Unable to Update Profiles - WoWRoster v1.9.9.1337

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Unable to Update Profiles - WoWRoster v1.9.9.1337

Postby Ostvard » Tue Sep 18, 2007 2:49 am

If I delete my CharacterProfiler.lua I am able to get an initial install of the data. Problem is after that the following error occurs.

1265: Data truncated for column 'melee_ohand_maxdam' at row 1

UPDATE `roster_players` SET `name` = 'Airia', `guild_id` = '1', `server` = 'Anachronos', `region` = 'EU', `level` = '70', `sessionHK` = '0', `sessionCP` = '0', `yesterdayHK` = '0', `yesterdayContribution` = '0', `lifetimeHK` = '90', `lifetimeHighestRank` = '0', `lifetimeRankname` = 'None', `honorpoints` = '276', `arenapoints` = '0', `crit` = '9.74', `stat_int` = '77', `stat_int_c` = '115', `stat_int_b` = '38', `stat_int_d` = '0', `stat_agl` = '156', `stat_agl_c` = '378', `stat_agl_b` = '222', `stat_agl_d` = '0', `stat_sta` = '107', `stat_sta_c` = '403', `stat_sta_b` = '296', `stat_sta_d` = '0', `stat_str` = '61', `stat_str_c` = '61', `stat_str_b` = '0', `stat_str_d` = '0', `stat_spr` = '83', `stat_spr_c` = '83', `stat_spr_b` = '0', `stat_spr_d` = '0', `dodge` = '12.47', `parry` = '4.80', `block` = '0.00', `mitigation` = '27.50', `stat_armor` = '4005', `stat_armor_c` = '4005', `stat_armor_b` = '0', `stat_armor_d` = '0', `stat_def` = '345', `stat_def_c` = '345', `stat_def_b` = '0', `stat_def_d` = '0', `stat_block` = '0', `stat_block_c` = '0', `stat_block_b` = '0', `stat_block_d` = '0', `stat_parry` = '0', `stat_parry_c` = '0', `stat_parry_b` = '0', `stat_parry_d` = '0', `stat_defr` = '0', `stat_defr_c` = '0', `stat_defr_b` = '0', `stat_defr_d` = '0', `stat_dodge` = '0', `stat_dodge_c` = '0', `stat_dodge_b` = '0', `stat_dodge_d` = '0', `stat_res_ranged` = '0', `stat_res_spell` = '0', `stat_res_melee` = '0', `res_holy` = '0', `res_holy_c` = '0', `res_holy_b` = '0', `res_holy_d` = '0', `res_frost` = '0', `res_frost_c` = '0', `res_frost_b` = '0', `res_frost_d` = '0', `res_arcane` = '0', `res_arcane_c` = '0', `res_arcane_b` = '0', `res_arcane_d` = '0', `res_fire` = '0', `res_fire_c` = '0', `res_fire_b` = '0', `res_fire_d` = '0', `res_shadow` = '0', `res_shadow_c` = '0', `res_shadow_b` = '0', `res_shadow_d` = '0', `res_nature` = '10', `res_nature_c` = '10', `res_nature_b` = '0', `res_nature_d` = '0', `melee_power` = '559', `melee_power_c` = '1154', `melee_power_b` = '595', `melee_power_d` = '0', `melee_hit` = '59', `melee_hit_c` = '63', `melee_hit_b` = '4', `melee_hit_d` = '0', `melee_crit` = '42', `melee_crit_c` = '44', `melee_crit_b` = '2', `melee_crit_d` = '0', `melee_haste` = '0', `melee_haste_c` = '0', `melee_haste_b` = '0', `melee_haste_d` = '0', `melee_crit_chance` = '9.74', `melee_power_dps` = '82.4', `melee_mhand_speed` = '1.80', `melee_mhand_dps` = '157.2', `melee_mhand_skill` = '348', `melee_mhand_mindam` = '256', `melee_mhand_maxdam` = '310', `melee_mhand_rating` = '348', `melee_mhand_rating_c` = '348', `melee_mhand_rating_b` = '0', `melee_mhand_rating_d` = '0', `melee_ohand_speed` = '1.80', `melee_ohand_dps` = '78.6', `melee_ohand_skill` = '348', `melee_ohand_mindam` = '125', `melee_ohand_maxdam` = '152 x102%', `melee_ohand_rating` = '348', `melee_ohand_rating_c` = '348', `melee_ohand_rating_b` = '0', `melee_ohand_rating_d` = '0', `melee_range_tooltip` = 'Main Hand\nAttack Speed (seconds): 1.80\nDamage: 251 - 304 x102%\nDamage per Second: 157.2\n\n\nOff Hand\nAttack Speed (seconds): 1.80\nDamage: 125 - 152 x102%\nDamage per Second: 78.6', `melee_power_tooltip` = 'Increases damage with melee weapons by 82.4 damage per second.', `ranged_power` = '508', `ranged_power_c` = '1103', `ranged_power_b` = '595', `ranged_power_d` = '0', `ranged_hit` = '59', `ranged_hit_c` = '63', `ranged_hit_b` = '4', `ranged_hit_d` = '0', `ranged_crit` = '42', `ranged_crit_c` = '44', `ranged_crit_b` = '2', `ranged_crit_d` = '0', `ranged_haste` = '0', `ranged_haste_c` = '0', `ranged_haste_b` = '0', `ranged_haste_d` = '0', `ranged_crit_chance` = '14.82', `ranged_power_dps` = '36.3', `ranged_speed` = '2.06', `ranged_dps` = '251.9', `ranged_skill` = '350', `ranged_mindam` = '463', `ranged_maxdam` = '578', `ranged_rating` = '350', `ranged_rating_c` = '350', `ranged_rating_b` = '0', `ranged_rating_d` = '0', `ranged_range_tooltip` = 'Ranged\nAttack Speed (seconds): 2.06\nDamage: 453 - 566 x102%\nDamage per Second: 251.9', `ranged_power_tooltip` = 'Increases damage with ranged weapons by 36.3 damage per second.', `spell_hit` = '0', `spell_hit_c` = '0', `spell_hit_b` = '0', `spell_hit_d` = '0', `spell_crit` = '0', `spell_crit_c` = '0', `spell_crit_b` = '0', `spell_crit_d` = '0', `spell_haste` = '0', `spell_haste_c` = '0', `spell_haste_b` = '0', `spell_haste_d` = '0', `spell_crit_chance` = '5.04', `mana_regen` = '83', `mana_regen_cast` = '4', `spell_penetration` = '0', `spell_damage` = '0', `spell_healing` = '0', `spell_crit_chance_holy` = '5.04', `spell_crit_chance_frost` = '5.04', `spell_crit_chance_arcane` = '5.04', `spell_crit_chance_fire` = '5.04', `spell_crit_chance_shadow` = '5.04', `spell_crit_chance_nature` = '5.04', `spell_damage_holy` = '0', `spell_damage_frost` = '0', `spell_damage_arcane` = '0', `spell_damage_fire` = '0', `spell_damage_shadow` = '0', `spell_damage_nature` = '0', `talent_points` = '0', `money_c` = '6', `money_s` = '91', `money_g` = '2014', `exp` = '376:814700:0', `race` = 'Night Elf', `raceid` = '4', `raceEn` = 'NightElf', `class` = 'Hunter', `classid` = '3', `classEn` = 'HUNTER', `health` = '7789', `mana` = '4828', `power` = 'Mana', `sex` = 'Female', `sexid` = '1', `hearth` = 'Ironforge', `dateupdatedutc` = '2007-09-16 23:46:35', `DBversion` = '2.0.0', `CPversion` = '2.1.1', `timeplayed` = '1693152', `timelevelplayed` = '91941', `maildateutc` = '2007-09-17 00:41:44', `clientLocale` = 'enUS' WHERE `member_id` = '57'

