ArmorySync 2.6 beta svn[234] for Roster 2.0 Beta

Sync Blizzards' Armory data with WoWRoster (addon depreciated no longer works see ApiSync)

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ArmorySync 2.6 beta svn[224] for Roster 2.0 Beta

Postby Minishadow » Wed Sep 19, 2007 12:48 am

Hello, I tested out and get this error every time I try to sync anything.

Code: Select all
Fatal error: Call to a member function hasProp() on a non-object in /home/www-data/htdocs/b/bloodsouls/wr/addons/armorysync/inc/armorysync.class.php on line 265

there are 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary and those who don't.
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Re: ArmorySync 2.6 beta svn[224] for Roster 2.0 Beta

Postby poetter » Wed Sep 19, 2007 1:57 am

Hi all,

i updated the archive. changes are:
- fixed max value of class skills poison and lockpicking
- replaced all url's with a makelink() created one
- replaced mb_convert_encoding with a more compatible workaround
- Added ClassEn, RaceEn and Power to CharacterInfos
- changed to use faction reputation from the base locales
- played more with templates. started to code armorysyncjob.show_status with templates (not activated yet)

I got a new PC today and have to transfer my current harddisk to the new system. That means i will be off today, maybe tomorrow. (Installing all the applications again takes its time).

I've seen the newly reported problems and will take when i'm back.

Don't worry. I'll be back
cu poetter
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ArmorySync 2.6 beta svn[225] for Roster 2.0 Beta

Postby figarotic » Wed Sep 19, 2007 6:53 am

Armorysync 225, starts on first char, but then stops saying:
Addon Error
The addon [guild] has not been installed yet

or if i run it another time: roster error: The module [guild-armorysync-guild] does not exist

my roster diag here:
(please dont click it for fun, its live-generating and might slow down the server).
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ArmorySync 2.6 beta svn[225] for Roster 2.0 Beta

Postby Aross » Wed Sep 19, 2007 9:53 am

is the latest svn work with the latest svn of beta? i will try with multi server and guilds.. ? Just checking before i get this all up and running:)
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ArmorySync 2.6 beta svn[225] for Roster 2.0 Beta

Postby mrmuskrat » Wed Sep 19, 2007 10:05 am

I upgraded to 225 and I'm getting a different PHP error now during the Armory Sync.

Notice line 389: strtotime(): Called with empty time parameter
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Re: ArmorySync 2.6 beta svn[225] for Roster 2.0 Beta

Postby poetter » Wed Sep 19, 2007 3:06 pm

figarotic wrote:Armorysync 225, starts on first char, but then stops saying:
Addon Error
The addon [guild] has not been installed yet

or if i run it another time: roster error: The module [guild-armorysync-guild] does not exist

my roster diag here:
(please dont click it for fun, its live-generating and might slow down the server).

That might have to do with the makelink function. It automatically adds the scope and (member=.., guild=.., and realm=...). It was working though without alternative urls enabled. I fixed that already. Will release it soon. As of than try turning alternative urls off.
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Re: ArmorySync 2.6 beta svn[225] for Roster 2.0 Beta

Postby poetter » Wed Sep 19, 2007 3:07 pm

Aross wrote:is the latest svn work with the latest svn of beta? i will try with multi server and guilds.. ? Just checking before i get this all up and running:)

yes it does
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Re: ArmorySync 2.6 beta svn[225] for Roster 2.0 Beta

Postby poetter » Wed Sep 19, 2007 3:08 pm

mrmuskrat wrote:I upgraded to 225 and I'm getting a different PHP error now during the Armory Sync.

Notice line 389: strtotime(): Called with empty time parameter

try reading the threat. a solution is in there.
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ArmorySync 2.6 beta svn[225] for Roster 2.0 Beta

Postby deminus » Wed Sep 19, 2007 5:49 pm

Need help ^^
look my roster it's the war ...

