siggen[v0.2.6] Incorrect path to fonts

A signature and avatar generator addon

Moderator: zanix

siggen[v0.2.6] Incorrect path to fonts

Postby AxeBane » Mon Sep 10, 2007 1:50 am

Fresh install of roster 1.73 and siggen 0.2.6. After install, going to sigen config page. Choose a charactor sig in test preview comes up fine. Change to another toon and it works as well.

But change anything else on page, ie. button for save image, class image pack scroll-down, and the preview window displays the following error message


SigGen SQL Queries
checkDb: SHOW TABLES LIKE 'roster_addon_siggen';
getDbData: SELECT * FROM `roster_addon_siggen` WHERE `config_id` = 'signature';
getDbData: SELECT * FROM `roster_addon_siggen` WHERE `config_id` = 'signature';
getDbList: SELECT `name` FROM `roster_members` WHERE `guild_id` = '1';
getDbColumns: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `roster_players`

SQL Queries
SELECT `config_name`, `config_value` FROM `roster_config` ORDER BY `id` ASC;
SELECT * FROM `roster_guild` WHERE `guild_name` = 'The Dark Exalted' AND `server` = 'Exodar'
SHOW TABLES LIKE 'roster_addon_siggen';
SELECT * FROM `roster_addon_siggen` WHERE `config_id` = 'signature';
SELECT * FROM `roster_addon_siggen` WHERE `config_id` = 'signature';
SELECT `name` FROM `roster_members` WHERE `guild_id` = '1';
SHOW COLUMNS FROM `roster_players`
SELECT `guild_id`, `guild_dateupdatedutc` FROM `roster_guild` WHERE `guild_name` = 'The Dark Exalted' AND `server` ='Exodar'
SELECT IF(`note` LIKE '%alt-%',1,0) AS 'isalt',
FLOOR(`level`/10) AS levelgroup,
COUNT(`level`) AS amount,
SUM(`level`) AS sum
FROM `roster_members`
GROUP BY isalt, levelgroup
ORDER BY isalt ASC, levelgroup DESC
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siggen[v0.2.6] Incorrect path to fonts

Postby zanix » Mon Sep 10, 2007 1:59 am

Make sure the error image isn't cached in your browser
Try clearing it and view the problem image again

And next time, please just provide a direct link to the image, not a copy of the error
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siggen[v0.2.6] Incorrect path to fonts

Postby AxeBane » Mon Sep 10, 2007 7:32 am

Cache clear, same eroor msg

link --> ... siggen.php?

From page ... ame=siggen

Create on the fly sigs fail also ... xeBane.png

Select restore to defaults and everything works, select save images or even just select save settings without touching anything and the error pops back up

Second machine, firefox this time instaed of IE, same thing
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siggen[v0.2.6] Incorrect path to fonts

Postby zanix » Mon Sep 10, 2007 7:51 am

Hmm, check all the font settings and make sure they are set to something

Skills, level, and all the text fields
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siggen[v0.2.6] Incorrect path to fonts

Postby AxeBane » Mon Sep 10, 2007 9:12 am

Not trying to be dense here. :) All the fields are default. The siggen is plain jane no changes. The skills, level and text fields are full. The fonts appear to be working. Here's a pic of the screen. You can see the sig at the top works right after "restore to default" It has all the fields filled in and the text is good. The fields below show default settings. If save settings is pressed here then it breaks. The only other thing I see is the directory lines all point to folders in the siggen\img folder, but that folder does not hold a fonts folder

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siggen[v0.2.6] Incorrect path to fonts

Postby zanix » Mon Sep 10, 2007 10:19 am

Check all the text settings and make sure they say something other than --None--
SigGen Text
text_1.jpg (87.46 KiB) Viewed 823 times
SigGen Text
text_2.jpg (37.27 KiB) Viewed 822 times
SigGen Text
text_3.jpg (70.68 KiB) Viewed 822 times
SigGen Text
text_4.jpg (103.79 KiB) Viewed 823 times
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siggen[v0.2.6] Incorrect path to fonts

Postby AxeBane » Mon Sep 10, 2007 1:35 pm

I understand now. The reset to default zeros out the fonts. Set them to other than blank. Works like a champ. Thank you Zanix
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siggen[v0.2.6] Incorrect path to fonts

Postby zanix » Mon Sep 10, 2007 11:46 pm

No problem, glad its fixed
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