Postgres support

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Postgres support

Postby Mathuin » Sun Sep 09, 2007 5:05 am

I am building a guild website on a server that uses Postgresql not MySQL. phpBB2 comes with Postgresql support. I have hacked phpRaider to use Postgresql, and that took about a day to get 90% of the functionality present, including shared logins with phpBB2. Has anyone done this, however informally? I saw nothing when I searched the forums, and the wiki just says MySQL is supported.

How difficult will it be to get Roster to do the right thing? The lion's share of phpRaider modifications were redoing the database schema, removing all the backticks, and replacing mysql commands with pg equivalents -- mysql_connect/mysql_select_db to pg_connect, mysql_query to pg_query, mysql_error to pg_last_error, mysql_close to pg_close, you get the idea. If all the database code is in one file then it'll be a lot easier. If there's like eighty database calls in twenty files, that'll be a bit harder.

Thanks for any information or support you can provide!
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Postgres support

Postby zanix » Sun Sep 09, 2007 5:59 am

Mathuin and I had a conversation on the IRC chat room

There is alot of SQL queries in many, many files in Roster
The calls to mysql functions are abstracted, using lib/wowdb.php
$wowdb->connect, $wowdb->query, etc...
Alot of the sql also uses mysql specific queries as well

This might take more than an hour lunch break, but we are more than happy to offer any help if we can
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Postgres support

Postby PleegWat » Sun Sep 09, 2007 6:01 am

All db code is in lib/wowdb.php for roster 1.7.3. The queries however are all over. You may want to run a string replace in wowdb::query rather than changing all of the queries

For 1.8, in theory, there is support for multiple db engines, but I'm not sure how easy it is in practice.
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