RaidTracker and Roster 2.0

Track raids, bosskills, loot with the ct_raidtracker enhanced WoW Addon

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RaidTracker and Roster 2.0

Postby PoloDude » Tue Sep 11, 2007 1:09 am

As all know i've been 'maintaining' couple of roster addons over the years:
- ItemSets
- Event Calendar
- RaidTracker
- DKPStats

With the release of the new roster 2.0 there will be loads of work converting those, so plz give me some time to do the works :wink:
I'm definatly going to update ItemSets, RaidTracker and DKPStats as those are addons we use on the roster ourselfs, Event Calendar will keep a bit in the dark but if i finish the other 3 i'm certain to have a look at it.

The order i will be updating these addons i'm not certain atm but i'll be posting updates here on the forum. This week i'm leaving the country, no i haven't killed anyone but i need a break :@: 8) Once i'm back i'll be looking into them.

Keep watching! ;)
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Re: RaidTracker and Roster 2.0

Postby Movix » Thu Oct 25, 2007 5:44 pm

Concerning GEM i know that Kiki (the Autor) is working on version 3.
I guess that there will be a lot of changes, also in the SV structure.
So it would be the best to wait for the release of GEM 3.
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Re: RaidTracker and Roster 2.0

Postby Movix » Tue Nov 20, 2007 9:10 pm

first info


the format will change, but only top level structure, not internal data structures (well, there will be changes, but slightly).

It will be something like that:

GEM_Events = {
["realms"] = {
["Archimonde"] = {
["events"] = { -- Event struct, indexed by EventID

And the event struct is like this (so far)

GEM_Event = { -- Event struct
["id"] = STR --
["channel"] = STR --
["leader"] = STR --
["ev_date"] = INT -- UTC time of event
["deadline"] = INT or NIL -- UTC time of signup deadline (Nil if no deadline)
["ev_place"] = STR --
["ev_comment"] = STR --
["update_time"] = INT -- UTC time of last event modification
["max_count"] = INT --
["min_lvl"] = INT --
["max_lvl"] = INT --
["classes"] = array of GEM_Limit -- Classes limits (indexed by class name)
["roles"] = array of GEM_Limit -- Roles limits (indexed by role name)
["players"] = array of GEM_Player -- All subscriptions received (and rejects), indexed by name
["sorttype"] = INT -- Sorting plugin's unique id
["closed_comment"] = STR or NIL -- Closed reason if event is closed, nil otherwise
-- Runtime built values
["tit_count"] = INT
["sub_count"] = INT
["repl_count"] = INT
["rej_count"] = INT
} ... c&start=15
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Re: RaidTracker and Roster 2.0

Postby Gaxme » Fri Feb 08, 2008 12:58 am

Just so there is no duplication in effort, I am working on a raidtracker version for the 2.0 release. The main idea behind the program is taken from PoloDude's original version, but a significant portion of the code is being rewritten to handle the new roster functionality and to make later modifications easier. (Like adding additional tracking if the raidtracker changes.)

I have contacted Eris and asked to have char/guild/server/etc information included in the MLDKP addon so that the new raidtracker can handle multiple guilds in a realm and be more useful overall.

Currently I'm working on the data storage implementation. There's a lot left to be done, so be patient. I'll release a beta when I feel it can be accurately used without too many problems. I will not release early, so please don't ask. ;) I have just enough time to squeeze in some coding, and no time to answer questions or troubleshoot additional installations.

Data upload and view is based on roster authentication levels.

I am building in the following functionality for the scopes:

Realm: View boss kills, loot drops
Guild: View raids, boss kills, loot drops, attendance
Character: View loot, bosses killed
Admin: Flag raids/loot/attendants as 'deleted' so it is not displayed. (Actual data deletion will not stop the raid from being uploaded again.)

