i posted in a nother thread, but it seem that no one understand what i would like to say.

I've checked the layout on german location [deDE] a little bit and found somethings to fix for a good looking.
Please have a look on the screenshot. I marked with red to set this words shorter and blue for translation

At "Verteidigung" please set "Ausweichen" > "Ausw.".
At "Zauber" please set "Kritische Chance" > "Krit. Chance".
On this way it should not break the layout.
"Totals" > "Gesamt"
"Enchantments" > "Verzauberungen"
"Base Stats" > "Basiswerte"
"Gems" > "Edelsteine"
"Passive" > "Passiv"
"Use" > "Benutzen"
You can find my current roster [1377] under http://roster.wowfdv.de