PHP Errors
Notice line 929: Undefined offset: 1
Notice line 930: Undefined offset: 1
Roster Notice line 1188: Failed to Parse "Cape immaculée des coeurs purs": [28765:2662:0:0:0:0:0:606544596] (frFR) colorToolTip() used
105 Armure
+22 Endurance
+23 Intelligence
Source : Karazhan
Boss : Prince Malchezaar
Chances de butin : Basse (15% - 24%)
Roster Notice line 1188: Failed to Parse "Robe de la mascarade": [28578:1144:0:0:0:0:0:765996053] (frFR) colorToolTip() used
194 Armure
+34 Endurance
+32 Intelligence
Durabilité : 100 / 100
Source : Karazhan
Boss : Julianne
Chances de butin : Moyenne (25% - 49%)
Roster Notice line 1188: Failed to Parse "Bottes de l'incorrompu": [28663:0:0:0:0:0:0:811839312] (frFR) colorToolTip() used
134 Armure
+24 Endurance
+24 Intelligence
+23 Esprit
Durabilité : 50 / 50
Source : Karazhan
Boss : Ombre d'Aran
Chances de butin : Basse (15% - 24%)
Roster Notice line 1188: Failed to Parse "Chevalière pourpre du grand guérisseur": [29290:0:0:0:0:0:0:2042000488] (frFR) colorToolTip() used
+24 Endurance
+23 Intelligence
+17 Esprit
Source : Réc. Réputation
Roster Notice line 1188: Failed to Parse "Anneau-coeur du soigneur": [28661:0:0:0:0:0:0:-2043790670] (frFR) colorToolTip() used
+18 Endurance
+21 Intelligence
+19 Esprit
Source : Karazhan
Boss : Terestian Malsabot
Chances de butin : Basse (15% - 24%)
Roster Notice line 1188: Failed to Parse "Gants des saintes bénédictions": [28508:2322:0:0:0:0:0:1355211131] (frFR) colorToolTip() used
121 Armure
+27 Endurance
+25 Intelligence
+25 Esprit
Durabilité : 35 / 35
Source : Karazhan
Boss : Attumen le Veneur
Chances de butin : Basse (15% - 24%)
Roster Notice line 1188: Failed to Parse "Cercle lumineux des incarnés": [29049:3001:0:0:0:0:0:0] (frFR) colorToolTip() used
164 Armure
+28 Endurance
+34 Intelligence
+25 Esprit
Durabilité : 60 / 60
Roster Notice line 1188: Failed to Parse "Pantalon de la blanche guérison": [24261:2746:0:0:0:0:0:338542392] (frFR) colorToolTip() used
156 Armure
+21 Endurance
+21 Intelligence
Durabilité : 75 / 75
Roster Notice line 1188: Failed to Parse "Eclat du Vertueux": [28522:2343:0:0:0:0:0:1734549143] (frFR) colorToolTip() used
(41.3 points de dégâts par seconde)
+22 Endurance
+20 Intelligence
Durabilité : 105 / 105
Source : Karazhan
Boss : Damoiselle de vertu
Chances de butin : Basse (15% - 24%)
Roster Notice line 1188: Failed to Parse "Talisman de l'éperon d'ambre": [28609:0:0:0:0:0:0:853029415] (frFR) colorToolTip() used
Source : Karazhan
Boss : Plaie-de-nuit
Chances de butin : Basse (15% - 24%)
Roster Notice line 1188: Failed to Parse "Baguette de sorcier en diamant bleu": [28588:0:0:0:0:0:0:1500020788] (frFR) colorToolTip() used
(161.0 points de dégâts par seconde)
+13 Intelligence
+11 Esprit
Durabilité : 75 / 75
Source : Karazhan
Boss : La Mégère
Chances de butin : Moyenne (25% - 49%)
Roster Notice line 1188: Failed to Parse "Saphir apaisant d'Aran": [28728:0:0:0:0:0:0:-1801201014] (frFR) colorToolTip() used
+22 Intelligence
Source : Karazhan
Boss : Ombre d'Aran
Chances de butin : Basse (15% - 24%)
Roster Notice line 1188: Failed to Parse "Espauliers du donneur de paix": [28612:2993:0:0:0:0:0:1809044774] (frFR) colorToolTip() used
146 Armure
+28 Intelligence
+22 Esprit
Durabilité : 60 / 60
Source : Karazhan
Boss : Le conservateur
Chances de butin : Basse (15% - 24%)
Roster Notice line 1188: Failed to Parse "Tabard de guilde": [5976:0:0:0:0:0:0:0] (frFR) colorToolTip() used
Source : Marchand
Roster Notice line 1188: Failed to Parse "Carotte et bâton": [11122:0:0:0:0:0:0:1124863104] (frFR) colorToolTip() used
Source : Réc. de quête
Roster Notice line 1188: Failed to Parse "Scarabée du cycle infini": [28190:0:0:0:0:0:0:1746939442] (frFR) colorToolTip() used
Source : Le Noir Marécage
Boss : Aeonus
Chances de butin : Basse (15% - 24%)
Roster Notice line 1188: Failed to Parse "Corde de croyance": [27542:0:0:0:0:0:0:1690133811] (frFR) colorToolTip() used
88 Armure
+23 Intelligence
+20 Esprit
Durabilité : 30 / 30
Source : Les enclos aux esclaves (Héroïque)
Boss : Mennu le Traître
Chances de butin : Basse (15% - 24%)
Roster Notice line 1188: Failed to Parse "Poignets d'inhérence": [28511:2617:0:0:0:0:0:1466113687] (frFR) colorToolTip() used
85 Armure
+22 Endurance
+18 Intelligence
+20 Esprit
Durabilité : 35 / 35
Source : Karazhan
Boss : Damoiselle de vertu
Chances de butin : Basse (15% - 24%)
Notice line 929: Undefined offset: 1
Notice line 930: Undefined offset: 1