The following is a list of configuration options that I currently have flagged to provide:

Minimum CT Raidtracker version
Global Enable/Disable
Admin Access Level
Upload Access Level
View Access Level
Active linking to internal roster or the armory
Configurable armory search string (in case it changes)
Date display format
Image Format (gif/jpg/png)
Images Location
DB transaction enable (in case the mysql struct changes to support it)

Item Options
Global store items flag (on or off)
Minimum rarity for item storage
Store players per loot (must also be activated in the addon)
Combine loot - Display option for whether to show single lines per loot or concat all users into one line per unique item. (may be removed)

Raid Options
Expand Raids (start display expanded or not)
Merge raids - Whether to collate raid data or store unique raids if data matching occurs
Store Unknown - Flag to store raids in unknown zones
Store Pre-BC - Flag to store old world raids
Store BC - Flag to store BC raids
Store WLK - Flag to store WLK raids (for expansion)

Attendance Options
Global store attendance flag (on or off)
Leaves - Store player leaves

Boss Options
Global store bosses flag (on or off)
OldWorld Bosses - Flag to store old world bosses
BC Bosses - Flag to store BC bosses
WLK Bosses - Flag to store WLK bosses (for expansion)

If anyone has features/suggestions they would like to see provided, I'd be happy to field them on this thread.

Edits: Removed global enable/disable raid storage, since all related items are linked to those raids. Also removed itemstats, since we have armory functionality to handle this. Removed enable/disable joins options, since having attendance enabled should cover this.
Last edited by Gaxme on Tue Feb 12, 2008 11:33 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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RaidTracker and Roster 2.0

Postby zanix » Fri Feb 08, 2008 10:41 am

There is an armory class in Roster that could possibly be used in addition to or instead of itemstats, since it (itemstats) is no longer being developed
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Re: RaidTracker and Roster 2.0

Postby Gaxme » Fri Feb 08, 2008 11:02 pm

zanix wrote:There is an armory class in Roster that could possibly be used in addition to or instead of itemstats, since it (itemstats) is no longer being developed

Ooh! Thanks for the pointer, I'll check that out.
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Re: RaidTracker and Roster 2.0

Postby kalideda » Tue Feb 19, 2008 5:02 pm

thanks for working on that, i'm waiting for such a tool for a long time :)
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RaidTracker and Roster 2.0

Postby Tupsi » Thu Feb 21, 2008 7:26 pm

I was wondering how the import will be done.

Old style ctra xml cut&paste, or will there be even the possibility to upload the .lua file (with stuff like UU)?

As its for roster the 2nd version seems more "natural" then the old one tbh.

If its not, please consider it as a feature request.
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Re: RaidTracker and Roster 2.0

Postby Gaxme » Thu Feb 21, 2008 9:56 pm

Tupsi wrote:I was wondering how the import will be done.

Old style ctra xml cut&paste, or will there be even the possibility to upload the .lua file (with stuff like UU)?

As its for roster the 2nd version seems more "natural" then the old one tbh.

If its not, please consider it as a feature request.

It's all handled by lua files. (The previous incarnations were as well.) So far as I can tell, it also handles data import from the old-school (Pre-DKPmod) raidtracker, though support for that is extremely limited.

If anyone in a raiding crew has a chance, I could really use some data for extra testing. Head over to ... topic=65.0 and grab the newest version and get some raid data stored and upload the Lua files here for me?

It'd be much appreciated.

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RaidTracker and Roster 2.0

Postby Tupsi » Fri Feb 22, 2008 9:30 pm

have one from last night, will upload when I get home from work.
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Re: RaidTracker and Roster 2.0

Postby Gaxme » Fri Feb 22, 2008 10:59 pm

Thank you, I'll keep an eye out for it.
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Re: RaidTracker and Roster 2.0

Postby DrSuSE » Mon Feb 25, 2008 8:19 am

Here is my data file from the last few days.

Thanks for the effort, I miss raid tracking a lot.
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RaidTracker and Roster 2.0

Postby Tupsi » Tue Feb 26, 2008 10:04 pm

finaly... :roll: some data, enjoy.

Would really love to see this addon going, keeping track of attendance atm is a realy pain I hope to cure with your addon.
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Last edited by Tupsi on Tue Feb 26, 2008 10:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: RaidTracker and Roster 2.0

Postby Gaxme » Tue Feb 26, 2008 11:41 pm

Great, thank you, folks.
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Re: RaidTracker and Roster 2.0

Postby Beebob » Fri Feb 29, 2008 6:59 am

My guild is "demanding" the addon RaidTracker - right now - so i for one will definately help testing/bug-fixing.

Just be sure to link the exact version of "WoW addon RaidTracker" to use, because there are a lot of version out there - and not all are "up-to-date" :)

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