "Darkmoon Faire",
"Forjaz" => "Ironforge",
"Gadgetzan" => "Gadgetzan",
"Guardia Pico Tormenta" => "Stormpike Guard",
"Guardia del cielo Sha'tari" => "Sha'tari Skyguard",
"Hermandad del torio" => "Thorium Brotherhood",
"Juramorte Lengua de ceniza" => "Ashtongue Deathsworn",
"Kurenai" => "Kurenai",
"La Escama de las Arenas" => "The Scale of the Sands",
"La Hermandad" => "Syndicat",
"Liga de Arathor" => "The League of Arathor",
"Linaje de Nozdormu" => "Brood of Nozdormu",
"Los Aldor" => "The Aldor",
"Los Arúspices" => "The Scryers",
"Los Mag'har" => "The Mag'har",
"Los Rapiñadores" => "The Defilers",
"Los Sha'tar" => "The Sha'tar",
"Ogri'la" => "Ogri'la",
"Orgrimmar" => "Orgrimmar",
"Ravenholdt" => "Ravenholdt",
"Shen'dralar" => "Shen'dralar",
"Srs. del Agua de Hydraxis" => "Hydraxian Waterlords",
"Thrallmar" => "Thrallmar",
"Tranquillien" => "Tranquillien",
"Tribu Zandalar" => "Zandalar Tribe",
"Trinquete" => "Ratchet",
"Trols Lanza Negra" => "Darkspear Trolls",
"Ventormenta" => "Stormwind",
"Vigilantes del Tiempo" => "Keepers of Time",
"Vista Eterna" => "Everlook",

"Alianza" => "Alliance",
"Fuerzas de la Alianza" => "Alliance Forces",
"Horda" => "Horde",
"Fuerzas de la Horda" => "Horde Forces",
"Terrallende" => "Outland",
"Ciudad de Shattrath" => "Shattrath City",
"Cártel Bonvapor" => "Steamwheedle Cartel",
"Otros" => "Other",
Last edited by Subxero on Fri Jan 25, 2008 8:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Reputation [v1.9.9.1569] for Roster Beta 2

Postby tuigii » Fri Jan 25, 2008 2:54 pm

Subxero wrote:Okey now i think esES is complete ;) i added agrupations also.
If you need help with other faction or language .. its your friend xD

Yep, true.
But your text strings comme from the IG values... and thats the one I'm interesseted in. [and live is easier this way - and faster :wink: ]

Big thanks

Btw : a test complete version is included .... German is still rubbish ^^
Please test Spanish to English and back.
Please, have a final look at the 2 admin-config lines in esES.php
Last edited by tuigii on Mon Jan 28, 2008 4:18 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Reputation [v1.9.9.1569] for Roster Beta 2

Postby Subxero » Fri Jan 25, 2008 7:18 pm

On guild/index.php
At line 119 get a & out ..
Code: Select all
foreach($allfactions as $row)

At least in php4 gets a error..
I get a lot of errors with undefined faction_local
Its better put a definition after line 249 ?¿
Code: Select all
$faction_local = '';

Or there are a lot of reccurrent code... because ... if its in english need translate to english again? Because i need search factions deDE or translate deDE factions .. if any member has uploaded deDE chars .. and currentlocale its not deDE ? xD
Its not better create a current used language array ...
See and examples:
-simple one
Roster locale english .. members upload english .. and user view english.
-little bit
Roster locale english .. members upload english& spanish .. user view english
-The most complex situation
Roster locale french .. members upload english french & german .. user view spanish

Well because need all use the same process ? and not a dinamic.

Query all members locale and make a distint, sume current locale and put all in 1 array to use as $possible_language now you can get only need use enUS or .. frFR .. or two language enUS and esES or enUS and frFR.. or all four.

esES translation (you have double!)
Code: Select all

$lang['reputationinfo'] = 'Reputación';
$lang['reputation_desc'] = 'Mostrar la reputación de todas las facciones';
$lang['reputationinfobutton'] = 'Reputación|Mostrar la reputación de todas las facciones';

$lang['SelectFaction'] = 'Elige una facción';
$lang['reputation_addon'] = 'Reputación';
$lang['faction_filter']= 'Filtro facción: ';
$lang['rep_name'] = 'Nombre';
$lang['rep_group'] = 'Grupo';
$lang['rep_faction'] = 'Facción';
$lang['rep_status'] = 'Estatus';
$lang['rep_value'] = 'Valor';
$lang['rep_max'] = 'Max';

$lang['admin']['reputation_conf'] = 'Reputación|Configuración concerniente al addon \'reputación\'.';
$lang['admin']['reputation_language'] = 'Incluye todos los idiomas|Que personajes se deben incluir en la lista, todos, o solo aquellos que se subieron con el idioma seleccionado en el roster?';


Later on factions_to_en.php
On english
'Sindicat' > 'Syndicate' and all references to sindicat from other language
On spanish
'Bah ía del Bot ín' > 'Bahía del Botín' without extra spaces.
Last edited by Subxero on Fri Jan 25, 2008 7:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: FactReputation [v1.9.9.1485] for Roster Beta 2

Postby Wyren » Fri Jan 25, 2008 9:04 pm

tuigii wrote:
Wyren wrote:Only thing is that if I select Roster language to be English, then select a faction, it switches back to French when displaying the faction list.


