Hello !
I don't know if it has been reported before (not found with Search option), but on my roster there are mostly French users, submitting their CP.lua file in frFR locale, but also several English users, with enEN locale (I think). Thus the Professions tab displays twice the professions, once with French locale (f.ex. : "Herboristerie") and another time with English locale ("Herbalism").
Is there a way to "merge" data under the same Profession name, f.ex. depending on the Roster locale ? We would only see "Herbalism" if Roster is displayed in English, and "Herboristerie" when in French. Just a suggestion ^^
Here is the link to our Professions page :
http://www.herten.ch/Renaissance/roster ... ns&guild=2
(The last 5 professions at the bottom are English equivalent to the French professions displayed before. "Briance" is the character name who uses WoW English version for the moment and submitted his cp.lua file with enEN locale, but there are others in the guild who will also submit enEN files in the near future)
Thank you very much for your help and work !