svn 1314 - UPDATED: guild not being checked against rules

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svn 1314 - UPDATED: guild not being checked against rules

Postby Doom0r » Sun Sep 09, 2007 7:03 am

Base info:

OS: Debian etch
Apache: 2.2
MySQL: 5.0
PHP: 5.0

Roster info:

Version: svn 1314
Imagepack: 2.1.3
External Addons: none

Profiler info:

Character Profiler: 2.1.1
Guild Profiler: 2.1.0


Initially on update, character was not being accepted with the sole rule being ALLOW Guild: Refined, Server: Mannoroth, Region: US. I then made a single character rule being ALLOW Character: Fearlessdoom, Server: Mannoroth, Region: US. This allowed the character to be uploaded, but the guild was Guildless-A.

Further, it continues to allow uploading of a character if they are in the roster, even though no Upload Rules allow them. Intentional?

Workaround: None known.
only area with any checks to any rules is circle in pic, sorry bout size, i run dualhead
noguildcheck.jpg (446.64 KiB) Viewed 703 times
Last edited by Doom0r on Sun Sep 09, 2007 8:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: svn 1314 - No guild rules being checked by

Postby Doom0r » Sun Sep 09, 2007 8:46 am

New message field for separation of thoughts chronologically.

So, I was a little hasty in thinking it wasn't checking the guild rules. I see how the character updating if the character already exists is intentional and why.

So here's the new actual problem:

1 character, freshly wiped SQL tables, character is guilded (Refined), 1 rule for guild: Refined, server: Mannoroth, region: US

It looks like it's checking Fearlessdoom (character name) against the ruleset (which is only guild names) and not checking Refined (guild name) against the rule set. This can be seen in the newly attached picture under the update.lib.php section at lines 333 and 355. You can see it's parsing Fearlessdoom, Mannoroth, and US from the saved variables lua, but not the guild name.

Also attached is my characterprofiler.lua with sensitive info replaced with 0's i.e. vent ip's and web ips, all else is perfectly intact.
the lua we are attempting this upload with
(105.23 KiB) Downloaded 270 times
guild checking failing due to lacking variable being parsed from lua?
guildcheckfailed.jpg (252.78 KiB) Viewed 691 times
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Re: svn 1314 - No guild rules being checked by

Postby Doom0r » Tue Sep 11, 2007 12:25 pm

so, anybody look at this or try the characterprofiler.lua?
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svn 1314 - UPDATED: guild not being checked against rules

Postby zanix » Tue Sep 11, 2007 12:36 pm

I think if a member/player is already accepted, roster will continue to allow updates to that character

Currently there isn't a way to remove characters from roster either
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