What it seems to have a problem with is the line `melee_ohand_maxdam` = '152 x102%'

The % seems to creep in after updating the profile more than once.

Windows 2003 server with IIS6, MySQL 5.0.27 and PHP 5.2.0.
Last edited by Ostvard on Tue Sep 18, 2007 2:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Unable to Update Profiles - WoWRoster v1.9.9.1337

Postby zanix » Tue Sep 18, 2007 4:26 am

CP should be parsing out the %
Rescan this character and try uploading again
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Unable to Update Profiles - WoWRoster v1.9.9.1337

Postby Ostvard » Wed Sep 19, 2007 7:34 am

Ok, Re-scanned char and still getting the error. If i delete the .lau file and then try a load it works fine.

Last edited by Ostvard on Wed Sep 19, 2007 7:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Unable to Update Profiles - WoWRoster v1.9.9.1337

Postby Blueleaf » Thu Apr 03, 2008 11:44 pm

I seem to be having the same problem, I did not notice this issue until I updated to the newest CP

1265: Data truncated for column 'melee_ohand_maxdam' at row 1
Code: Select all
INSERT INTO `roster_players` SET `name` = 'Whiteleaf', `guild_id` = '2', `server` = 'Suramar', `region` = 'US', `level` = '70', `sessionHK` = '0', `sessionCP` = '0', `yesterdayHK` = '0', `yesterdayContribution` = '0', `lifetimeHK` = '60', `lifetimeHighestRank` = '0', `lifetimeRankname` = 'None', `honorpoints` = '197', `arenapoints` = '0', `crit` = '13.45', `stat_int` = '81', `stat_int_c` = '206', `stat_int_b` = '125', `stat_int_d` = '0', `stat_agl` = '153', `stat_agl_c` = '434', `stat_agl_b` = '281', `stat_agl_d` = '0', `stat_sta` = '106', `stat_sta_c` = '322', `stat_sta_b` = '216', `stat_sta_d` = '0', `stat_str` = '61', `stat_str_c` = '93', `stat_str_b` = '32', `stat_str_d` = '0', `stat_spr` = '82', `stat_spr_c` = '102', `stat_spr_b` = '20', `stat_spr_d` = '0', `dodge` = '14.87', `parry` = '4.96', `block` = '0', `mitigation` = '32.05', `stat_armor` = '4979', `stat_armor_c` = '4979', `stat_armor_b` = '0', `stat_armor_d` = '0', `stat_def` = '349', `stat_def_c` = '349', `stat_def_b` = '0', `stat_def_d` = '0', `stat_block` = '0', `stat_block_c` = '0', `stat_block_b` = '0', `stat_block_d` = '0', `stat_parry` = '0', `stat_parry_c` = '0', `stat_parry_b` = '0', `stat_parry_d` = '0', `stat_defr` = '0', `stat_defr_c` = '0', `stat_defr_b` = '0', `stat_defr_d` = '0', `stat_dodge` = '0', `stat_dodge_c` = '0', `stat_dodge_b` = '0', `stat_dodge_d` = '0', `stat_res_ranged` = '105', `stat_res_spell` = '105', `stat_res_melee` = '105', `res_holy` = '0', `res_holy_c` = '0', `res_holy_b` = '0', `res_holy_d` = '0', `res_frost` = '5', `res_frost_c` = '5', `res_frost_b` = '0', `res_frost_d` = '0', `res_arcane` = '5', `res_arcane_c` = '5', `res_arcane_b` = '0', `res_arcane_d` = '0', `res_fire` = '5', `res_fire_c` = '5', `res_fire_b` = '0', `res_fire_d` = '0', `res_shadow` = '5', `res_shadow_c` = '5', `res_shadow_b` = '0', `res_shadow_d` = '0', `res_nature` = '5', `res_nature_c` = '5', `res_nature_b` = '0', `res_nature_d` = '0', `melee_power` = '647', `melee_power_c` = '1051', `melee_power_b` = '404', `melee_power_d` = '0', `melee_hit` = '42', `melee_hit_c` = '45', `melee_hit_b` = '3', `melee_hit_d` = '0', `melee_crit` = '92', `melee_crit_c` = '96', `melee_crit_b` = '4', `melee_crit_d` = '0', `melee_haste` = '0', `melee_haste_c