I ask DS to help him with madeby adaptation.
I make it a "basic" conversion with almost all working same as version 1.7.3 don't have any new options and use the same functions/system.
I'm not a php programmer, I'm really a newbie

-PHP5 compatibility.
-Clean localization files (please someone can test french?).
-Deleted old commented code.
-Guild & realm scope now only get info from selected guilds&realms
-Use makelink(); from roster2 (i think DF compliant)
-Corrected data_links tooltips

-Installation with svn1500.
-makelink again with &a:c= and &a:g= svn1550.
-Fix regex wand & enchantments.
-SQL query system to 2 multi arrays, get Specialization from crafter at one!
-Added Source and Skill recipes.
-Welcome to new real multilanguage support, now translate every recipe to same locale and merge from whatever user locale.
-Added Quality Filter.
-corrected href #id without spaces and htmlspecialchars and corrected urls.
Thanks to Ackis (ackis at shaw dot ca) by Wow addon 'AckisRecipeList' and his recipe DB.
Best Regards