Line: 203
Function Called: die_quietly
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near 'members.level >= 10 AND ( ISNULL( OR players.dateupdatedut' at line 1
* WoWRoster
* french localisaton
* LICENSE: Licensed under the Creative Commons
* "Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5" license
* @copyright 2002-2007
* @license Creative Commons "Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5"
* @version SVN: $Id: frFR.php 713 2007-09-15 22:35:04Z daniel $
* @link
* @package ArmorySync
// -[ frFR Localization ]-
// Button names
$lang['async_button'] = 'Armory Sync|Synchronize your characters with Blizzards Armory';
$lang['async_button2'] = 'Armory Memberlist Sync|Synchronize your memberlist with Blizzards Armory';
// Config strings
$lang['admin']['armorysync_conf'] = 'ArmorySync Configuration';
$lang['admin']['armorysync_host'] = 'Host|Host to syncronise with.';
$lang['admin']['armorysync_minlevel'] = 'Minimum Level|Minimum level of characters to syncronise.';
$lang['admin']['armorysync_synchcutofftime'] = 'Sync cutoff time|Time in days.<br>All characters not beeing updated in last (x) days will be syncronised.';
$lang['admin']['armorysync_reloadwaittime'] = 'Reload wait time|Time in seconds.<br>Time in seconds befor next syncronisation will be done.';
//$lang['admin']['armorysync_usecurl'] = 'Use Curl|Auf false setzen wenn du die original FileSocket function benutzen möchtest.';
//$lang['admin']['armorysync_debuglevel'] = 'Debug level';
//$lang['admin']['armorysync_updateroster'] = "Update Roster|Das Roster aktualisieren oder nicht.<br>Sinnvoll fürs Debuggen.";
//$lang['admin']['armorysync_ismysqllower411'] = "MySQL < 4.1.1|Auf True setzen wenn deine MySQL Version kleiner als 4.1.1 ist.";
$lang['admin']['armorysync_protectedtitle'] = "Protected Guild Title|Characters with this guild titles are protected<br>from beeing deleted by a syncronisation off the meberlist against the armory.<br>The problem often occours with bank characters.<br>Multivalue possible with seperation by \",\". F.e. Banker,Stock";
// [done]
$lang['bindings']['bind_on_pickup'] = "Lié quand ramassé"; //"Binds when picked up";
$lang['bindings']['bind_on_equip'] = "Lié quand équipé"; //"Binds when equiped";
$lang['bindings']['bind'] = "Lié"; // "Soulbound";
// Addon strings [done]
$lang['RepStanding']['Exalted'] = 'Exalté';
$lang['RepStanding']['Revered'] = 'Révéré';
$lang['RepStanding']['Honored'] = 'Honoré';
$lang['RepStanding']['Friendly'] = 'Amical';
$lang['RepStanding']['Neutral'] = 'Neutre';
$lang['RepStanding']['Unfriendly'] = 'Inamical';
$lang['RepStanding']['Hostile'] = 'Hostile';
$lang['RepStanding']['Hated'] = 'Détesté';
// [done]
$lang['Skills']['Class Skills'] = "Compétences de classe";
$lang['Skills']['Professions'] = "Métiers";
$lang['Skills']['Secondary Skills'] = "Compétences secondaires";
$lang['Skills']['Weapon Skills'] = "Compétences d'armes";
$lang['Skills']['Armor Proficiencies'] = "Armures utilisables";
$lang['Skills']['Languages'] = "Langues";
// [done]
$lang['Classes']['Druid'] = 'Druide';
$lang['Classes']['Hunter'] = 'Chasseur';
$lang['Classes']['Mage'] = 'Mage';
$lang['Classes']['Paladin'] = 'Paladin';
$lang['Classes']['Priest'] = 'Prêtre';
$lang['Classes']['Rogue'] = 'Voleur';
$lang['Classes']['Shaman'] = 'Chaman';
$lang['Classes']['Warlock'] = 'Démoniste';
$lang['Classes']['Warrior'] = 'Guerrier';
// [done]
$lang['Talenttrees']['Druid']['Balance'] = "Equilibre";
$lang['Talenttrees']['Druid']['Feral Combat'] = "Combat farouche";
$lang['Talenttrees']['Druid']['Restoration'] = "Restauration";
$lang['Talenttrees']['Hunter']['Beast Mastery'] = "Maîtrise des bêtes";
$lang['Talenttrees']['Hunter']['Marksmanship'] = "Précision ";
$lang['Talenttrees']['Hunter']['Survival'] = "Survie";
$lang['Talenttrees']['Mage']['Arcane'] = "Arcanes";
$lang['Talenttrees']['Mage']['Fire'] = "Fue";
$lang['Talenttrees']['Mage']['Frost'] = "Givre";
$lang['Talenttrees']['Paladin']['Holy'] = "Sacré";
$lang['Talenttrees']['Paladin']['Protection'] = "Protection";
$lang['Talenttrees']['Paladin']['Retribution'] = "Vindicte";
$lang['Talenttrees']['Priest']['Discipline'] = "Discipline";
$lang['Talenttrees']['Priest']['Holy'] = "Sacré";
$lang['Talenttrees']['Priest']['Shadow'] = "Ombre";
$lang['Talenttrees']['Rogue']['Assassination'] = "Assassinat";
$lang['Talenttrees']['Rogue']['Combat'] = "Combat";
$lang['Talenttrees']['Rogue']['Subtlety'] = "Finesse";
$lang['Talenttrees']['Shaman']['Elemental'] = "Elemental";
$lang['Talenttrees']['Shaman']['Enhancement'] = "Enhancement";
$lang['Talenttrees']['Shaman']['Restoration'] = "Restauration";
$lang['Talenttrees']['Warlock']['Affliction'] = "Affliction";
$lang['Talenttrees']['Warlock']['Demonology'] = " Démonologie";
$lang['Talenttrees']['Warlock']['Destruction'] = "Destruction";
$lang['Talenttrees']['Warrior']['Arms'] = "Armes";
$lang['Talenttrees']['Warrior']['Fury'] = "Fureur";
$lang['Talenttrees']['Warrior']['Protection'] = "Protection";
$lang['misc']['Rank'] = "Rang";
$lang['guild_short'] = "Guild";
$lang['character_short'] = "Char.";
$lang['skill_short'] = "Prof";
$lang['reputation_short'] = "Repu.";
$lang['equipment_short'] = "Equip";
$lang['talents_short'] = "Talent";
$lang['started'] = "Démarré";
$lang['finished'] = "Fini";
$lang['armorySyncTitle_Char'] = "ArmorySync pour Characters";
$lang['armorySyncTitle_Guild'] = "ArmorySync pour Guilds";
$lang['armorySyncTitle_Guildmembers'] = "ArmorySync pour Guildmemberlists";
$lang['armorySyncTitle_Realm'] = "ArmorySync pour Realms";
$lang['next_to_update'] = "Prochaine mise à jour : ";
$lang['nothing_to_do'] = "Rien à faire en ce moment";
$this->messages .= ' - '.$this->chars[$mainid]['name'].' written as main without alts<br/>'."\n";
poetter wrote:i'm not sure about the case of the 'name' parameter. i will debug the upload of a cp.lua and will find out.
poetter wrote:Yes the talent icons are from the old addon and very buggy. i already fixed some of them(silly work. have to comapre icon by icon with the armory). the shaman one was not one of them. Will add it to my todo list.
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