` = '0', `melee_haste_b` = '0', `melee_haste_d` = '0', `melee_expertise` = '0', `melee_expertise_c` = '0', `melee_expertise_b` = '0', `melee_expertise_d` = '0', `melee_crit_chance` = '13.45', `melee_power_dps` = '75.1', `melee_mhand_speed` = '2.60', `melee_mhand_dps` = '141.3', `melee_mhand_skill` = '349', `melee_mhand_mindam` = '316', `melee_mhand_maxdam` = '419', `melee_mhand_rating` = '349', `melee_mhand_rating_c` = '349', `melee_mhand_rating_b` = '0', `melee_mhand_rating_d` = '0', `melee_ohand_speed` = '2.60', `melee_ohand_dps` = '69.7', `melee_ohand_skill` = '349', `melee_ohand_mindam` = '153', `melee_ohand_maxdam` = '202 x102%', `melee_ohand_rating` = '349', `melee_ohand_rating_c` = '349', `melee_ohand_rating_b` = '0', `melee_ohand_rating_d` = '0', `melee_range_tooltip` = 'Main Hand\nAttack Speed (seconds): 2.60\nDamage: 310 - 411 x102%\nDamage per Second: 141.3\n\n\nOff Hand\nAttack Speed (seconds): 2.60\nDamage: 153 - 202 x102%\nDamage per Second: 69.7', `melee_power_tooltip` = 'Increases your melee chance to hit a target of level 70 by 2.66%nnEnemy Armor Reduced by 0.', `ranged_power` = '564', `ranged_power_c` = '968', `ranged_power_b` = '404', `ranged_power_d` = '0', `ranged_hit` = '42', `ranged_hit_c` = '45', `ranged_hit_b` = '3', `ranged_hit_d` = '0', `ranged_crit` = '92', `ranged_crit_c` = '96', `ranged_crit_b` = '4', `ranged_crit_d` = '0', `ranged_haste` = '0', `ranged_haste_c` = '0', `ranged_haste_b` = '0', `ranged_haste_d` = '0', `ranged_crit_chance` = '18.49', `ranged_power_dps` = '40.3', `ranged_speed` = '2.03', `ranged_dps` = '240.0', `ranged_skill` = '350', `ranged_mindam` = '429', `ranged_maxdam` = '545', `ranged_rating` = '350', `ranged_rating_c` = '350', `ranged_rating_b` = '0', `ranged_rating_d` = '0', `ranged_range_tooltip` = 'Ranged\nAttack Speed (seconds): 2.03\nDamage: 421 - 534 x102%\nDamage per Second: 240.0', `ranged_power_tooltip` = 'Increases damage with ranged weapons by 40.3 damage per second.', `spell_hit` = '0', `spell_hit_c` = '0', `spell_hit_b` = '0', `spell_hit_d` = '0', `spell_crit` = '0', `spell_crit_c` = '0', `spell_crit_b` = '0', `spell_crit_d` = '0', `spell_haste` = '0', `spell_haste_c` = '0', `spell_haste_b` = '0', `spell_haste_d` = '0', `spell_crit_chance` = '6.18', `mana_regen` = '77', `mana_regen_cast` = '9', `spell_penetration` = '0', `spell_damage` = '23', `spell_healing` = '0', `spell_crit_chance_holy` = '6.18', `spell_crit_chance_frost` = '6.18', `spell_crit_chance_arcane` = '6.18', `spell_crit_chance_fire` = '6.18', `spell_crit_chance_shadow` = '6.18', `spell_crit_chance_nature` = '6.18', `spell_damage_holy` = '23', `spell_damage_frost` = '23', `spell_damage_arcane` = '23', `spell_damage_fire` = '23', `spell_damage_shadow` = '23', `spell_damage_nature` = '23', `talent_points` = '0', `money_c` = '99', `money_s` = '61', `money_g` = '1571', `exp` = '13422:1256500:0', `race` = 'Blood Elf', `raceid` = '10', `raceEn` = 'BloodElf', `class` = 'Hunter', `classid` = '3', `classEn` = 'HUNTER', `health` = '6938', `mana` = '6193', `power` = 'Mana', `sex` = 'Male', `sexid` = '0', `hearth` = 'Garadar', `dateupdatedutc` = '2008-04-03 16:40:02', `DBversion` = '2.3.1', `CPversion` = '2.4.0', `timeplayed` = '1304825', `timelevelplayed` = '345842', `maildateutc` = '2008-04-03 11:37:04', `clientLocale` = 'enUS', `member_id` = '156'
File: lib\dbal\mysql.php

