/gp export for the guild of your main character
Log off
Manually change the guild name in CharacterProfiler.lua to "Myguild"
Manually change the members to show only your characters and your friends. Rank 1 for all your characters, Rank 2 for my Brother's, Rank 3 for my cousin, etc...
Upload to your own "Myguild" website
Why would I want to do that in Roster 2.0 ?
Because my friends and I are not always part of the same guild and the features for guilds are way more advanced than just displaying a character profile (e.g.: craft, keys, quests, bank).
When I try to do the same with Roster 2.0, after an upload I get the message:
- Code: Select all
Error while parsing CharacterProfiler after 0 seconds
LUA parsing error. Are you sure this is a SavedVariables file?
Could it be because now Roster 2.0 correctly checks for the timestamp? :
- Code: Select all
["timestamp"] = {
["Members"] = 1189204120,
["init"] = {
["datakey"] = "eu:2.1.3:6898",
["TimeStamp"] = 1189204120,
["Date"] = "2007-09-07 23:28:40",
["ServerTime"] = "00:27",
["DateUTC"] = "2007-09-07 22:28:40",
P.S.: I have tried to upload my CharacterProfiler.lua without changing it and it works with my Main's guild, so the error only comes from modifying guild name in GP information.
Many thanks for your help