ArmorySync 2.6 beta svn[373] for Roster 2.0 Beta

Sync Blizzards' Armory data with WoWRoster (addon depreciated no longer works see ApiSync)

Moderators: Ulminia, poetter

Changelog svn[346]

Postby poetter » Mon Dec 24, 2007 4:06 pm

Changelog svn[346]

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- updated contants.php and install.def.php(this time both)

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Changelog svn[359]

Postby poetter » Thu Jan 31, 2008 10:27 pm

Hi all,

First of all. Blizzards Armory(EU) seems faster the last two days. I'm able to sync a character with per Character update in 14-18 secs. There are still some problems with it. Some connection don't connect, some pages time out and some pages are returned just empty.

Anyway. I was able to sync about 75% percent of my characters without any problems.

I implemented gem handling to ArmorySync. As there is no info in the armory witch item is socketed with witch gem, I have coded a work arround. The infos I get are the icon and the enchant of the gem.

So I put a $lang['gem'] array in the locale files. Each icon has some possible gems. These gems are searched in the armory and then compared by there enchants. For performance reasons the results are stored in a cache file with a retention of a week.

So the first fetches will take some time, but as your cache grows its getting quicker. Even with no gems cached I was able to update every char in under 30 secs.

The $lang['gem'] should be complete in german, maybe english. As i took translations from allakhazam some frensh and spanish ones are missing. This will need more testing(from you? ;-)). Check your locale file or watch for error messages like
Code: Select all
GemType: '. $gemType. ' lookup. - No matching gems found. Check your locale file!
Unlocalized gem found for icon: '. $gem['Icon']

First one meens. There are gems for an icon but armory didn't find them. So may be translation is wrong.
Second one meens. There is no gem for an icon.

Please report both errors and if you were able to fix them.

Last but not least i will start a poll(See here). I want to know if you want your characters updated even if there are infos missing or not. Have a look and vote!

This release is svn available only, as there are prerequesist that are not in the last WoWRoster build. So please update AmorySync AND WoWRoster.
With the next WoWRoster build there will be a new ArmorySync build

Changelog svn[359]

Code: Select all
- added roster error notices to armorysync ajax notices (to see notices during ajax updates)
- implemented character faction and factionEN
- various small bugfixes
- removed simpleclass.php
- added a priest icon

- Updated all locales with gem array

- removed some item parser methods. Have all been ported to armory.class.php

- implemented gem tooltips for per page update

- implemented gem tooltips for per character update

- fixed auth method

- changed auth method

- fixed french character sex

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Changelog svn[365]

Postby poetter » Fri Feb 15, 2008 8:17 pm

This time I zip up a new archive. Check the download section

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- fixed looping in _ppGemSearchArmory
- fixed some notices

- fixed __php_incomplete_class error
- fixed chars not added to update table in per page update

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Re: Changelog svn[365]

Postby poetter » Sun Feb 17, 2008 11:14 pm

Hi there,

I implemented a new fetch method call "be smart". This one will detect when its close to max_execution_time and do a reload automatically. This way we get the best of both worlds. Safety from max_execution_time errors and a better performance.

As this is very smart I made this the new default fetch method. I also set fetch timeout to 4, reload wait time to 2 and fetch retries to 2 by default.

New as well is the option not to update on incomplete data. The poll was 9 to 1 for better something than nothing, but I found it annoying to have incomplete data and don't know which chars to update again. So I made this optional from the config menu.

Please try it out and let me know if you have any problems.

As allways, the changelog:

Code: Select all
- fixed a sql error on realm update with guildless chars

- fixed messages for non existing chars on char add
- removed gem spencerite as it is unknown in the armory

- implemented option to not update on incomplete data
- implemented cache dir writeable check
- implemented a max_execution_time to low check on character update method
- implemented number of retrys as option from config menu

- implemented a smart update mode
-- this one will automaticly detect when its close to max_execution_time and do a reload

- added new fetch method to config

- prefixed gem ids with a 99 as gems overide themself in a mixed cp upload/armorysync environment
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Changelog svn[372]

Postby poetter » Sat Feb 23, 2008 3:26 am

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- fixed a array/object mismatch
-- see
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Changelog svn[373]

Postby poetter » Sun Feb 24, 2008 8:59 pm

Code: Select all
- fixed a str_replace bug in _getItemTooltip in armorysync.class.php
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