Of corse there is alot more code in the error output and seems to have a problem with the hole file.
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Unable to Update Profiles - WoWRoster v1.9.9.1337

Postby PleegWat » Fri Apr 04, 2008 2:00 am

It is a known issue with the debug trail that it includes most of the parsed file in the debug trail on error.

This topic is for quite an old version. What is your revision?
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Unable to Update Profiles - WoWRoster v1.9.9.1337

Postby Blueleaf » Fri Apr 04, 2008 10:23 am

Hmm Didn't look at the date of last post, but the search was relivant to problem.

currently running:
WoWRoster v1.9.9.1665 (installed from scratch with no addons)
Apache/2.2.8 (Win32)
MySQL 5.0.51a-community-nt

Happens with both RPGO-CP 2.3.1a and 2.4.0

Any suggestions on a solution?
Last edited by Blueleaf on Fri Apr 04, 2008 10:28 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Unable to Update Profiles - WoWRoster v1.9.9.1337

Postby Riggs » Mon Apr 07, 2008 3:29 pm

I am getting something very similar. Some of my toons go through, but my main won't update.
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Unable to Update Profiles - WoWRoster v1.9.9.1337

Postby Blueleaf » Fri Apr 11, 2008 4:57 am

Well I'm not sure what happened or changed but it has seemed to fix itself LOL.
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Unable to Update Profiles - WoWRoster v1.9.9.1337

Postby Blueleaf » Thu May 01, 2008 9:55 pm

Well once again the problem seems to be back, seems that it is a hit and miss. anyone else having this issue
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