The addon itself doesn't touch any roster settings.
And it doesn't post any URL that could change this.

I can consult in French, English (Spanish and German) without the language being switched.

Using myself a French browser (all of them) on a French roster, I really can't test all possibilities.
I locked the roster in English on the admin panel, consulted it in English, or French.
Still, I didn't see any language switching.

From where to where a you consulting?
It was my own fault, I had for some reason blocked cookies from your roster :) Looks just fine now.
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Re: Reputation [v1.9.9.1569] for Roster Beta 2

Postby tuigii » Sat Jan 26, 2008 2:47 am

Subxero wrote:On guild/index.php
At line 119 get a & out ..
Code: Select all
foreach($allfactions as $row)

At least in php4 gets a error..

I knew it :?
I can't go any lower as PHP 4.4.8.
Calling by reference (using &) in a foreach is PHP 5 and up...

I redid that part:
Code: Select all
// Old fashioned 'PHP 4' compatible way. Thanks, Subxero for pointing me out - by reference (using &) is PHP 5 and up.  
while (list(
$key$value) = each($allfactions))
$allfactions[$key]['standing'] = $Factions_to_en[$value['Clocale']][$value['standing']];

Subxero wrote:I get a lot of errors with undefined faction_local

Means that the faction beinh thrown in the getlanguagefaction function can't be found. Means faction not present OR faction not correctly coded.
In your case : the 'languageX to enUS' mapping wasn't working.
It should be ok now.

Recurrent code :
line 46 - First, all faction names have to be converted to the common dominator : I chose enUS - as a side effect, all double (up untill 4 times if enUS, esES, deDE and deDE are present) faction are elimated..

Line 47 - The list is converted in the roster's language.

Line 85 - and put on screen.

Line 93 - The selected 'localized' faction is brought back to English again.

Line 96 - This faction will be searched in all languages in the database table

Line 119 - (see new code above) - converts all standings to enUS.

Line 125 - The multi array is sorted - this was done by SQL before, but has to be done manually now. (remove 125-137 - and see what happens).

Line 144 - and up - classiques processing...

-The most complex situation
Roster locale french .. members upload english french & german .. user view spanish

I have French (principal), two English players and one in a while, if he manages to update its roster, a Spanish player....
Still looking for a German player ^^

What this all means is that I have to convert to ONE common language, do the job, and then spittting out the results in the roster language.

Two DB calls are needed.

And of course, I could skip enUs to EnUs assigmenent, but, the array are only 54 lines deeps, so I don't think this addon is a resource eater.
Query all members locale and make a distint, sume current locale and put all in 1 array to use as $possible_language now you can get only need use enUS or .. frFR .. or two language enUS and esES or enUS and frFR.. or all four.

Thanks for the updated translation.

I upped the version in my post above.
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Re: Reputation [v1.9.9.1569] for Roster Beta 2

Postby Subxero » Sat Jan 26, 2008 8:17 am

Well now its php4 compliant ;)

tuigii wrote:Two DB calls are needed.

And of course, I could skip enUs to EnUs assigmenent, but, the array are only 54 lines deeps, so I don't think this addon is a resource eater.
Query all members locale and make a distint, sume current locale and put all in 1 array to use as $possible_language now you can get only need use enUS or .. frFR .. or two language enUS and esES or enUS and frFR.. or all four.

Thanks for the updated translation.

I upped the version in my post above.

Well done, your addon only use 54 lines x4 12kb ... at moment. But madeby only on recipe list use 120kb and to translate these recipes more than 350kb ;) i want make unique best solution really with all possible data ,good and fast.. because include enus to enus translate ? if its already! Because translate FR to US and later to FR again ? ... Because include DE translation if its not used ?... ;)

Suggestions & problems:
In DB call.. because dont use a x IN () and not OR .. OR .. OR ..? its more clean.
( ="Bloodsail Buccaneers" OR ="La Voile sanglante" OR ="Blutsegelbukaniere" OR ="Bucaneros Velasangre") IN ('Bloodsail Buccaneers','La Voile sanglante','Blutsegelbukaniere','Bucaneros Velasangre')

Gets the same result!

Later please use enUS to pass data on URL..
Try these link ... lbukaniere
Goes to Zandalar because its the last faction but with multiple errors.. to avoid these .. use english faction name on post data.. and works ever :) indepent of language that use or its selected.

