Module for listing raids from phpraider for Joomla

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Module for listing raids from phpraider for Joomla

Postby mordon » Sun Oct 07, 2007 5:33 am

Here you go, another simple mod for Joomla from phpraider the newest version.

This mod is based on the Loot History mod by
* Thumann,
* Edited to display phpraid information by Anders Oquist
* Edited by Mordenn to work with phpraider
Version 1.0.1
(2.19 KiB) Downloaded 882 times
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Re: Module for listing raids from phpraider for Joomla

Postby avaeth » Sun Oct 14, 2007 11:50 pm


where can I download this module?
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Re: Module for listing raids from phpraider for Joomla

Postby mcbarney » Sat Oct 27, 2007 10:31 pm

I have a problem where Joomla is set +11 for timezone and PHPRaid is set +11 but the module displays GMT time.

BTW thanks very much for this module, it is working great 8)

nm, added an offset manually

Code: Select all
$raiddate = date($dt_format, $row[invite_time] + 58500);
Last edited by mcbarney on Sun Oct 28, 2007 8:23 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Module for listing raids from phpraider for Joomla

Postby mordon » Sun Nov 25, 2007 6:56 pm

avaeth wrote:Hi,

where can I download this module?

You have to log in and you will see it in the first post. :D
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Re: Module for listing raids from phpraider for Joomla

Postby mordon » Sun Nov 25, 2007 6:56 pm

mcbarney wrote:I have a problem where Joomla is set +11 for timezone and PHPRaid is set +11 but the module displays GMT time.

BTW thanks very much for this module, it is working great 8)

nm, added an offset manually

Code: Select all
$raiddate = date($dt_format, $row[invite_time] + 58500);

Thanks I will update the code and put a parameter in there for a time offset.
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Re: Module for listing raids from phpraider for Joomla

Postby wizroul » Wed Jan 02, 2008 3:23 am

thanks for the module all was working fine but now the module nolonger shows any upcoming raids any help would be nice ty
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Module for listing raids from phpraider for Joomla

Postby OpenCircuit » Thu Jan 10, 2008 6:03 am

absolutely beautiful!

I highly recommend someone posting this (if given permission I will) on the website. I've been searching for this for almost 3 days just to wind up back here again (one of the best places for support) :-) Thanks again!
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Re: Module for listing raids from phpraider for Joomla

Postby Trefynwed » Mon Jan 28, 2008 11:23 pm

I installed this module and I can't get it to show any upcoming raids. Also, wherever I put it in the module order, no other modules will show underneath it.

For instance, if I have this order:

1. Raid Progression
2. Login
3. Server Status
4. Who's Online
5. Raid listing

Then all the modules show up, but all I see for raid listing is just the title, it doesn't actually show any raids.

Now if I change the order to:

1. Raid Progression
2. Raid Listing
3. Login
4. Server Status
5. Who's Online

I will see Raid Progression, and the title for the raid listing, and then nothing below that. It's like it breaks processing for all other modules on the right side of the page, so anything that comes after it doesn't show up.

I don't get any errors or anything however, so I have no idea what to look at to solve the issues.

EDIT: I got it to start throwing some errors up... here's an example.

Notice: Use of undefined constant location - assumed 'location' in /homepages/26/d192794543/htdocs/hellshadow/modules/mod_phpraider_events.php on line 35

Notice: Use of undefined constant description - assumed 'description' in /homepages/26/d192794543/htdocs/hellshadow/modules/mod_phpraider_events.php on line 40

Notice: Use of undefined constant invite_time - assumed 'invite_time' in /homepages/26/d192794543/htdocs/hellshadow/modules/mod_phpraider_events.php on line 46
Last edited by Trefynwed on Tue Jan 29, 2008 12:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Module for listing raids from phpraider for Joomla

Postby torval » Thu Mar 06, 2008 9:24 pm

You guys can pull raid info or info in general via rss and display it as a block or module in Joomla.

1. Locate teh url to the rss feeds for phpraider (You can do this simply by clicking on the icon underneath the credits on every page).

2. Once you have the url for the feed (upcoming raids for example) save the url we will be using it soon stay tuned.

3. Joomla Administrator go to your site modules and click on new. Once there input the url for the feed where it's labeled for rss. Set how many items you want displayed from the feed and any other information such as titles etc.

4. Set your module position where you want it and click save and you are done.

Hope this helps some people out there it's what I use.
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Module for listing raids from phpraider for Joomla

Postby ThunderPally » Fri Sep 05, 2008 5:01 am

This is a nice mod! However, i did make a few changes to the SQL statement to account for my version of WRM (A clean install of 3.2.1)

Line 32:
$result = mysql_query("SELECT location, description, old, invite_time FROM ".$prefix."raids WHERE old=0 order by start_time limit $show_new_raids") or die(mysql_error());

Line 62:
$result = mysql_query("SELECT location, description, old, invite_time FROM ".$prefix."raids WHERE old=1 order by start_time limit $show_old_raids") or die(mysql_error());
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