I received help from a friend to install a few monthes ago the Roster in my forum,my phpmyadmin,everywhere basicaly because I have no idea what's all that is ,everything was fine until I decided myself ( big mistake) to update the Roster for the 2.0 version so I deleted the roster from my ftp then I upladed the 2.0 version (as a new fresh one) ,at this point I had a white page so I decided to put back the 1.7.3 version and since this time there 's no way for me to pass trought the installation pages ,it asks me for this and I don't know what it is :
"Installation Notes
Roster Installer has scanned your server and determined that it meets the requirements
The conf.php file does not exist and could not be created in Roster's root folder.
Although not critical, you should create this file and enable write access before proceeding.
If conf.php is not writable, you will be promtped to download this file, then upload it to your server.
and after this page I have that:
Database Type:
Default Locale:
Database host:
Database name:
Database username:
Database password:
Prefix for Roster DB tables:
Roster URL Path:
Main Site URL: but I d'ont remenber anymore all theses informations
please give me a help ,all my guild membres are keeping asking where the hell went the Roster we had before

could somebody get into my roster configuration panel and change my logins in order for me to find the roster again here's my msn address in case morfeus38@hotmail.com
thanks for reading and for your help in advance