Other problem .. goes to "La Voile sanglante" faction on french... now change to german and goes to same faction "Blutsegelbukaniere" .. what's happen ? a mistery ?

Well the other think .. Before Name factions there was a "name" because don't translate it? Other - Autre - Otro its not the same .. and take care if anyone was move the faction to "inactive" zone to ignore these name and use the next one. Now the array goes from 54 to 73 ;) 2kb more..
Last ES and DE..
(3.71 KiB) Downloaded 409 times
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Re: Reputation [v1.9.9.1569] for Roster Beta 2

Postby tuigii » Sat Jan 26, 2008 10:58 am

Subxero wrote:Well now its php4 compliant ;)

I checked that also - when back to an old 4.2 version (but remark that THEY (PHP) just skipped the maintenance of it) - got 6.x.x already in the drawwer :-)

Subxero wrote:Well done, your addon only use 54 lines x4 12kb ... at moment. But madeby only on recipe list use 120kb and to translate these recipes more than 350kb ;) i want make unique best solution really with all possible data ,good and fast.. because include enus to enus translate ? if its already! Because translate FR to US and later to FR again ? ... Because include DE translation if its not used ?... ;)

The enUS is there only for comparing reasons.
This addon doesn't exist because I needed it : I needed it to learn how they work.

In DB call.. because dont use a x IN () and not OR .. OR .. OR ..? its more clean.
( ="Bloodsail Buccaneers" OR ="La Voile sanglante" OR ="Blutsegelbukaniere" OR ="Bucaneros Velasangre") IN ('Bloodsail Buccaneers', 'La Voile sanglante', 'Blutsegelbukaniere', 'Bucaneros Velasangre')

Better check the source of the IN statment - OR is more basic and faster ;-)
But I agree, looks nicer, your example - I'll keep it.

Later please use enUS to pass data on URL..

Why ? most Guilds are still mono-language - they even don't show the language choise in the main menu (I think).

Correct, when using an deDE param when my roster is in French mode, than nothings happens - seems rather logic to me.

BUT : after thought : your right : if someone places an URL on a CMS somewhere in language X, then it should be parsed by the roster that could be deaulting to language Y to see what language the param is, before using it..... another loop in the start to go over the 4 possible tables.
[will this ever stop :lol:]

Goes to Zandalar because its the last faction but with multiple errors.. to avoid these .. use english faction name on post data.. and works ever :) indepent of language that use or its selected.
Other problem .. goes to "La Voile sanglante" faction on french... now change to german and goes to same faction "Blutsegelbukaniere" .. what's happen ? a mistery ?

deDE is still a mess - I'll keep up with deDE - already did a part with the deDE wiki.... accents (the good ones) are still a no go.

Well the other think .. Before Name factions there was a "name" because don't translate it? Other - Autre - Otro its not the same .. and take care if anyone was move the faction to "inactive" zone to ignore these name and use the next one. Now the array goes from 54 to 73 ;) 2kb more..
The name part has to be treated yet, that's true.
But I think I'm not gona hardcode this one, I'll use some programming logic to discover them.
If not, yes, there will be some lines more.

If memory IS a problem, I could loop over the reputation table so see WHAT languages ARE really present, and only include these when running.

But : have a look what Poetter does with the Armory (AS) : mine is still a light-weight addonn :wink:

EDIT : thanks for the latest - look like you nailed deDE also - look rather good to me.
I'll parse your sugestions now, but first a good night's sleep - or what's left of it.

I'll shift back to Event Calendar afterwards (btw, you're using GEM?)
Last edited by tuigii on Sat Jan 26, 2008 11:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Reputation [v1.9.9.1569] for Roster Beta 2

Postby tuigii » Mon Jan 28, 2008 4:18 pm

Subxero wrote:Suggestions & problems:
In DB call.. because dont use a x IN () and not OR .. OR .. OR ..? its more clean.
( ="Bloodsail Buccaneers" OR ="La Voile sanglante" OR ="Blutsegelbukaniere" OR ="Bucaneros Velasangre") IN ('Bloodsail Buccaneers','La Voile sanglante','Blutsegelbukaniere','Bucaneros Velasangre')


Subxero wrote:Try these link ... lbukaniere
Goes to Zandalar because its the last faction but with multiple errors.. to avoid these .. use english faction name on post data.. and works ever :) indepent of language that use or its selected.

May be, but then the will only contains English faction names.
Not very clear for a 'non-English roster' user.
Now, "an any language URL with faction" can be thrown at the addon, it will work.


Subxero wrote:Well the other think .. Before Name factions there was a "name" because don't translate it? Other - Autre - Otro its not the same ..


Subxero wrote:and take care if anyone was move the faction to "inactive" zone to ignore these name and use the next one.

Version 28-01-2008
Includes all the above.
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