Keeping track of who sends what

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Keeping track of who sends what

Postby trebek » Sun Jul 23, 2006 8:17 pm

Hello there, ive been looking for a mod, or something that will keep track of who sends what to our guild banks, somethign that will like scan the mails as i rtetreive them (like how the roster can see who sent what in your mailbox, some way to save that and output a list of recent donations or something) Im working on a Point system for the bank, and id like to have sort of a mini-dkp system where people earn points for sending items (certain items have certain value, etc) and then use those points to get other things from the bank.

As you can see on my site I use the software, which has a nice guild bank interface. So basically im looking for some sort of addon that meshes well with this, and would help me with this point system. Any ideas?

I love the roster stuff, and has made my life easier as a GM! :) I hope people keep developing all these cool addons for wowroster :thumright:
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Keeping track of who sends what

Postby PleegWat » Sun Jul 23, 2006 9:48 pm

As far as I know there is no such mod. If you want to make it you'll have to find or make a mail logging mod, and a roster addon that imports its data into the database and displays that data. There may be mail logging mods, there are serveral roster addons that import and show other wow log data (native roster support for pvplog, raidtracker addon)
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Re: Keeping track of who sends what

Postby Thumann » Mon Jul 24, 2006 11:31 am

trebek wrote:Hello there, ive been looking for a mod, or something that will keep track of who sends what to our guild banks, somethign that will like scan the mails as i rtetreive them (like how the roster can see who sent what in your mailbox, some way to save that and output a list of recent donations or something) Im working on a Point system for the bank, and id like to have sort of a mini-dkp system where people earn points for sending items (certain items have certain value, etc) and then use those points to get other things from the bank.

As you can see on my site I use the software, which has a nice guild bank interface. So basically im looking for some sort of addon that meshes well with this, and would help me with this point system. Any ideas?

I love the roster stuff, and has made my life easier as a GM! :) I hope people keep developing all these cool addons for wowroster :thumright:

More or less like our Tournament addon for roster.. check it out.. ... &Itemid=69

Points are awarded for what people hand in... though you need to enter the stuff automatically.. but hey.. you click add tickets.. log in.. enter the name of the supplier.. select the item from a drop down menu.. enter the quantity.. and then click submit.. done deal..

it's not published though.. but if you could find it usefull.. i'll be happy to publish it..
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Re: Keeping track of who sends what

Postby gorgeth » Mon Jul 24, 2006 12:41 pm

You mean manually? (as in entering stuff?)

That looks awesome as a mod though!

Especially if we can figure a way to get it to automagically award the points based on who sent items to a "banker"

I think that would either have to be a specific mod that read the mailbox.. and uploaded a new .lua, or get calvin to parse the mailbox and upload that field in the character profiler data.

But either way I would love to see this released as a mod!
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Keeping track of who sends what

Postby nightfighter » Mon Jul 24, 2006 10:08 pm

I am wondering if there might something like diminishing returns on items sent to the bank. I have one bank character that a member sent over 1400 heavy stone. After a certain point should they be earning less points for the item then when they first started?
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Re: Keeping track of who sends what

Postby gorgeth » Tue Jul 25, 2006 5:04 pm

nightfighter wrote:I am wondering if there might something like diminishing returns on items sent to the bank. I have one bank character that a member sent over 1400 heavy stone. After a certain point should they be earning less points for the item then when they first started?

I think that it should prolly be configured with a cap..

For example.. lets say you provide consumables for raids in your guild.. and thus your bank needs .. 1000 dreamfoil a week..once that amount is collected for the week you can stop awarding points or reward at a reduced rate etc.
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Keeping track of who sends what

Postby c0rrupt0 » Fri Jul 28, 2006 10:52 pm

I have been interested in a mod like this as well. I have yet to find anything that does it though, The Sanity mod is a great inventory tracker that if modified could capture the sender as well. But I know Lua about as much as I know what mars will look like 3000 years from now.
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Re: Keeping track of who sends what

Postby MyKroFt » Sun Jul 30, 2006 11:56 am

I would like to get ahold of this addon as well. I need some kind of incentive for the herb/flask donations to the bank. I could offer something(s) as prizes at the end of the month for the most tickets etc.


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Keeping track of who sends what

Postby Elethil » Mon Jul 31, 2006 11:45 pm

This would be and looks awsome! Please publish this addon. And if it grows to be automatic that would be great! I really hope to see this soon!!!
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Keeping track of who sends what

Postby Thumann » Tue Aug 01, 2006 12:57 am

;> say please
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Keeping track of who sends what

Postby Elethil » Tue Aug 01, 2006 1:00 am

Dang make me beg..

I thought I did but OK... Please. ;)
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Re: Keeping track of who sends what

Postby Qro_WoW » Tue Aug 01, 2006 1:17 am

gorgeth wrote:...or get calvin to parse the mailbox and upload that field in the character profiler data.

Calvin is already doing this (has been for a while). There is mailbox information being saved in CharacterProfiler.lua.
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Re: Keeping track of who sends what

Postby Elethil » Tue Aug 01, 2006 11:39 pm

Was there any chance on you publishing that tournament addon? I'd love to use it for our guild.

Pretty Please :)
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Keeping track of who sends what

Postby Msamaki » Tue Aug 01, 2006 11:43 pm

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I'd be interested in this too, right now I keep a rough idea of who is sending items in and who it taking items - as long as it's pretty fair then all is well. But having the ability to track and score deposits would be great!
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Re: Keeping track of who sends what

Postby Thall » Mon Aug 07, 2006 3:25 am

I too, would love to use this for our guild, I do everything in an EXCEL spreadsheet atm and its damned annoying :P

Please please please, release this for general use :)
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