PleegWat wrote:This bug was fixed in 1330
I stand corrected... 
With Firefox, sorting IS already done well right now.
I'm using
1329 - so, soon, server (client ?) sorting will work fine for "other browsers" as well.
I decided to play with the $lang['timeformat'] (line 151 in localization/frFR.php)
Assigning something like this:
- Code: Select all
$lang['timeformat'] = '%W, %d %M %Y, %l:%i';
did yield me English names for months and days, like
Saturday, 25 August 2007, 12:36
This is normal, because when I asked my mySQL directly what language it speaks natively:
- Code: Select all
SELECT @@lc_time_names;
It responded:
- Code: Select all
This is nasty.
mySQL isn't informed that in France everything should be in French, otherwise yet another 'USA' debate will be started
The language has to be set after logging in
and before selecting the data base, so, I went straight to lib/dbal/mysql.php, line 102, and after this:
- Code: Select all
mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'");
mysql_query("SET CHARACTER SET 'utf8'");
I put this
- Code: Select all
mysql_query("SET lc_time_names = 'fr_FR'");
Now, my dates and time stuff is all French, like this:
samedi, 25 août 2007, 12:36 - respecting the timeformat to the letter.
I know, this is a hard coded patch, deep down in the constructor where db access is made. Languages things aren't know there.
I understand also that a mere 25/08/2007, 12:36 (as it is right now) is more easily, but maybe I just didn't saw a cleaner possibility of implementing this. (but I doubt).
Going from esES to es_ES, frFR to fr_FR, usUS to us_US and deDE to de_DE should be one big 'if select case' somewhere.
Surely, this is not a hot item, and more a feature. But hey, were in beta time, everything should be mentioned and discussed
PS : I just asked the guy that ‘knows about this stuff’ at my hoster ( – quit a big guy in this business).
He said: “for compatibility reasons – its better for us when defaulting to us_US – all good soft is English (SQL) speaking anyway (…..). Otherwise all hell breaks loose when we make to much stuff ‘local’….)
Translated: do it yourself! As stated above.