SMFSync svn[14]

Sync your member list to Simple Machines Forum

Moderator: boyo

SMFSync svn[14]

Postby whatchamccallum » Fri Oct 26, 2007 6:57 am

Cool your update seems to work well.

I only use the protected groups for the Administrators and it seems to protect them okay. Thanks for your help on this. I makes administering the groups so much easier.

another thing I changed in the code was for the queries to use the realName from the database which is the same as the display name. That way someone can use anything for their login name as long as their display name matches their main guild character (which I can change without effecting their access)
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SMFSync svn[14]

Postby boyo » Fri Oct 26, 2007 2:10 pm

If you have a user that is set as an admin, it will automatically protect the admin so that doesn't get revoked, it sets the admin in additional groups and sets the admins main group to whatever their rank is.

As a note about using your personal login as admin, create a second account for an alt or something that is a normal user so you can see how your permissions are really working. I forgot to do this and for about 2 days nobody had access to anything.

I hadn't thought about using the display name instead of the username, guess that could come in handy.
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Re: SMFSync svn[14]

Postby Vlorn » Thu Nov 08, 2007 11:29 am

In the great spirit of the Internet :) I took your addon and modded it to work with Nuke Platinum. I need to thank you for well written, well commented code... it made the job very easy.

I made some significant changes that you may be interested in looking at for the SMF version.

The primary change I made was to add a "Rank Table" to the mod, considering that I already have established and well used forums I didn't want the addon to create new groups based on rank. Rather the Rank Table presents all of the WoW ranks within the guild and provides a dropdown selection of what forum group you want the users of that particular WoW rank placed in. I also added to that table the ability to update or not update the various features (signature, hearth, avatar etc) selecteable for updating based on the wow rank.
Multiple guilds are also supported via the rank table as well.

I added a few other pieces as well;
- Not overwriting users existing avatars and signatures.
-Defining the forum moderator when the app is allowed to create new groups.
- Creation and assignment of "special forum ranks" based on the players WoW rank.
- Changes to the Avatar settings, some CMS's like Nuke platinum balk at letting users use dynamically generated avatars.
- Define multiple "leave actions" as None, place in restricted account and deactivate account, all based on the users WoW rank.(still in progress)
- Adding a cleanup table that will allow you compare all the players that have left the guild with thier current access (in progress).

There are a couple more features that I'm considering implementing but haven't confirmed yet.
- Ability to "protect" individual users to provide even more granularity.
- Ability to map wow roster players to forum users that have different usernames, this will allow th app to manage my legacy users without forcing them to create new forum accounts.

So that's basically it, If your interested in using any of my bits of code in your addon just let me know and I can provide you a copy. I'm not finished with everything yet and still need to do some more testing before I post the Nuke Platinum version.

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Re: SMFSync svn[14]

Postby Bang » Thu May 08, 2008 11:45 pm

Hello i would be interested in testing this with my smf forums nut cant find the download link, could you please tell me where i can find the download :)
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SMFSync svn[14]

Postby boyo » Thu May 08, 2008 11:51 pm

You can always find the most up to date version Here
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