Roster Notice line 1188: Failed to Parse "Cape immaculée des coeurs purs": [28765:2662:0:0:0:0:0:606544596] (frFR) colorToolTip() used
105 Armure
+22 Endurance
+23 Intelligence
Source : Karazhan
Boss : Prince Malchezaar
Chances de butin : Basse (15% - 24%)
Roster Notice line 1188: Failed to Parse "Robe de la mascarade": [28578:1144:0:0:0:0:0:765996053] (frFR) colorToolTip() used
194 Armure
+34 Endurance
+32 Intelligence
Durabilité : 100 / 100
Source : Karazhan
Boss : Julianne
Chances de butin : Moyenne (25% - 49%)
Roster Notice line 1188: Failed to Parse "Bottes de l'incorrompu": [28663:0:0:0:0:0:0:811839312] (frFR) colorToolTip() used
134 Armure
+24 Endurance
+24 Intelligence
+23 Esprit
Durabilité : 50 / 50
Source : Karazhan
Boss : Ombre d'Aran
Chances de butin : Basse (15% - 24%)
Roster Notice line 1188: Failed to Parse "Chevalière pourpre du grand guérisseur": [29290:0:0:0:0:0:0:2042000488] (frFR) colorToolTip() used
+24 Endurance
+23 Intelligence
+17 Esprit
Source : Réc. Réputation
Roster Notice line 1188: Failed to Parse "Anneau-coeur du soigneur": [28661:0:0:0:0:0:0:-2043790670] (frFR) colorToolTip() used
+18 Endurance
+21 Intelligence
+19 Esprit
Source : Karazhan
Boss : Terestian Malsabot
Chances de butin : Basse (15% - 24%)
Roster Notice line 1188: Failed to Parse "Gants des saintes bénédictions": [28508:2322:0:0:0:0:0:1355211131] (frFR) colorToolTip() used
121 Armure
+27 Endurance
+25 Intelligence
+25 Esprit
Durabilité : 35 / 35
Source : Karazhan
Boss : Attumen le Veneur
Chances de butin : Basse (15% - 24%)
Roster Notice line 1188: Failed to Parse "Cercle lumineux des incarnés": [29049:3001:0:0:0:0:0:0] (frFR) colorToolTip() used
164 Armure
+28 Endurance
+34 Intelligence
+25 Esprit
Durabilité : 60 / 60
Roster Notice line 1188: Failed to Parse "Pantalon de la blanche guérison": [24261:2746:0:0:0:0:0:338542392] (frFR) colorToolTip() used
156 Armure
+21 Endurance
+21 Intelligence
Durabilité : 75 / 75
Roster Notice line 1188: Failed to Parse "Eclat du Vertueux": [28522:2343:0:0:0:0:0:1734549143] (frFR) colorToolTip() used
(41.3 points de dégâts par seconde)
+22 Endurance
+20 Intelligence
Durabilité : 105 / 105
Source : Karazhan
Boss : Damoiselle de vertu
Chances de butin : Basse (15% - 24%)
Roster Notice line 1188: Failed to Parse "Talisman de l'éperon d'ambre": [28609:0:0:0:0:0:0:853029415] (frFR) colorToolTip() used
Source : Karazhan
Boss : Plaie-de-nuit
Chances de butin : Basse (15% - 24%)
Roster Notice line 1188: Failed to Parse "Baguette de sorcier en diamant bleu": [28588:0:0:0:0:0:0:1500020788] (frFR) colorToolTip() used
(161.0 points de dégâts par seconde)
+13 Intelligence
+11 Esprit
Durabilité : 75 / 75
Source : Karazhan
Boss : La Mégère
Chances de butin : Moyenne (25% - 49%)
Roster Notice line 1188: Failed to Parse "Saphir apaisant d'Aran": [28728:0:0:0:0:0:0:-1801201014] (frFR) colorToolTip() used
+22 Intelligence
Source : Karazhan
Boss : Ombre d'Aran
Chances de butin : Basse (15% - 24%)
Roster Notice line 1188: Failed to Parse "Espauliers du donneur de paix": [28612:2993:0:0:0:0:0:1809044774] (frFR) colorToolTip() used
146 Armure
+28 Intelligence
+22 Esprit
Durabilité : 60 / 60
Source : Karazhan
Boss : Le conservateur
Chances de butin : Basse (15% - 24%)
Roster Notice line 1188: Failed to Parse "Tabard de guilde": [5976:0:0:0:0:0:0:0] (frFR) colorToolTip() used
Source : Marchand
Roster Notice line 1188: Failed to Parse "Carotte et bâton": [11122:0:0:0:0:0:0:1124863104] (frFR) colorToolTip() used
Source : Réc. de quête
Roster Notice line 1188: Failed to Parse "Scarabée du cycle infini": [28190:0:0:0:0:0:0:1746939442] (frFR) colorToolTip() used
Source : Le Noir Marécage
Boss : Aeonus
Chances de butin : Basse (15% - 24%)
Roster Notice line 1188: Failed to Parse "Corde de croyance": [27542:0:0:0:0:0:0:1690133811] (frFR) colorToolTip() used
88 Armure
+23 Intelligence
+20 Esprit
Durabilité : 30 / 30
Source : Les enclos aux esclaves (Héroïque)
Boss : Mennu le Traître
Chances de butin : Basse (15% - 24%)
Roster Notice line 1188: Failed to Parse "Poignets d'inhérence": [28511:2617:0:0:0:0:0:1466113687] (frFR) colorToolTip() used
85 Armure
+22 Endurance
+18 Intelligence
+20 Esprit
Durabilité : 35 / 35
Source : Karazhan
Boss : Damoiselle de vertu
Chances de butin : Basse (15% - 24%)
Notice line 560: Undefined index: �Prêtre
Notice line 560: Undefined index: �Prêtre
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ArmorySync 2.6 beta svn[225] for Roster 2.0 Beta

