I get your point.
Understand that is is useless to fed UniAdmin with settings if the UniUpLoader's (on the PC's of your Guildies)
can't take over the centralized settings in UniAdmin.
As stated above, you chould assure that at least
PRIMARYURL contains a good URL (in your case, it is) and that
it's checked just behind it!!
Let’s say that it’s marked for ‘exportation’ so an UniUpLoader that asks for setting will receive all the 'checked' ones (and only those).
Your situation right now is that you use the correct values in UniAdmin, but Guildies can't take over the setting - because you don't let them do so. So you know what to do now ;- )
Another important thing is that you have to assure yourself that UniUpLoader(s) are taking over these settings from UniAdmin when they start up.
There is only ONE good solution for this: prepare yourself a UniUpLoader with the NIS installer (in the download section of UniUpLoader - it's there for a reason - asking your Guildies to set up a tool like this is even worse as asking them to upload a cp.lua file by hand) working on YOUR PC.
Check that it loads correctly, and that it syncs correctly.
Pack it all up in an installer file, zip the exe down in a zip file, and offer that one to download on your CMS of your Guild.
Manual ? This is also possible.
At least two things should be set up when installing a ‘default’ UniUpLoader:
A Guildie should go to the Updater page. Put in this URL:
http://your.url.here/uniadmin/interface.php and check at least case number 3 :
Keep my critical UniUpLoader settings updated.
Doing so will fill in all the settings in UniUpLoader when it restarts - or when you hit the Synchronize button on the same 'Updater' page.
'All the settings' means here: the ones YOU marked (checked) in UniAdmin.
Giev them something like this to see: every one loves images – reading is for the nerds.
Be careful what you mark for 'export', DO NOT try to take over the entire behaviour of all these UniUpLoader's out there : Guildes won't get when it doesn't accepts their private settings - and will abandon the project.
Anyway, documentation IS still needed when you launch a thing tool like this. A couple of images like this: is always 'a bare minimum' if you want your Guildies to actually use UniUpLoader.
Something like
http://www.papy-team.fr/forum/e107_plug ... #post_3531 [sorry: French
Btw : Tuigii == Nowwhat over there.