Postby deminus » Wed Sep 19, 2007 6:00 pm

I think it's french traduction wrong ....
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ArmorySync 2.6 beta svn[225] for Roster 2.0 Beta

Postby Diska » Wed Sep 19, 2007 6:02 pm

No it's not, it's a known problem with ArmorySync & the item parser. Try reading the first post in this thread
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ArmorySync 2.6 beta svn[225] for Roster 2.0 Beta

Postby deminus » Wed Sep 19, 2007 7:17 pm

right but i can't put off sql debug message in my roster.
Why? i don't known.
I switch it off but it's not work.

Other probleme: the date of update is 1970 :shock:
Last edited by deminus on Wed Sep 19, 2007 7:20 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: ArmorySync 2.6 beta svn[224] for Roster 2.0 Beta

Postby figarotic » Wed Sep 19, 2007 7:42 pm

Minishadow wrote:Hello, I tested out and get this error every time I try to sync anything.

Code: Select all
Fatal error: Call to a member function hasProp() on a non-object in /home/www-data/htdocs/b/bloodsouls/wr/addons/armorysync/inc/armorysync.class.php on line 265

Me too. same error and line number, after turning alternative links off.
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Re: ArmorySync 2.6 beta svn[225] for Roster 2.0 Beta

Postby Diska » Wed Sep 19, 2007 8:24 pm

deminus wrote:right but i can't put off sql debug message in my roster.
Why? i don't known.

If you read the stickies in the BETA forum you *will* know.
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Re: ArmorySync 2.6 beta svn[224] for Roster 2.0 Beta

Postby Minishadow » Wed Sep 19, 2007 10:47 pm

figarotic wrote:
Minishadow wrote:Hello, I tested out and get this error every time I try to sync anything.

Code: Select all
Fatal error: Call to a member function hasProp() on a non-object in /home/www-data/htdocs/b/bloodsouls/wr/addons/armorysync/inc/armorysync.class.php on line 265

Me too. same error and line number, after turning alternative links off.

Thanks for the tip, but me Webhoster doesn't support alternate links

there are 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary and those who don't.
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Wer in die Fußstapfen eines großen Mannes tritt hinterläßt keine eigenen.
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